
Team Structure

History of U+1
Team FAQ
Contact U+1
Join U+1

Team WorkIconsPage/picto_engineering_48.png


Docs & ToolsIconsPage/picto_articles_48.png

Testers FAQ
Testers Wiki
Ubuntu Forums

Ideas & ProjectsIconsPage/picto_education_48.png

Instructional Development

The U+1 Team is looking for new members. Only basic skills are needed for most tasks. This is an opportunity to join a friendly and talented community, learn fast and be an active part in Ubuntu future. Click here to know more.

Thank you for your interest in joining our team and in contributing to Ubuntu. You can join the team by following the simple steps outlined below. It's an easy and fast process. If you have any questions about the recruitment process, check out the Team FAQ's section on Joining U+1 for some answers to common questions.

Pre-requisites for joining U+1

Sign the Ubuntu Code of Conduct

Register as a team member

  • Access the U+1 Team Launchpad page

  • Click on "Join the Team"

Approval of membership

  • The team administrators will receive an email from Launchpad with your request to join the team and look at your Launchpad page
  • If you have signed the Code of Conduct, your membership will be preliminarily approved

Subscribe to the mailing list

  • Access the U+1 Team Launchpad page

  • Click on "Subscribe" to join the Mailing List

Send an introductory email

  • Introduce yourself so other members get to know you

Activities after joining the team

Join Ubuntu + 1 at

  • Most U+1 members post regularly at UbuntuForums Ubuntu+1 sub-forum. You can get to know the members and what's is being currently tested and/or discussed by joining this forum

Attend the weekly meeting on

  • Most decisions and meeting in the Ubuntu community are done in IRC (Internet Relay Chat). If you are not familiar with it, please follow the instructions in Ubuntu IRC Wiki

  • Consider using xchat to access FreeNode IRC Servers

  • Channel #U+1 is the Team official channel.
  • Meetings will use Ubuntu infrastructure (Bots) in the channel #ubuntu-meeting

Engage into testing tasks

  • The purpose of joining a team is contributing to the team goals. Be familiar with them by reading this wiki.
  • Check the list of open roles, administrative-tasks and testing-tasks to see if you can engage into one or more of them
  • Ask for help from other members if needed

Team roles

Applying for an open role

  • A list of open roles will be maintained in this Wiki. If you would like to apply for an open role, send an application to the Mailing List.

Self delegation

  • If you have an idea for improvement of the team activities, organization, processes, etc and you would like to be responsible for such role, you are free (and encouraged) to suggest it to others via Mailing List.

Application email

  • Only basic information is needed: Why do you want to apply for the open role, what are your ideas, how you feel you can contribute, how much time you'll be able to dedicate to the task, etc.

Asking for / receiving tasks

  • If you don't know how to start and what to pick, ask for advice from other members

Training, support and advice

  • The Team will attempt to host regular sessions where the basics about installing, running and testing the development releases of Ubuntu will be explained to new members. You're encouraged to join such sessions as a listener or as a tutor.

Reporting results

  • Always report your results to the team via Mailing List, so others know what you are doing, the problems you are facing, what you have achieved so far. It's the only way others can suggest procedures and offer their help.

U+1/recruitment (last edited 2012-04-27 19:58:52 by 189-38-251-58)