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Instructional Development

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Instructional Development

This section will hope to deal with Instructional Development information and content. That will include tutorials and some testimonials as long as they are on topic. All links to current development version are welcome and also links to retrospective mini blogs on past cycles. This section is currently under construction.

The wiki members are forming a centralized library that will contain a vast set of links on wheres and How To's so if you do not find what you are looking for here then check the library at the link below.

Ubuntu Development Library

What are the F6 options during installation.

Below is a very informative link that directs us on options to use on older motherboards with more legacy hardware. It can also be used (or may work on cutting edge hardware). it is mostly used with alternate installer but also can be used with Ubiquity installer.

F6 Options during installation.

Using nomodeset

nomodeset is used if a fresh installation hangs. There are many instances where an end_user will complete an install only to boot into a black or purple screen. Below in an excellent link that describes how to use nomodeset. nomodeset can also be used at the beggining of an install from a USB drive by tapping the Shift key in quick succession. A selection screen will appear and then hit the F6 key and a popup window will show to the lower right. Simply choose nomodeset and continue to test or install.

How to use nomodeset

Upgrading to New Development Cycle and sources.list

Below is a link to ubuntuforums where it discusses sudo commands used to change the sources.list.

sources.list/development cycle change yappitty

Ubiquity Installer

There has been a lot of hot debate topic at Ubuntuforums about the Ubiquity Installer, UEFI and some suggestions at possible changes that can be made. The Ubiquity "greeter" is the first GUI program that is loaded after the Plymouth logo. It presents two options after you boot from your DVD or USB flash drive. First, to 'Try Ubuntu' in the 'live' session. That means that a live session of the version of Ubuntu you are running will load into memory and you can run basic programs and even your internet browser to give Ubuntu a trial run. Secondly, there is the "Install Ubuntu" option which will install Ubuntu to your hdd (hard drive).If you have another operating system on your hard drive, (hdd for short), the Ubuntu Installer will detect it and will then guide you through an easy installation process. You can also "Install Ubuntu" from the "live" session by double clicking the "Install Ubuntu" icon. Ubiquity is designed mostly to work in an automated fashion for STANDARD machines.

A STANDARD machine is usually a laptop or desktop that was originally configured with a Windows Operating System in a factory. That Operating System could be ME, Win 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 etc.. A STANDARD machine is most often configured with ONE hard drive! If there is more than one hard drive or if there is another operating system installed alongside the Windows operating system it becomes a CUSTOM install.

Ubiquity, during the installation process and configuration of the hard drive, will give you options to install ubuntu alongside, upgrade or erase and remove. It will also give you an option of <something else> which I will discuss soon. The SOMETHING ELSE option can be used for both STANDARD and CUSTOM systems but should be used exclusivley if you are building or working with a CUSTOM system that has more than one hard drive or a RAID array.

All in all the installation process can be very easy , or, in many cases, very complex. The best possible way to help others understand is to present hot-links in this section. That would mean active links from Ubuntuforums Development Version and other partners and sources in the Ubuntu community infrastructure. This way all the bases can be covered and possibly make for a smoother transition from obsoleted Windows operating systems to upgraded Ubuntu versions that may be able to utilize your existing desktop or laptop in a more efficient manner. Links will be forthcomming. I apologize for taking such a long period of time to get this section updated. Regards .. Ventrical

U+1/InstructionalDevelopment (last edited 2015-07-07 13:13:31 by dale-f-beaudoin)