Team Structure

History of U+1
Team FAQ
Contact U+1
Join U+1

Team WorkIconsPage/picto_engineering_48.png


Docs & ToolsIconsPage/picto_articles_48.png

Testers FAQ
Testers Wiki
Ubuntu Forums

Ideas & ProjectsIconsPage/picto_education_48.png

Instructional Development

The U+1 Team is looking for new members. Only basic skills are needed for most tasks. This is an opportunity to join a friendly and talented community, learn fast and be an active part in Ubuntu future. Click here to know more.

U+1 Team creation and objectives

Who created the U+1 Team?

The U+1 Team was created in Launchpad in March, 20th 2012 by Effenberg0x0.

Why was the U+1 Team created?

As described in the "About U+1" section of this Wiki, U+1 was created as an attempt to provide better resources to and empower some Ubuntu users that had naturally engaged into uncoordinated testing tasks.

Why create yet another team?

Our members could have joined other QA-Related teams in the past if they wanted to. Only a portion of them did. Yet, their contributions to testing and reporting bugs is valuable. The U+1 Team was created to join and provide resources and recognition to those testers, while respecting their working preferences.

How is it different from other teams?

U+1 Team independence

Why is U+1 defined as an "independent" team?

The U+1 Team is independent in the sense that it is not under the governance of other teams and structures. It's members are free to do what they enjoy doing, and the team will empower them to continue doing it. We will help improve the results of their efforts, not attempt to force a change in the way they have chosen to work and contribute to Ubuntu.

Why is it important to keep U+1 as an independent team?

What are the factors that put U+1 Team independence in risk?

U+1 Team partnerships

How do partnerships work?

How are partnerships different from the way other teams work?

U+1 Team relations to other teams and structures

What is the relation of U+1 Team to UbuntuForums?

What is the relation of U+1 Team to the Ubuntu+1 sub-forum at UbuntuForums?

What is the relation of U+1 Team to QA Team?

What is the relation of U+1 Team to Ubuntu?

What is the relation of U+1 Team to Canonical?

What are the factors that put U+1 Team existence in risk?

U+1 Team leadership and governance

Who runs the U+1 Team?

The U+1 Team is managed by a Team Leader and a Team Council. But important topics and decisions involve all of its members (voting).

Why was ownership of the U+1 Team transfered to the U+1 Team Council?

Can anyone occupy a role of Team Leader or a position in the Council?

The only requirements for the position of Team Leader are:

The only requirements for the position of Team Council member are:

What exactly is expected from the Team Leader and Council members?

The basic guidelines for Team Leaders and Council Members are:

Joining U+1

Who are the people that join U+1?

Why should I join U+1?

How can I help U+1?

How can I help keep U+1 as an independent team?

How can I help U+1 achieve its goals?

What can U+1 do for me?

What can I expect from U+1 in the future?

How can I join U+1?

U+1/team-faq (last edited 2012-04-27 00:09:49 by c-24-62-117-2)