
Differences between revisions 18 and 19
Revision 18 as of 2010-10-29 19:28:28
Size: 20067
Editor: host194
Comment: Added final translations-related proceedings
Revision 19 as of 2010-10-29 20:05:14
Size: 20656
Editor: host194
Comment: Added Ubuntu Backports BOF
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== Ubuntu Backports BOF ==

 * Reviewed the state of the Ubuntu Backports project
 * Conducted training for prospective Ubuntu Backporters
 * Reviewed the changes needed to make backports a steady, reliable channel for new versions of existing archive packages into releases.
 * System changes to make it so that only backports that are specifically requested by the user are installed are covered in another spec.
 * Action to Scott Kitterman to coordinate with the Tech Board to see if we can open backports at feature freeze so there is always an open pocket to backport from.

This page is here to collect together proceedings from sessions as part of the 'Ubuntu The Project' track at the Natty UDS in Orlando, Florida.

Please add proceedings by doing the following:

  • Add a new section with the name of the session.
  • Add the outcomes of the session as a collection of bullet points. The goal of the proceedings is to really focus on decided outcomes, so please try to keep them crisp.



Developer Advocacy

  • persia and jml to work on a demonstration script + notes
  • dholbach to identify necessary background material
  • duane to work on screencast
  • czajkowski to set up a frontdesk for loco + developer interaction
  • dholbach to work on presentation material
  • dholbach to ask translators
  • kate to do neutral read of documentation

Developer Outreach Resources

  • dholbach to create launchpad project for it
  • dholbach to first draft
  • jml, doctormo, dylan, deryck, jledbetter to test-read
  • doctormo to work on diagrams
  • dpm and dholbach to thnk about translations
  • Test the document (ISVs, peoplw who migrate from Windows/Mac/...)
  • randy, jml to help with getting feedback
  • dholbach to create presentation from text

Development Training Events

  • dholbach to find out about session about tuition weeks at uds natty
  • akgraner to get "notes for presenters" on the wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek/Organization/WhatSessionLeadersNeedToKnow

  • dholbach to document where to reach out to, which session topics to choose, making sure that logs have links to proper docs
  • dholbach to talk to platform managers
  • duanedesign to talk to screencast team

Harvest Plans

  • dholbach to find out who worked on merges.u.c last and ask if they can provide .csv
  • laney to work on rcbugs.csv
  • brian-murray to look into sru-able bugs
  • dholbach to give deryck "fixed elsewhere" bug numbers
  • deryck to get those bugs fixed
  • dholbach to blog about creating new opportunity lists
  • dholbach to look into new data format
  • dylanmccall to look into rss feeds
  • dholbach to file outstanding bugs
  • dholbach to blog about harvest, how to help, how to use, etc.
  • mbp to think about improving inline help
  • dylanmccall to look at design improvements for accessibility

Improving Accessibility Development and Information

  • Accessibility Wiki - Identified that the page needs to be updated
    • cprofitt to update the wiki with charlie-tca
    • additional session for further developing targets for Natty
  • Bug Importance - Specific guidelines need to be adopted for Bug triage for bugs affecting accessibility
    • cprofitt added two entries to Bugs/Importance under medium and high for accessibility related bugs

Improve Packaging Guide

  • dholbach/barry to investigate if sphinx somehow supports translations
  • dholbach to investigate if we can have a complete guide in mallard
  • dholbach to investigate if html2pdf solves our mallard problems
  • dholbach to set up launchpad project (add dev and doc teams to committers)
  • laney to ask devel list about identifying which of the current packging guide content can be reused for the articles

Language Packs Update Schedule

  • We've agreed on a plan to have a known schedule for language packs:
    • On a calendar and iCal feed
    • On a wiki page
  • We'll be exploring some simple scripts using Mago to explore improving the testing of language packs
  • We'll define a process for out-of-schedule language pack update requests


  • Planet Ubuntu - we have identified that we need the names of designers in posts from design.canonical.com on Planet Ubuntu.
  • Daniel Holbach to blog about the team reporting software he has started.
  • Outcome

Ubuntu server community involvement

  • The classic recipes to get community involvement don't seem to work well with Ubuntu Server (see low participation in the Server Papercuts effort)
  • Our potential dev community is mostly professionals using Ubuntu Server for a living, with an interest in specific stacks
  • We want people with common interests around a specific server stack to be able to crystalize into a group that could ultimately maintain a package set
  • We recognize that the lack of structure around the subgroups prevents motivation/information/organization in that direction to happen
  • Create a governance model for Ubuntu server task forces
  • Move the two/three existing groups into that structure
  • Run a survey to get hard data on our potential dev community

Ubuntu Translations Portal

  • Discussed the creation of a translations portal as a:
    • Springboard for new translator contributions
    • Getting people excited about Ubuntu translations
    • A centralized place to stay up to date with the translations world
  • We'll be deploying a translations portal with:
    • Internationalization infrastructure (multilingual site with the ability to host multilingual content)
    • Content on:
      • Newsfeed with translations-related content
      • Core documentation on contributing to Ubuntu translations
    • Editorial permissions to ease community participation
  • We want to make the site discoverable: it needs to be linked from the relevant top level domain Ubuntu sites

Ubuntu Translations Roundtable

  • We discussed the development roadmap of Launchpad Translations for the next 6 months
    • Upstream integration and maintenance of the current infrastructure:
      • Share translations between upstreams and Ubuntu
      • Help translators to push strings upstream
        • Idea: integrate with upstream processes. E.g. GNOME integration would mean submitting translations to damned-lies (that's still only an idea), other upstreams use other methods (mailing lists, commits, etc), and we'd try to accomodate
      • That'd mean probably not commit directly into repositories, unless there are project-specific needs
  • We discussed implementing other features in Launchpad Translations:
    • Given the current resources, the focus will be upstream integration and no new features are planned.
    • Continually encouraging community members to "scratch their own itch" and work on the Launchpad features they'd want to see implemented
  • We discussed things that worked well and things that didn't work that well in the release process:
    • It would be useful to add a milestone for the generation of language packs at Alpha 1
    • We'd need an announcement on ubuntu-devel or ubuntu-devel-announce after translations-related deadlines and to raise awareness of the procedure to follow to request a freeze exception - as it can often mean deleting contributor work.
    • Some of the manual work needed for integration of translations in NonLanguagePackDeadline will no longer be required. .policy files are now supported in language packs for packages using CDBS in Natty.

  • We agreed on opening translations early in Launchpad:
    • That will allow translators to work on the Ubuntu-specific translations early
    • There still might be issues with duplication of upstream work, but translation teams are by now aware of this and tend to take care of this

Improving the Sponsoring Queue

[dholbach] set up schedule and give to Rick for review [dholbach] talk to jml about getting sponsoring bug data [dholbach] get feedback from Rick about sponsoring stats [dholbach] schedule session for next UDS to revisit patch-pilot schedule [dholbach] improve UbuntuDevelopment/CodeReviews to explain patch-pilot [dholbach] improve SponsorshipProcess to explain patch-pilot [kate.stewart] review documentation [dholbach] blog about review process changes, mail ubuntu-devel-announce [jonobacon] to ask IRC council for an IRC bot for making patch pilot visible on ubuntu-devel [jonobacon] schedule discussion at the Platform Rally to review results [rick-rickspencer3] flesh out communication plan for letting the Platform team know

Improving the Desktop Testing Program

We talked about what we achieved last cycle on the Desktop Testing Program and how we are going to improve it.

  • Involvement with upstreams
    • Getting more testcases from upstream
    • We need to give more feedback to upstreams
    • Publish the results to motivate projects without tests
    • Promote test-driven development: have tests for new features before writing code
  • We are going to versioning tests to allow SRU testing
  • Include a11y testing in applications and ISO testing
  • Action items
    • talk to release team about getting a11y tests onto ISO tracker (ara)
    • write a11y test cases for applications and ISO testing (charlie-tca)
    • check qa.ubuntu.com and provide feedback (EVERYONE!) Smile :)

Community Webapp Foundations

Discussed the components needed to allow community developers to quickly build new web applications for Ubuntu projects. These come from the common aspects of loco-directory, summit, harvest and awstrial

  • Use Django as the framework
  • Create a bzr branch that contains the initial project layout
  • Include existing projects apps (light-django-theme, django-openid-auth, etc)
  • Provide launchpad integration for users and teams
  • Include best practices guides and default settings
  • Provide reusable "base" applications
  • Include unit tests for base applications
  • Provide common management commands
  • Provide base deployment process guide for IS

Introductory Video to Ubuntu Translations

  • Discussed the creation of a short length video on Ubuntu Translations, to be shown in the Ubuntu Translations Portal:
    • Defined sections: intro, where is localized Ubuntu used, how is Ubuntu translated, Community
    • Brainstormed on content for each one of the sections
  • dpm will create a high-level storyboard, with section names and length, locales
  • dpm will create detailed storyboard for each one of the sections
  • knitzsche will provide a soundtrack to match the storyboard

Ubuntu Translations Stories

  • Discussed a coordinated effort to publish Ubuntu Translations stories: they can be any article related to translations in Ubuntu:
    • Main contribution blockers and how to fix them:
      • Sources for content: create a guideline for story submission where inspirational sources are listed
      • Language barrier: allow submitting articles in any language and have an English reviewer team?
  • milo will create a wiki page with guidelines on how to write a translation story. This should include: suggestions for getting content, general guidelines, such as "include a picture in your article if you can".
  • milo will create a wiki page to keep track of the teams response and published stories
  • dpm will write an inspirational blog post explaining the Translations Stories effort, and how people can get started writing translations stories, encouraging them to participate
  • dpm will e-mail the ubuntu-translators list explaining the Translation Stories effort and encouraging them to participate
  • dpm will e-mail local team coordinators directly encouraging them to participate and forward the info to their teams, so that anyone can write an article.
  • dpm will publish the stories on The Fridge until the Translations Portal is up and running.

Kubuntu Natty Community

Notes to be tidied by JonathanRiddell


Kubuntu in the loco directory
 - make it more obvious (mostly about ubuntu right now)
 - make sure kubuntu.org links to the loco directory
ACTION: *buntu logos across loco.ubuntu.com footer

ACTION: Correcting Derivatives page to 'Flavours'  ( a more appropriate word )[jussi] (or "flavors" for those of us in capitalist america)

ACTION: Follow Ubuntu features and collaborate with KDE upstream to get it shipped in Kubuntu

ACTION: Collaborate between Kubuntu Devs/Members and LoCo's to get more minions

Motivate more talent from #kubuntu channel to come in #kubuntu-devel

ACTION: make a backlog (KubuntuBacklog page?) <-- should be in the kubuntu-devel title

ACTION: replace old logo uses with new logo uses
  - find who kubuntu_news on twitter is (already sent twitter asking them to update)
  - replace wiki.kubuntu.com logo with new one

ACTION: Valorie will look at the state of accessability apps in Kubuntu. 
Cellwriter (on-screen keyboard): https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=234926 KDE bug 234926 in general "KWin behaves oddly with WM_HINTS input == false (breaks cellwriter)" [Normal,New] - Assigned to kwin kde org

Marketing /branding

ACTION: send the links to canonical blog, so that they can link up to 

ACTION: get our stuff back into our ubuntu store
    * stickers, tshirts, etc

ACTION: contact upstream to integrate branding into plasma and kde (define what branding we want first and to what extent); start this dialogue, and refine it with stuff that comes from the next action point.

ACTION:>Needs Art:
wiki theme
slideshow on the installer << Contact dillan on this
cd cover

Ways to address the sidelining of kubuntu
-mainly a perception problem
-in a way kubuntu's perception is the problem of other sidedistors

ACTION: user profile creation. > Valorie
> describe a person that will use kubuntu: age, a

IDEA: make dvd and cd equal options
ACTION: Make a torrent link VERY prominent on the download 
* underneath provide links to the torrent exes.
make cd only english, and update the languagepacks

Action: make a kde games menu with a link to install games.

action: split up kdegames-card-data (ideally get upstream to move bad ones to kdeartwork) so kpat can fit on the CD

action: make a metapackage > kubuntu-desktop-all

Natty Server Guide Updates


  • Ping server mailing list about Server Guide update ideas. (sommer)
  • Look at PDF target for translations.
  • Investigate conversion from docbook to latex format
  • Determine if it's better to have an upstream Server Guide Project.
  • David to email Docs list about translating help.u.c.
  • Research Debian docs to cover Ubuntu Server better.

File level License Scrub

  • make tools available to scan packages at the file level for license discrepancies.
  • discussion on scope to apply scan to (main, universe, multiverse, etc. ) concensus was long term it should apply to everything uploaded, not just on MIR.
  • license checks at file level are not explicit in the processes today, look at updates.
  • SPDX and DEP5 proposals for capturing info are both in development, drive from both sides to be interoperabile, and address DEP5 concerns.


  • [Kate/Kyle] work with IS to set up FOSSology server for survey efforts.
  • [Kate] package up ninka and make available.
  • [Kyle] make getlicense scripts available.
  • [DPL (zack) ] Follow up on availability of Debian FOSSology server.
  • [DPL (zack) ] Follow up with Lars/Martin on active participation in SPDX by Debian.
  • [Kate] join mail list and follow up with Lars on DEP-5 and SPDX technical disconnects that prevent interoperability.

Release Team BOF

  • Maverick Release Post Mortem Discussion
  • Multiple pages of checklists and process that support the release, have been consolidated on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseManagement. Individual pages in certain cases should be refactored and merged. Make explicit who/role, where, what in process & checklist pages.

  • Lots of overlapping releases emerging, need a overview to track (Ubuntu development, LTS, Linaro, SRU, Server) releases.


  • [Kate] Update Process pages to include explicit post mortem discussion in future
  • [Kate] Rework release process pages to make explicit who/role, where and when; and apply refactoring.
  • [Kate] Merge release schedule into master table for Natty Release timeline.
  • [Release Team & other managers ] Review master Natty cycle multiple releases schedule and update as needed.

Release Metrics Infrastructure Requests to Launchpad BOF

  • Extensions of selection needs proposed include date queries, as well as logical queries (and/or/not) on fields.
  • Input needs: assignment to future series (in progress, will be looking for testers)
  • Display needs: csv is in progress, and will roll out soon. Extending beyond needs better use cases.
  • Will look at hooking up other open projects that support report directly from Launchpad (BiRT, etc.)


  • [Jonathan] database access for kate to improve explorations
  • [Kate] summarize results of explorations, and work with Jonathan on queries and visualization approaches.
  • [Jonathan] open up future series and line up testers setting up working group to proxy what people are doing, and what is needed.
  • [Jonathan] call first meeting of worrking group in 2010 - kick off to have the use cases thinking to it.
  • [all participants] mail purpose built scripts to launchpad team for use cases analysis
  • [all participants] add metric use cases care about into into future metrics page

Translations Training Sessions

  • We discussed the planning for regular IRC sessions with content on training for translators
  • The training sessions will be complemented with an outline, so that anyone can reuse them, translate them in their language and run them for their teams if they want to.
  • There will be a project in Launchpad as a playground to start hands-on experimentation with translations
  • dpm will write a blog post asking the community to: provide feedback on topics they would like to see covered in the translations training sessions, participate in running the sessions
  • luis.lopez will translate the translations training blog post from dpm into Spanish and French and publish it
  • yantrashilpi will translate the translations training blog post from dpm into Kannada and publish it
  • mk73628 will translate the translations training blog post from dpm into Greek and publish it
  • milo will create a w.u.c/Translations/Training namespace for all information related to the training sessions
  • mk73628 will rite a document in the Ubuntu wiki with a list of topics we'd like to cover in the translations sessions
  • dpm will write a document in the Ubuntu wiki with the proposed schedule - use https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Packaging/Training as a guide

  • dpm will choose a few of the topics and prepare an outline to run a session for each one of them
  • dpm will create a Launchpad project as a translation playground

Translatable Ubuntu Code of Conduct and Leadership Code of Conduct

  • We agreed to use docbook as the source document for the CoC
  • The code will be modified to use docbook + xml2po to do the conversion to gettext
  • We discussed publishing the CoC translations in a distribution package and sponsor it to get it in main
  • The current infrastructure will be kept: the English plain text will be the one to sign, and the translated versions will be there to complement it for better comprehension in the native language.
  • There should be a note in http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct and in Launchpad about how to see it in other languages

  • We defined all the actions to be done to get a translatable CoC
  • milo will modify the current CoC code to remove the current plain text file and use a docbook version as the master document
  • milo will investigate conversion docbook -> txt with a transform and if not available, write an xslt transformation that produces a plain text document with the same formatting as the current CoC plain text file.

  • dpm will reach out to LoCos and translators for anyone to contribute with the remaining actions

Ubuntu Backports BOF

  • Reviewed the state of the Ubuntu Backports project
  • Conducted training for prospective Ubuntu Backporters
  • Reviewed the changes needed to make backports a steady, reliable channel for new versions of existing archive packages into releases.
  • System changes to make it so that only backports that are specifically requested by the user are installed are covered in another spec.
  • Action to Scott Kitterman to coordinate with the Tech Board to see if we can open backports at feature freeze so there is always an open pocket to backport from.

UDSProceedings/N/UbuntuTheProject (last edited 2010-11-02 14:30:54 by host-84-9-86-232)