A convention of Ubuntu users, hackers, documentators, would-be users/hackers, and anyone with any interest in free software, held in the UK.
"An Ubucon is a community driven, community organised event that is all about Ubuntu. These events often include a number of speakers, BOF sessions, demos, social events and more, and they are excellent ways to grow the Ubuntu community in your area, and to build an interesting and fun event. Ubucon's are different to large Linux expos and conferences in that they are uniquely community focused and driven, and uniquely Ubuntu." Source: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BuildingCommunity/RunningAnUbucon
UbuCons have been held in Germany, New York (USA), Seville (Spain), Boulder (USA)
Resources Required
Time, energy, venue, speakers, a website, sponsors.
Ideas for Attractions
Got an idea for a talk/display/attraction? Put it here.
- Kubuntu/KDE stall
- Stalls advertising the different versions of Ubuntu (Kubuntu, Xubunto, Gobuntu, etc.)
- Need some big screens running some videos of Compiz-Fusion and/or nice Xscreensavers and/or live demos. (Projectors)
- Networked games, lots of nice spec PCs
- Live demos / workshops
- Not really an attraction but we need tons of CDs.
- Fix-It sessions
- How to get involved (not just coders, plenty of other needs in the community)
Please add any venue, and the city it is in, here.
- Limehouse Town Hall, London
- University of London Union, London
- NEC, Birmingham (conference facilities include IT and AV kit). Central Location
- * DarrenM - Backing up the NEC. Central location, transport links and a nice place.
Bracknell Sports Centre (venu of computer fairs) as used by BCF: http://www.britishcomputerfairs.com/cgi-bin/floorplan?vnu_id=5 - inexpensive though not a usual Conference venue, good rail and bus service from London, at junction of M4 and M3 Motorways. Monthly location of BCF computer fairs for the area.
- Cardiff International Arena
National Motorcycle Museum, Birmingham. 1 mile from the NEC and much cheaper. Directly on M42 junction 6, easy access from M40, M5 and M6. £4 taxi ride from Birmingham International airport and railway station. Massive car park, disabled access, baby change and restaurant. Already hosts weekly Excalibur Computer Fair every Saturday. Telephone 0121 704 2784.
Interested people
List your name and resources offered (time / brain power / money / server space etc)
StephenGarton (Not Got Much/Got Less/Got Even Less/Got None)
JackKnight - time poor / some brain cells left / Wife+Daughter hence no money / some server space though / Mobile Device Specialist
GauravPatel (A lot / Countable / Student / Lots (GridServer@MediaTemple))
MatthewWild (A little time, some brain power, some server space)
Darren37 - Darren Mansell (enough / a bit / a bit / lots) - I'd like to volunteer for the web site please
Mattwallace (minimal / a fair few (IMHO!) / none (wife, child and 2nd child on the way!) / possibly some limited space / Lots of enthusiasm!
- Alan Cocks
KeithCleaver2 (loads right now, but that might change soon / a bit / some / no server space)
MatthewLarsen (Weekends or Evenings / Lots / Depends on how much you want / 0 )
MasterCheese (Mark Steele) (In school, therefore, most vary
Rob Beard (RobBeard2) (not much time / might be able to stump up some ideas / saving for wedding so skint / not got much server space / has links to radio so could find out who to speak to re-advertising & promotion)
JamesThomas (selinuxium) Willing to help man pumps... Have server space...
AndrewOakley andrew@aoakley.com Happy to organise venues in West Midlands, Birmingham, Worcestershire or Gloucestershire, from initial arrangements through ticketing and manning ticket desk on the day. Also a loud, clear speaker, so am happy to do Master of Ceremonies / PA / microphone work.
JohnathonTinsley (kirrus) (lots whilst unemployed / plenty / little / ex-trainee sound engineer, comfortable with and happy to setup & run sound systems. *MAY* be able to get sound/projector kit sponsorship. [Would need to ask]. Willing to help with any aspect.)
SteveLaming Time, Brain power.
LeeWilliams (willy_1977) - I'll offer Time, Brain power (coding, websites, tech), I don't have much money or server space readily available
George Ainscough (DaShroom) - In school, not that useless (but providing you need a risk assessment, no chainsaws), no money, up to 3 servers (dynamic IP), much time in Half-Term / Term breaks, Can do sound / light systems and program them
Possible Locations
Please enter your favoured location, or add your name under a listed location. Please do minimize your choice to two..
AndrewBarber, MatthewLarsen, TonyArnold, KeithCleaver2, ChrisRowson, yourNameHere
AndrewBarber, yourNameHere
MatthewLarsen, AdamBagnall, KeithCleaver2, JohnLevin, MasterCheese, JamesThomas, JaiHarrison, aoakley, JohnathonTinsley, SteveLaming
PeteLewis, ChrisRowson, self:Darren37, RobBeard2, aoakley, SteveLaming, LeeWilliams
Don't care, I can travel
MatthewLarsen, self:Darren37
Add location
UKTeam/IdeasPool/UbuCon_UK (last edited 2011-11-08 21:50:20 by 87)