Meeting opened by HazRPG at 20:03
<AlanBell> o/
<barrydrake> ok
<HazRPG> Good evening everyone, hopefully I'll be able to keep things running smoothly. Right first off, the agenda for the evening can be found here:
<HazRPG> [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeamMeetingAgenda
<HazRPG> Please try to keep all discussions on topic, once a topic is closed (when a new one starts) you may finish off what you started typing and we'll get back to it later during the "Any Other Business" portion of the evening.
<HazRPG> For those who are new here today, we are using MootBot.
<HazRPG> [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScribesTeam/MootBot
<HazRPG> This bot logs the meeting for later reference. A vote will be called tonight, when it is called please use +1, 0, -1 to record your vote.
<HazRPG> Right, now that we've got that out the way... let's do a head count of those who are present. Simply type: o/
<AlanBell> o/
<daubers> o/
<BigRedS> o/
<CyberJacob> o/
<HazRPG> Hmm, we missing anyone?
<barrydrake> o/
<HazRPG> hope popey's about, he's got a few things on here
<HazRPG> Right OK, let's jump right in. First topic of the evening is:
<HazRPG> [TOPIC] HazRPG - review of action items from last meeting.
HazRPG - review of action items from last meeting.
<HazRPG> You can see the minutes for the last meeting at:
<HazRPG> [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/LastMeeting
<HazRPG> Actions are found at the bottom. Lets start off with:
<HazRPG> I'll need to shuffle things aruond
<HazRPG> [PROGRESS REPORT] AlanBell to liase with Canonical to organise one of the Natty release parties
AlanBell to liase with Canonical to organise one of the Natty release parties
<HazRPG> Any joy on that AlanBell?
<AlanBell> ok, yes, did that
<MichealH> Oop... o/
<AlanBell> and sent a mail to the list today about it
<HazRPG> good stuff
<AlanBell> I have booked the British Computer Society offices for a kind of launch event
<AlanBell> and then we are going to go to a pub and drink responsibly
<AlanBell> perhaps
<HazRPG> hehe
<AlanBell> and we have also arranged a bank holiday for the day after
<AlanBell> the date of the release is the 28th April, which I neglected to put on the email
<HazRPG> right, shall I make an action on that one?
<AlanBell> there will be no age limit on the BCS event, but pubs in london are mostly over 21s
<BigRedS> They're mostly over 18, but id if they reckon you're under 21 I thought?
<HazRPG> that's a bit iffy that one
<HazRPG> its 18 legal age
<BigRedS> I don't think I've ever been in an over-21-only pub? Though it wouldn't have mattered for 5 years now, I suppose.
<AlanBell> BigRedS: depends, some are, some are not, either way there is no limit on the earlier event
<HazRPG> but you've got to look either 21/25 (depending on the establishment)
<BigRedS> HazRPG: that's the thing, if you look under 21 they demand you prove you're over *18*, not over 21
<HazRPG> yeah I know, its daft
<BigRedS> but this is something we can check when we book the place, anyway
<HazRPG> of course
<AlanBell> I know we have a number of community members at school/college/uni or who don't like pubs
<AlanBell> so the first event will be by registration/invitation and the evening thing will be open to as many people as can fit in the pub
<BigRedS> I'd say it's worth avoiding an over-21 only, just 'cause the assumption will always be that it's 18+
<AlanBell> we are looking for a suitable pub or venue
<AlanBell> BigRedS: it has been in a 21+ bar before
<HazRPG> cool
<AlanBell> back around the Hardy timeframe I think. I negotiated with the bar to get it to be 18+ for the evening.
<BigRedS> ah, perhaps. I was just thinking that it'd be surprising
<BigRedS> oh, I see. That'd be similarly ideal
<AlanBell> anyhow, we now have a dual-venue event
<AlanBell> with one venue found so far
<HazRPG> Yeah, well if ya could do that, that'd probably be better
<AlanBell> anyhow, I think that is about all on this for the moment
<AlanBell> announcements of progress on this will go to the list
<HazRPG> hmm, right so shall we check up on this in the next meeting?
<AlanBell> and when the plan is fully baked it will be blogged, tweeted, facebooked and identi.ca'd
<AlanBell> yes, we should have another meeting before the launch
<AlanBell> so action me to give an update on the launch then
<HazRPG> [ACTION] Poke AlanBell for an update on the launch party for natty.
Poke AlanBell for an update on the launch party for natty. |
<HazRPG> sound ok?
<AlanBell> yup
<HazRPG> right okay... moving on
<HazRPG> [PROGRESS REPORT] AlanBell to begin implementation of process to find his successor
AlanBell to begin implementation of process to find his successor
<AlanBell> heh
<HazRPG> it was in the agenda lol
<AlanBell> ok, so daubers has been progressing this nicely
<daubers> \o/
<BigRedS> delegation!
<HazRPG> hurrah \o/
<AlanBell> and we have a main topic about it later, so lets move on with the rest of the progress items
<HazRPG> sure
<BigRedS> AlanBell makes a good leader
<HazRPG> Right, lets try and rap this topic up:
<HazRPG> [PROGRESS REPORT] People who have achieved something in march, please place it in the report.
People who have achieved something in march, please place it in the report.
<HazRPG> [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/TeamReports/11/March
<HazRPG> Anyone achieve anything this month?
<AlanBell> I think there is one more podcast to add
<HazRPG> I'll keep this brief really...
<AlanBell> and the rugby event was this month
<HazRPG> I have posted up a blog about setting up IPv6, reckon I should post that on there?
<Biglesp> Myself and Jon Spriggs guested on the fullcircle podcast
<AlanBell> the report is more for team activities
<AlanBell> Biglesp: excellent, bung a link to that in there
<HazRPG> ah right ok
<Biglesp> AlanBell: Will do
<AlanBell> HazRPG: is your blog on planet.ubuntu-uk.org?
<HazRPG> no it isn't, can I put it on there?
<HazRPG> not sure how to do that
<AlanBell> HazRPG: yes, we will get that sorted after the meeting
<HazRPG> yeah sure was just about to say
<HazRPG> hmm, there's a few stuff in here for popey, but he doesn't seem to be around
<HazRPG> shall I just post up an action for next meeting?
<HazRPG> so we can go on
<AlanBell> HazRPG: just paste it in anyhow
<HazRPG> [PROGRESS REPORT] popey to poke Barry Drake and Alan Cocks about in-store promos
popey to poke Barry Drake and Alan Cocks about in-store promos
<HazRPG> there's two of them
<AlanBell> barrydrake: have you been poked?
<barrydrake> no
<HazRPG> hmm, tut tut
<BigRedS> maybe that's why he's not here...
<HazRPG> got anything you'd like to quickly add?
<AlanBell> ah well, what are your thoughts on in-store promos?
<HazRPG> BigRedS: maybe! :P
<barrydrake> no
<HazRPG> that was pretty direct I think... moving on?
<AlanBell> yup
<HazRPG> [PROGRESS REPORT] popey to announce the new uk team leader on the mailing list tonight
popey to announce the new uk team leader on the mailing list tonight
<HazRPG> Since he's not about, I'll just make that an action I guess.
<daubers> HazRPG: It was done
<HazRPG> daubers: ah was it?
<popey> OH HAI!
<popey> done.
<HazRPG> brilliant
<HazRPG> popey: ah, welcome to the party
<popey> did it immediately after last meeting
<popey> sorry, was having family time
<BigRedS> see, he turns up as soon as we move on from the one he didn't do
<HazRPG> heh, right lets go on then
<HazRPG> [TOPIC] Daubers - Concluding The Leader/PoC Debate
Daubers - Concluding The Leader/PoC Debate
<HazRPG> [LINK] http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/WhatTypeOfLeadership
<HazRPG> Lets get a good discussion going, over to you daubers :).
<daubers> Recent events have brought to light the issue of whether we have a Team Leader, a Point of Contact or some other combination of the two.
<daubers> I've (hopefully) got people's thought processes and attention on the mailing list and there is a list of pro's and cons for each part of the mix. http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/WhatTypeOfLeadership
<daubers> Personally, I feel we should have a Team Leader, as it will help give the team a figure head to turn to if hard decisions need to made and/or we need a direction
<daubers> Does anybody have any views or comments they'd like to raise?
<daubers> (hooray for copy and paste)
<AlanBell> I think it is a good summary
<HazRPG> daubers: (pretty much all I'm doing, except for bits that say improv.)
<daubers> I'd like to stress that this is not a "Get rid of AlanBell" campaign, more a "define AlanBells role" issue
<AlanBell> so basically the Point of Contact orders CDs, passes on info and Canonical can contact them, Team Leader actually does some more leadership stuff
<HazRPG> yeah I can sort of understand that
<AlanBell> I don't really attach that much importance to titles, however what I seem to be doing, and what the Team Leader describes sound pretty similar to me
<AlanBell> and having a separate point of contact just sounds like a recipe for failure
<daubers> Having a Leader also would define us more of a "Team" and less of a loosley knit collective of peoples
<BigRedS> yeah, I think we've ended up in the de-facto position whereby the posts of team leader and point of contact are fulfiled by the same person
<BigRedS> and we've just decided that that's also the codified position
<BigRedS> (i think)
<AlanBell> it was kind of changed to point of contact in a rather confusing meeting where nobody seemed quite sure what the difference was, or what they were voting on
<BigRedS> sounds like a general election...
<HazRPG> heh yeah
<daubers> What they voted on doesn't seem particularly clear either reading the IRC log
<AlanBell> this is true!
<HazRPG> Erm, do we really need to have two separate roles?
<daubers> Is there anybody present who would like to present a case against the prescribed title being "Team Leader"
<HazRPG> Did we previously have separated roles?
<AlanBell> HazRPG: the roles are defined upstream of us
<daubers> HazRPG: No, but I wanted to make sure that I covered as many bases as possible to get people thinking
<HazRPG> AlanBell: ah, so defined by others who have also got Ubuntu-related teams in other countries/areas?
<AlanBell> some LoCo teams have one, or the other, or both, or a council of their own
<AlanBell> HazRPG: defined by the LoCo council, which is responsible for all LoCo teams
<AlanBell> Currently there has been no concensus on what kind of leadership the UK Team should have, the following has been discussed:
<AlanBell> Global Ubuntu definitions
<AlanBell> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamLeader
<AlanBell> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamContact
<HazRPG> [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamLeader
<popey> I think we need leadership
<HazRPG> [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamContact
<popey> what the role is called I am less bothered by
<popey> but we need someone to drive the team
<popey> that is all.
<HazRPG> I can agree with those points
<daubers> I think the name is important as it aids the outside world understand how we work as a group
<daubers> However, it is not as important as the function
<HazRPG> See I'm pretty new to this, so I have no point of reference as to what would be good or bad really, so I'm a bit indifferent towards this really.
<HazRPG> Hmm...
<daubers> Does anyone else have a view they would like to put forward?
<HazRPG> well shall we casts some votes on it?
<daubers> HazRPG: Sounds like a plan
<AlanBell> so option 2 is "A team leader who is also the PoC" which seems to be something we could vote on
<CyberJacob> +1 for that
<HazRPG> [VOTE] A team leader who is also the PoC, yes or no?
Motion: A team leader who is also the PoC, yes or no? |
<daubers> +1
<CyberJacob> +1
<HazRPG> +1
<AlanBell> +1
<BigRedS> +1
<Biglesp> +1
<HazRPG> heh wow
<HazRPG> I think that solves that one really
<HazRPG> end vote, seems all have polled in
Results: 6 in favour, 0 against, 0 abstained. |
Overall: 6 |
Motion Carried: A team leader who is also the PoC, yes or no? |
Motion Denied: A team leader who is also the PoC, yes or no? |
Deadlock. If someone has a casting vote now is the time to use it |
<BigRedS> we've unanimously voted to give AlanBell more responsibility
<barrydrake> Listen guys, this is my subject. Is my domaain. Want to use me as a focus for discussion on this, I would help.
<HazRPG> pretty much
<HazRPG> he does well for it
<daubers> \o/ and another murky sea is clarified
<HazRPG> does that need to go in an action, or shall we move on?
<AlanBell> and we move from a Republic to a Glorius Empire \o/
<daubers> HazRPG: An action to inform the team of the change I think
<daubers> HazRPG: I'm happy to take on that action
<HazRPG> [ACTION] Notify the team of the change in title to PoC.
Notify the team of the change in title to PoC. |
<HazRPG> ah crud
<HazRPG> [ACTION] daubers to Notify the team of the change in title to PoC.
daubers to Notify the team of the change in title to PoC. |
<HazRPG> sound better
<daubers> \o/
<HazRPG> lets move on
<HazRPG> [TOPIC] Daubers - UUK PoC Election Process
Daubers - UUK PoC Election Process
<HazRPG> Go for it daubers. Your on the floor now again
<daubers> I'd actually like to defer this until the next meeting.
<daubers> Having now defined the role, it would be good to get eyes on http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/UUKElectionProcess again
<daubers> with the role in mind
<HazRPG> Sure, that okay with everyone?
<HazRPG> [LINK] http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/UUKElectionProcess
<AlanBell> daubers: could we do a slot on the global jam for it?
<daubers> AlanBell: I'm on a boat in the middle of the norfolk broads at that point
But you're welcoe to have a go with it
<AlanBell> ok, lets do that then, we will have some time on Saturday for it and review the results at the next meeting
<daubers> I would certainly like more eyes on it than have currently been
<daubers> \o/
<HazRPG> Right, well I'll defer that till next time then shall we...
<HazRPG> [ACTION] Deferring "Daubers - UUK PoC Election Process" till next meeting
Deferring "Daubers - UUK PoC Election Process" till next meeting |
<daubers> HazRPG: An action to cover it during the Jam would be good as well please
<AlanBell> action me with that one
<HazRPG> [ACTION] AlanBell to cover Election process at Global Jam
AlanBell to cover Election process at Global Jam |
<HazRPG> sound good/
<HazRPG> ?*
<AlanBell> yup
<HazRPG> Well your on next dude
<HazRPG> [TOPIC] AlanBell - Ubuntu Global Jam
AlanBell - Ubuntu Global Jam
<HazRPG> Take it away AlanBell
<AlanBell> ok, so this weekend is the global jam
<HazRPG> sorry to interrupt but...
<HazRPG> [LINK] http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/globaljam2011
<AlanBell> there are activities all over the world in different loco teams, some people are getting together in real life, but we are doing it virtually
<AlanBell> so we have our regular IRC channel
<AlanBell> and also a voice over IP server using Mumble
<HazRPG> (I can hear him typing!)
<popey> AlanBell has a loud spacebar
<BigRedS> ah yeah, I was going to see if I can find my headset
<AlanBell> mumble is in the repos, you can install it with sudo apt-get install mumble
<BigRedS> else I'll be restricted to only listening, which might be nice for everyone else...
<AlanBell> you should get headphones, preferably a headset with microphone
<HazRPG> me, brobostigon, shauno have been having fun in there this afternoon
<AlanBell> and it is all up and running live now, feel free to join in and test it out
<AlanBell> the mumble server is at mumble.libertus.co.uk
<AlanBell> might also end up being mumble.ubuntu-uk.org if we get the DNS sorted
<AlanBell> we can set up different rooms for different activites
<HazRPG> BigRedS: it does have text-to-speech enabled by default on clients, so when you type people will hear (in a rather Stephen Hawking manner)
<BigRedS> oooh
<BigRedS> snazzy
<BigRedS> the future's not so bad after all
<AlanBell> CyberJacob: drag yourself into the global jam room
<HazRPG> or double-click the "Global Jam"
<AlanBell> so the agenda for the day is at http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/globaljam2011
<dutchie> ooh, a meeting
<dutchie> how much is left
<HazRPG> a lil bit actually
<popey> dutchie: twelvety
<AlanBell> treat it like a barcamp, if you want to talk about something or do something then just put your topic down
<HazRPG> [LINK] http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/globaljam2011
<barrydrake> Sorry -gotta go ... CU
<HazRPG> Right, moving on then?
<HazRPG> [ACTION] AlanBell to email the list about mumble, etc
AlanBell to email the list about mumble, etc |
<HazRPG> [TOPIC] Daubers - British Library Sci-Fi Exhibition
Daubers - British Library Sci-Fi Exhibition
<HazRPG> go daubers go!
<daubers> The British Library are doing an exhibition of Science Fiction literature from their vaults. Knowing a few people around are of the SciFi type of mind I propose a trip to see it. Entrance is free, soyou'd just have to pay for your transport and what not. Maybe following this up with a Geeknic, or a trip to the science museum to oggle all of those tasty jet engine...... and maybe the difference engine
If there is some initial interest, I'll get
<daubers> So, is there enough interest for me to follow this up?
<dutchie> when is it?
<daubers> the exhibition is on for a couple of months from may until.... september time I think
<HazRPG> daubers: I've got a few friends here in Cumbria that are interested
<HazRPG> and as I am
<daubers> \o/
<HazRPG> so I think that's reason enough to follow it up
<AlanBell> sounds good to me
<HazRPG> I've also managed to get Cumbria LUG sort of active on mailing list again, so I could bring it up on there too
<daubers> I shall email this list, and then set up a moodle poll
<HazRPG> good plan, also sounds like an action
<daubers> \o/
<HazRPG> [ACTION] daubers to email list about Sci-Fi event, and post up moodle poll
daubers to email list about Sci-Fi event, and post up moodle poll |
<HazRPG> I'll also hit up the Cumbria LUG too once there's something to pass to them
<daubers> cool!
<HazRPG> [ACTION] HazRPG to hit up Cumbria LUG about Sci-Fi event and post some details their way.
HazRPG to hit up Cumbria LUG about Sci-Fi event and post some details their way. |
<HazRPG> ooo guess we need this (sort of straying away from my own script here!)
<HazRPG> [LINK] http://www.bl.uk/whatson/exhibitions/outofthisworld/outofthisworld.html
<HazRPG> doodle not moodle (moodle is college related iirc)
<daubers> Ah, ok
<HazRPG> right, on to tha next topic I think...
<HazRPG> [TOPIC] HazRPG - Any Other Business
HazRPG - Any Other Business
<HazRPG> Right guys and gals, we've got roughly 6 left. Anything else you'd like to discuss?
<Biglesp> If I may?
<HazRPG> although I'm sure we can stretch out a bit longer if needed
<Biglesp> The uptake of UCubed tickets (http://ucubed.info) has been amazing, we currently have 57 attendees booked, and a day full of talks, workshops and hands on tech. Attendees are invited to host talks and workshops and we will endeavour to provide all the resources they need to do that. We have a hashtag #ucubed, !ucubed on identi.ca, and a flickr group to store all of our pictures and videos, that is here >> http
<HazRPG> Biglesp: go for it
<Biglesp> ://www.flickr.com/groups/1687774@N22/
<Biglesp> It's really looking that Saturday will be an epic day in Manchester!
<Biglesp> We are going to be very busy this Saturday!
<HazRPG> [LINK] http://:/www.flickr.com/groups/1687774@N22/
<HazRPG> [LINK] http://ucubed.info
<Biglesp> We'll be recording the talks as best we can, video, pictures and audio
<Biglesp> That's it really, just goes to prove, if you build it, they will come
<HazRPG> I recall something about this in Cumbria LUG mailing list... but I can't see it at the moment
<Biglesp> HazRPG: Yeah I sent it earlier this week
<HazRPG> Biglesp: ah!
<HazRPG> Biglesp: <== guy who recently posted he was new to the group
<Biglesp> HazRPG: Yup
<Biglesp> HazRPG: Blackpool LUG!
<HazRPG> Erm... right, should we poke you about this next meeting?
<Biglesp> HazRPG: Yeah
<HazRPG> [ACTION] Poke Biglesp about how they got on at U3.
Poke Biglesp about how they got on at U3. |
<HazRPG> sound ok?
<Biglesp> Yup, cheers
<HazRPG> anyone else?
<HazRPG> nope?
<HazRPG> alright, lets wrap this up shall we
<HazRPG> seem we're in good time
<HazRPG> [TOPIC] Date of next meeting
Date of next meeting
<HazRPG> Erm... right, date for the next meet...
<HazRPG> How does 2 weeks for now sound? 14th April 2011?
<Biglesp> Ok with me
<popey> me 3
<CyberJacob> same here
<daubers> +1
<AlanBell> good for me I think
<HazRPG> perfect...
<HazRPG> [ACTION] Date for next meeting shall be held on 14th April 2011.
Date for next meeting shall be held on 14th April 2011. |
<HazRPG> [TOPIC] Chair for next meeting
Chair for next meeting
<HazRPG> Who would like to take over during the next meeting?
<HazRPG> ...erm... anyone?
<popey> AlanBell:
AlanBell spins the bottle
<AlanBell> oh, go on then
<HazRPG> rand num generator!
<AlanBell> I will chair it
<HazRPG> hurrah!
<HazRPG> [ACTION] AlanBell to chair next meeting.
AlanBell to chair next meeting. |
<HazRPG> And that concludes this meeting :). Thanks everyone for coming, and see you all next week hopefully.
<HazRPG> #endmeeting
Meeting closed at 21:05
People Present
- barrydrake
- HazRPG
- daubers
- BigRedS
- MichealH
- Biglesp
- popey
- dutchie
Actions Recorded
Poke AlanBell for an update on the launch party for natty.
- Notify the team of the change in title to PoC.
- daubers to Notify the team of the change in title to PoC.
- Deferring "Daubers - UUK PoC Election Process" till next meeting
AlanBell to cover Election process at Global Jam
AlanBell to email the list about mumble, etc
- daubers to email list about Sci-Fi event, and post up moodle poll
- HazRPG to hit up Cumbria LUG about Sci-Fi event and post some details their way.
- Poke Biglesp about how they got on at U3.
- Date for next meeting shall be held on 14th April 2011.
AlanBell to chair next meeting.
UKTeam/MeetingNotes/20110331 (last edited 2011-03-31 21:15:05 by 78-86-16-214)