Do you have an idea for an event, project, improvement, or team-related activity? Our team thrives on your ideas! Please add your ideas to the table below. To do this, add an entry to the "New Ideas" list below and the team will discuss it. Discussion about proposed ideas will take place either in the community forum, at meetings, on the mailing list, or some combination of these. Feel free to expand upon ideas using sub-bullets.
NOTE: Please add these 5 characters at the end of your comments @SIG@ so we get an automatic timestamp with your user name on it. It will be expanded when you save the changes, so don't worry when you don't see the timestamp and username in the preview.
New Ideas
Nationwide Project Organization. I have noticed that some LoCo's have been created and then virtually abandoned by their creators. People who are excited to do something to help the Ubuntu community join these LoCo's. They then place a post on the local forum and/or mailing list stating their enthusiasm. Without any kind of leadership or infrastructure, this post or Email goes unanswered and without any projects to participate in the person quickly loses interest and moves on. We need a framework or system in place that fills gaps left by inattentive LoCo leadership. The US Team could propose and help organize projects, say 3 or 4 a year, for the State LoCo's. The US Team would come up with the projects and providing some mentoring/guidance but the project's execution would be carried out by the State LoCos. Members at the state level could pick up these projects on their respective mailing lists and have something they can participate in if nothing is being organized locally. -- duanedesign 2009-01-07 05:21:52
Outreach and Coordination. Like Duane said above we need better organization while at the same time we need to ensure that LoCo's get the TLC they need in order to be successful. I think providing a Leadership Guide (From Leadership Team) and perhaps utilizing the Leadership Team to do some LoCo evangelizing would be a great step towards ensuring we are engaging new states and dormant states accordingly. -- bkerensa 2025-03-11 17:05:35
NOTE : Please add these 5 characters at the end of your comments @SIG@ so we get an automatic timestamp with your user name on it. It will be expanded when you save the changes, so don't worry when you don't see the timestamp and username in the preview.
To Do List
The following idea(s) have been discussed and approved and/or are ready to be implemented.
Implemented Ideas
When an idea is implemented it may appear here to keep track of what parts of the team we owe to this fine pool of ideas
Deferred Ideas
When an idea has been deferred, it means that it may or may not be acted upon. These ideas were likely to be determined unsuitable or unfeasible. This list is kept so that members can develop an understanding of what types of ideas are deferred.
USTeams/IdeaPool (last edited 2012-07-27 06:21:05 by c-67-171-138-170)