
US Teams
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Ubuntu NEXT US TEAMS MEETING: To be announced (details) Ubuntu

Please join us in #ubuntu-us or on the mailing list for tips for running your US-based LoCo Team, but this project is largely inactive.

Calling All Mentors!

We are opening the application period for all people interested in mentoring LoCo Teams. Out there -- right now -- there is a LoCo team in the US who could use your help! Head on over to the Mentors Page to sign up. We approve new mentors at each scheduled meeting.


This is the central team for all Ubuntu LoCoTeams in the United States. We are the collective of groups of volunteers and activists throughout the U.S. organized around the Ubuntu operating system. We advocate digital freedom and promote Ubuntu as a means of achieving this.


Currently different states have had better success at getting up and running than other teams. This is most likely due to poor communication and lack of resources or know-how. We hope that with the cooperation of successful teams and struggling teams everyone can become stronger.

  1. Have an established team for every state in the US
  2. Assist new teams to become approved
  3. Exist as a central resource to all US teams

Join Us & Get Involved

Please explore our current projects to get involved with the team. You may also submit/discuss ideas in the Idea Pool, or in IRC, on the forum, or on the mailing list.

Team Naming Standards

For those interested in setting up resources for their team please refer to the following:

US Teams Planet

The US Teams Project has a Planet, found at http://planet.ubuntu-us.org, which syndicates events, news and progress from ANY US LoCo Teams sites (no need to be "approved"). If your team would like to be added to this planet contact Elizabeth Krumbach.

CategoryLoCoTeams CategoryUSTeams

USTeams (last edited 2014-07-07 01:20:58 by lyz)