

Please, make sure to use the mailing list for Ubuntu GNOME Wiki & Documentation Team on Launchpad which you should be a subscriber to it by default if you join the team on Launchpad - to discuss any changes on the Wiki Area of Ubuntu GNOME. The idea is to encoruge team work and make sure there will be no double work to maintain the pages. Same applies for creating any new Wiki Pages - the team should be notified before that.


One of the most important aspects of any Computer Software is the Software Documentation Process.

The Documentation Team is a group of community volunteers responsible for writing, editing, and updating the Documentation and Wiki System of Ubuntu GNOME.

Join Us

You can send a request to join the team on Launchpad.

Introduce yourself

Do not be shy. Please send an email to the mailing list of the Documentation Team and introduce yourself.

How to help

Subscribe to a Wiki Page

Subscribing to the a Wiki Page will make it easier for you as a Wiki Editor to follow up with the changes other members are making. You will be notified with each and every update on a specific Wiki Page, which makes remaining in the loop easier.


Adding Comment

Kindly be advised that you are required to add 'comments' after each and every edit you do on the Wiki Pages so that everyone will be aware of the changes you have made. Whenever someone needs to go back to the history of any Wiki Page, adding comments will help them to understand, in summary and few seconds, what happened to that page instead of going through the whole page or one section Smile :) if this not clear, please ask on the mailing list.

Ubuntu GNOME Wiki & Docs Map

Wiki Map

To make life easier for everyone and to have a full list/index of all the Wiki Pages that Ubuntu GNOME Team has, we have created a Wiki Map - Please see: Ubuntu GNOME Wiki Map.

Please, make sure to keep an eye on that Wiki Map - bookmark it.

Documentation Pages


Basic HOWTOs

Advanced HOWTOs

Members of Wiki & Docs Team

Ubuntu GNOME Team Members

Future Plans

NOTE: This section for future plans or To-Do Tasks for Ubuntu GNOME Wiki Area. Why it is not on the Blueprints Area? because:

  1. The current Blueprints are for Trusty Tahr Cycle so we don't want anyone to be confused.
  2. This is a future plan which might happen or might not. Still on draft stage.
  3. We shall not carry on with this on this cycle, at least at this very moment.

Whenever we shall have some free time and there is no more tasks to do, it is safe then to start the discussion on the mailing list regarding these plans or ideas. Until then, this section will be used to add any future idea or plan.

These plans will be converted to Blueprints when the right time comes to discuss that Smile :)







The Header of Ubuntu GNOME Wiki

Ubuntu GNOME Wiki area is growing bigger day after day and to make life easier for anyone visiting the Wiki area, we need to change the header to cope with the rapid growth and list all the important pages for faster access



HOWTO Section

As per this email, we need to discuss our options to move only the HOWTO Section of Ubuntu GNOME to

UbuntuGNOME/DocumentationTeam (last edited 2014-11-30 15:43:26 by stgt-5f70d429)