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Please note that the deadline for amending the agenda is 24 hours before the meeting.

Meeting Schedule for 13.10 (at 20:00 UTC / GMT)

  • Monday, 16th September, 2013

General Agenda Items and Proposals





Show of hands to gauge attendance

Say o/ when asked


(1) Ubuntu GNOME Team (2) Slide Show and Artwork (3) Web Site (4) StartUbuntu

(1) discuss the need for more contributors and testers. Also, discuss the idea of sub-teams (2) Updates Regarding the Slide Show and Artwork (3) General Discussion about the Website of Ubuntu GNOME (4) Discuss about how Ubuntu GNOME can play a role in StartUbuntu Project





Any Other Business

A final round up


Place of the meeting

  • IRC: irc.freenode.org
  • Channel: #ubuntu-gnome
  • Webchat link : Click Here

Meeting Summary

Meeting information

Meeting summary

ACTION: amjjawad to find more contributors to Ubuntu GNOME and more testers also people to help with other tasks


The discussion about "sub-teams" started at 20:44.

Slide Show Updates

The discussion about "Slide Show Updates" started at 20:50.

Ubuntu GNOME Web Site

The discussion about "Ubuntu GNOME Web Site" started at 20:56.


The discussion about "StartUbuntu" started at 21:16.

Vote results

Action items

  • amjjawad to find more contributors to Ubuntu GNOME and more testers also people to help with other tasks
  • darkxst to give amjjawad access of admin on the Lauchpad area
  • amjjawad to email Canonical - rt@ubuntu.com in case of adding new theme to Ubuntu GNOME Website

  • amjjawad to send another email to Matthew regarding Ubuntu GNOME Twitter Account

Action items, by person

  • amjjawad
    • amjjawad to find more contributors to Ubuntu GNOME and more testers also people to help with other tasks
    • darkxst to give amjjawad access of admin on the Lauchpad area
    • amjjawad to email Canonical - rt@ubuntu.com in case of adding new theme to Ubuntu GNOME Website

    • amjjawad to send another email to Matthew regarding Ubuntu GNOME Twitter Account
  • darkxst
    • darkxst to give amjjawad access of admin on the Lauchpad area

People present (lines said)

  • amjjawad (69)
  • darkxst (17)
  • meetingology (7)
  • jbicha (3)

Full Log

  • 20:22 <amjjawad> #startmeeting Ubuntu GNOME Team Meeting

    20:22 <meetingology> Meeting started Mon Sep 16 20:22:54 2013 UTC. The chair is amjjawad. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.

    20:22 <meetingology>

    20:22 <meetingology> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired

    20:24 <amjjawad> Okay so it seems only few and Alfredo is not here Sad :(

    20:24 <amjjawad> darkxst: I was about to discuss a bit of the structure of Ubuntu GNOME team but I guess I got the answer that I was in mind. jbicha has confirmed he is leaving and won't be available with 14.04.

    20:25 <amjjawad> So, my Q to you will be the same as I asked eariler ... will Ubuntu GNOME 14.04 be LTS?

    20:25 <amjjawad> because some users are asking me and I have no clear answer yet!

    20:27 <darkxst> we don't really have the man power to commit to full LTS support right now

    20:27 <darkxst> so it is unlikely that 14.04 will be an official LTS release

    20:28 <amjjawad> darkxst: I do know that which is sad but what if I can arrange that? can we go for it?

    20:28 <amjjawad> I mean, if I can recurit more people to join and help?

    20:28 <amjjawad> if yes, how much time do I have for that?

    20:30 <darkxst> even if you could recruit more dev's we would need time to see they are committed long term!

    20:30 <amjjawad> darkxst: okay, then chances are so slim

    20:31 <amjjawad> so, do you think it is pointless to invest time for that? or perhaps it worths a try?

    20:32 <darkxst> even if we don't do an official LTS release, we could still provide SRU's where possible

    20:33 <jbicha> right, the community can provide updates to 14.04 LTS for the entire 5-year lifecycle if they want to

    20:34 <amjjawad> what I wanted to discuss today in this meeting not only the LTS topic but a somehow related topics Smile :)

    20:34 <darkxst> and obviously those running 14.04 will still benefit from the Ubuntu HWe updates etc

    20:35 <amjjawad> darkxst: yes, but then, the same issue with Lubuntu 12.04 which is based on a core system that is LTS but other LXDE packages are not supported for 3-5 years Sad :(

    20:36 <amjjawad> anyway, the final answer for that is 14.04 is not going to be an official LTS.

    20:39 <amjjawad> what I wanted to highlight and it is no secert and very obvious but thought it is good to double highlight it Big Grin :)

    20:39 <amjjawad> 1- We do need more testers

    20:39 <amjjawad> 2- we do need more contributor

    20:39 <amjjawad> contributors*

    20:39 <amjjawad> having that said, I will take care of these two tasks Smile :)

    20:40 <amjjawad> darkxst: what do you think?

    20:41 <darkxst> it would be great to find a couple more devs

    20:42 <darkxst> It would also be good if we can find someone to take of triaging bugs from the ppa's

    20:43 <amjjawad> then, we agree to that Smile :)

    20:43 <amjjawad> #action amjjawad to find more contributors to Ubuntu GNOME and more testers also people to help with other tasks 20:43 * meetingology amjjawad to find more contributors to Ubuntu GNOME and more testers also people to help with other tasks

    20:44 <amjjawad> #topic sub-teams

    20:46 <amjjawad> I am waiting the right moment to communite on the mailing list my next project for Ubuntu GNOME. After I have put so much time and energy on the Wiki Area, I do think it is time to use the same plan for Lubuntu and have sub-teams (Document, Test, etc) BUT for this to happen, I do need first to find more people to join!

    20:46 <amjjawad> but, I thought it is good idea to bring this to your attention, darkxst Smile :)

    20:47 <amjjawad> I have already created 3 teams on Launchpad but did not send anything about it as I am waiting the right moment Smile :)

    20:48 <darkxst> we can always form more sub-teams as we grow

    20:48 <amjjawad> +1

    20:49 <amjjawad> glad you liked the idea Big Grin :)

    20:49 <amjjawad> Lubuntu had a successful story with sub-teams and I'd love to do the same with Ubuntu GNOME but we need to grow a bit bigger first hehe

    20:50 <amjjawad> #topic Slide Show Updates

    20:50 <amjjawad> darkxst: to keep you in the loop, I have worked on the slide show and send my suggestions to Alfredo and he will work on that and hopefully we can finish that before the freeze Smile :)

    20:51 <darkxst> ok, sounds good

    20:51 <amjjawad> Big Grin :)

    20:51 <amjjawad> so, slide show is almost done

    20:52 <amjjawad> what about Wallpapers? I don't think there is enough time for that, right?

    20:52 <amjjawad> I mean, no time to include more for example?

    20:53 <amjjawad> as for 14.04, we will hopefully ask for the community input to submit some wallpapers as this will motivate them and attract them to join and help Smile :)

    20:54 <darkxst> sure, we just didnt have time in the end to set that up this cycle'

    20:55 <amjjawad> yep

    20:55 <amjjawad> I am so excited to start planning for 14.04 from now heheh

    20:55 <amjjawad> but I will take it easy :P

    20:56 <amjjawad> #topic Ubuntu GNOME Web Site

    20:57 <amjjawad> darkxst: thanks for the access, it was good to add two posts and yet again (as always), I have some ideas and plans for the Web Site but I do need 2 things

    20:58 <amjjawad> 1- Are we counting more on our website? or our mailing list? or our social media? what is the channel that represent our main channel and front line?

    20:59 <amjjawad> 2- Whatever I have in mind for the website, I do need some help and that means, I need to team up yet again with Alferdo to work on that by adding some nice stuff to the website!

    21:01 <darkxst> re 1 I think they each serve a different purpose really

    21:03 <amjjawad> as we still in point 1, what do you expect from the website? or shall I just take care of that entirely and save you the trouble :P

    21:04 <darkxst> you can take care of that

    21:04 <amjjawad> darkxst: ok, then I guess I need to be admin on the Launchpad Tea for the website

    21:04 <amjjawad> so I can add Alfredo and whoever else interested to work on that website

    21:05 <darkxst> sure

    21:05 <amjjawad> https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-gnome-website/+members#active

    21:07 <amjjawad> and I guess this one as well: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-gnome-release/+members#active that is why I had no control panel on the ISO Tracker the other day with Beta 1 release Sad :(

    21:07 <amjjawad> #action darkxst to give amjjawad access of admin on the Lauchpad area 21:07 * meetingology darkxst to give amjjawad access of admin on the Lauchpad area

    21:09 <jbicha> if you need to add a new WordPress theme to the website, you'll have to submit a ticket to Canonical by emailing rt@ubuntu.com

    21:09 <amjjawad> jbicha: oh, that news to me

    21:09 <amjjawad> I guess this step is a must, correct?

    21:12 <darkxst> amjjawad, Canonical host the website, we have no access beyond wordpress admin panel

    21:13 <amjjawad> I see Sad :(

    21:14 <amjjawad> #action amjjawad to email Canonical - rt@ubuntu.com in case of adding new theme to Ubuntu GNOME Website

    21:14 * meetingology amjjawad to email Canonical - rt@ubuntu.com in case of adding new theme to Ubuntu GNOME Website

    21:16 <amjjawad> #topic StartUbuntu

    21:17 <amjjawad> #link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StartUbuntu

    21:17 <amjjawad> darkxst: jbicha not sure if you guys have seen my other project? which is not a personal project but rather a community project right now that some people are involved and helping

    21:18 <amjjawad> I'd like for Ubuntu GNOME to play a role on that project and I have asked Rafael, Lubuntu Artwork Team Leader who is so good friend of mine and teammate to work on some nice artwork that you can see on the Wiki Page Smile :)

    21:18 <amjjawad> and, Ubuntu GNOME is there Wink ;)

    21:20 <darkxst> nice!

    21:21 <amjjawad> Smile :)

    21:22 <amjjawad> final note, Facebook and Google+ Pages are having more and more activities and subscribers Smile :) I am not dreaming of Ubuntu GNOME every night :P

    21:23 <darkxst> amjjawad, great!

    21:23 <amjjawad> I am enjoying it but it sure adds so much tasks for me so once I will find more contributors, maybe they can also help with this area. Because I am also admin for Lubuntu Pages and Peppermint, I am having so much to handle

    21:24 <amjjawad> and, I have not heard from Matthew yet Sad :( regarding our Twitter account

    21:25 <amjjawad> I am now dreaming*

    21:25 <jbicha> try not to burn yourself out

    21:25 <amjjawad> #action amjjawad to send another email to Matthew regarding Ubuntu GNOME Twitter Account 21:25 * meetingology amjjawad to send another email to Matthew regarding Ubuntu GNOME Twitter Account

    21:26 <amjjawad> jbicha: phillw, my mentor, has always and still warning me about that Big Grin :) hehe

    21:26 <amjjawad> but +1 I promise I will jbicha Smile :) thanks a lot for the advice

    21:27 <amjjawad> so, anything else you would like to add guys before ending our first meeting?

    21:31 <amjjawad> darkxst: and jbicha anything else you guys would like to add before ending? Smile :)

    21:31 <darkxst> nope, go ahead and end meeting

    21:33 <amjjawad> okay, thank you so much darkxst and jbicha Smile :) that was fun and a good meeting

    21:33 <amjjawad> #endmeeting

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UbuntuGNOME/Meetings/16092013 (last edited 2013-09-16 21:44:39 by 2)