
Revision 5 as of 2006-07-16 15:11:16

Clear message


Ubuntu Magazine IRC Meeting Agenda

Please restrict dicussion to items that pertain directly to the magazine.

Call to order: 17 July 20:00 UNC

Check your local time [http://timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=7&day=17&year=2006&hour=20&min=0&sec=0&p1=0 here.]

Chair: Sara Vasquez

A. Opening Items

  1. Welcome comments from the chair
  2. Roll call for selected members

B. Old Business

< Add Old Business Items Here >

3. Old Business Parking Lot

< Add Open Parking Lot Items Here >

C. New Business

1.. Wiki

We need someone to take the responsability to redo and maintain our wiki https://launchpad.net/products/spreadubuntu/+spec/ubuntumag-wiki

2.. Project Charter

The charter can be found here.


Project Rationale

  1. Project Goals and Objectives
    • Community Goals
    • Others
  2. Project Scope
    • Project Deliverables (Sara- We need to revisit the forum idea, We all need to start using Launchpad and writting specs for our ideas, I think that is the way we will submitt ideas from now on.)
    • Intent of the Project
    • Exclusions
    • Others
  3. Project critical Success Factors
    • Initial High-level Project Planning
    • Estimated Resource Requirements
    • Other
  4. Estimated Benefits
    • Other
  5. Role Assignments

Milestones Discussion

  1. Craft project charter
  2. Project approvals

Charter Other

  • - Call for other discussion items

Charter Parking Lot

  • - Call for other Charter Parking Lot Items

2. Other new Business

< Other New Business Here >

3.. Ubuntu Name and Idenitity

  1. Call for ideas!

Start discussion about the magazine's identity, I feel that we might aliniate kubutnu, xubuntu, and edubuntu users (How can we make and global magazine?)
If the charter is approved as it stands, this is milestone #3. Establish Magazine Identity.

D. Announcements

  1. Next Meeting

< Add Other Announcements Here >

E. Adjourn (~21:00 UNC)

Thank you for your attendance


  • Parking LotBRThe term parking lot refers to items which need clarification and will be discussed again. Typically a parking lot item is assigned to a person who is responsible for reporting their findings. This usually occurs under the agenda heading of old business.


Doc Version: 071661
