Call to order 7am (07:00) UTC Nov 9 2009 in #ubuntu-meeting
- Discussion of Karmic
- are users happy
- any pressing bugs?
Swami Bug #374733
quick review of Karmic's Task List
Jack into Main https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio/+bug/407841
libffado in main Bug #416778
- compiling apps with jack support
- xine-lib (motin ppa)
- pulseaudio (motin ppa)
- alsa-plugins (motin has included this but needs someone that can confirm it works)
- port-audio19 (motin ppa)
- growth in the Graphics and Video metas
packaging efforts - updated wishlist
- suggestion: use ubuntu studios ppa's for jack-enabled packages and wishlist packages yet not included in main repos (agenda point added by Motin)
- Kernel plan
- Ubuntu Studio Controls
- Studio's new design direction/look to be used project-wide.
What elements need to be added to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/LucidTaskList
- Growing our development community
- testing team
UbuntuStudio/Meetings/2009Nov9 (last edited 2009-11-06 23:31:04 by d66-183-44-51)