Ubuntu Studio Reporting Page
Welcome to the Ubuntu Studio reporting page. Every month this page should be filled with bullet points indicating the summary of some of the work you have been working on. As you work on something, try to summarize it here. A few guidelines for how to write good points here:
Keep it simple and short - single sentences are best.
- Try to summarize your work and not be over-detailed - we don't need to know specifics, just a summary of the kind of work involved
- Where possible, include relevant links.
The Report
Release Development
See the Oneiric release planning wiki page for details.
Website Update
See the Website Update wiki page for details.
- Brian David emailed the dev mailing list with the example website files for testing
- Testers will need a local instance of Drupal
- Testers will most likely also need a local instance of MySQL
- Testing will need to follow the included README.txt file
ScottLavender agreed to prepare 2nd draft of site map focusing on primary features
See the -controls development wiki page for details.
- ailo and paultag have been hacking up code for the update
ScottLavender is getting anxious to get it built, testing, and pushed to the repos :/
See the Ubuntu Studio Backports wiki page for details.
ScottLavender firmed up details with ScottKitterman about backporting for Lucid
The Ubuntu Studio Backports wiki page was updated...a LOT
qjackctl backport bug #681873 updated and PPA package ready for testing
qsynth backport bug #729430 filed and PPA package ready for testing
yoshimi backport bug #729450 filed and PPA package ready for testing
inkscape backport bug #729474 filed and PPA package ready for testing
openshot backport bug #729488 filed and PPA package ready for testing
rakarrack PPA package ready for testing
qtractor backport bug #729750 filed and PPA package ready for testing
musescore backport bug #729811 filed and PPA package ready for testing
xsane backport bug #729898 filed and PPA package ready for testing
mcp-plugins backport bug #729926 filed and PPA package ready for testing
jamin backport bug #729955 filed and PPA package ready for testing
fluidsynth backport bug #729981 filed and PPA package ready for testing
gimp backport bug #729998 filed and PPA package ready for testing
fluid-sonfont backport bug #730130 filed and PPA package ready for testing
gimp-plugin-registry backport bug #730181 filed and PPA package ready for testing
Bug Reports
Opened Bugs
- Several backport requests were filed. See BACKPORTS section above for details.
Updated Bugs
Marked as Incomplete Bugs
Closed Bugs
Kernel Development
ScottLavender began building -lowlatency kernel with aboganni's assistance in hopes of getting it in Natty
- It is realised the window for getting the -lowlatency kernel in Natty is very slim
Previous Reports
UbuntuStudio/TeamReports/11/July (last edited 2011-07-03 18:19:43 by 75-143-224-172)