ScottLavender completed updating the seeds in support of work flows with help from TheMuso and cjwatson's
ScottLavender also fix an error in the seed update which culminated in a bug report against tasksel
ScottLavender completed updating the plymouth theme with help from TheMuso
ScottLavender created a patch for the 'gnome-classic' default xsession bug
- the patch sets the default xsession to 'gnome-classic' instead of unity
- didrocks provide fantastic and comprehensive help over months - you ROCK man!
- Website Update
EricHedekar and Brian David began discussing website updates again
ScottLavender agreed to prepare 2nd draft of site map focusing on primary features by Feb. 13th.
- Kernel development
ScottLavender noticed that "sudden reboot" bug appears to be fixed
ScottLavender, Ronan Jouchet, and ailo began testing -generic vs. abogani's -lowlatency kernel
ScottLavender also investigated and reported on the "kernel panic" bug he had been suffering
- ubuntustudio-controls
ScottLavender, paultag, holstein, ailo, and doctormo all brainstormed on updates for -controls
ScottLavender updated the -controls wiki
ScottLavender created a ubuntustudio-controls blueprint
- ailo, paultag, and doctormo began working on updating the package
- Backports
ScottLavender talked to ScottK about backports since JohnDong isn't active with backports
confirmed agreement with JohnDong still stands, i.e. that Ubuntu Studio members will create package, test backports, and file bugs
- let ScottK know that bug reports should begin soon
- ScottK asked to be pinged on IRC when the first one is ready
ScottLavender completed the team report for January
also notes that he missed the December team report
- Mailing Lists
ScottLavender took over ownership of the ubuntu-studio-users mailing list and the ubuntu-studio-devel mailing list from jussi
UbuntuStudio/TeamReports/11/January (last edited 2011-02-09 18:45:52 by 17)