
UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue40/De ist die deutsche Übersetzung des Ubuntu Weekly Newsletters Ausgabe 40

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Willkommen zum Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Ausgabe 40 für die Woche vom 6. bis 12. Mai 2007. In dieser Ausgabe zeigen wir...

UWN Übersetzungen

In dieser Ausgabe

Allgemeine Community News

Ubuntu Studio veröffentlicht

Mit hohen Erwartungen wurde am 10. Mai eine stabile Version von Ubuntu Studio veröffentlicht. Ubuntu Studio ist ein inoffizielles Derivat von Ubuntu welches auf Multimediaarbeit ausgelegt ist: Videoschnitt, Audioerstellung, Grafikbearbeitung und mehr. Einige Features beinhalten kleine Veränderungen im Kernel für Audioarbeit, einen modifizierten Installer und Ardour 2. Support ist über den IRC Channel #ubuntustudio und in den Ubuntu Foren erhältlich.

LoCo News

Das Arizona Team, "The Hottest LoCo on Earth" wurde vor einem Monat gegründet und hat bereits 30 Mitglieder. Das LoCo began ein Serverteam um Leute, die in Linux Server Technologien interessiert sind zu bilden und zu trainieren. Das Serverteam arbeitet bereits daran. Die DeVry Linux Users Group in Phoenix, Arizona spendete ihnen einen Server. Um die Mitglieder regelmäßig zu informieren hat das Arizona LoCo auch einen eigenen Newsletter mit bis jetzt drei Ausgaben herausgegeben. Mehr Informationen über das LoCo Team findest du unter

Ein Ubuntu Central America Team wurde mit der Teilung in fünf Teams gegründet: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras und Nicaragua. Panama und Belize werden hinzugefügt sobald sich ihre Teams registrieren. Das Nicaragua Team wird die anderen Teams unterstützen, dass heißt es organisiert sie, gibt ihnen Aktivitäten und sich wird sich bis zum Jahresende etablieren. Ein Knotenprojekt ist bereits geplant: Das zweitägige Central American Ubuntu Festival in Managua, Nicaragua für das Release von Gutsy Das Event wird Konferenzen, Installationspartys, Stände, Ausstellungen, Wettbewerbe und vieles mehr geben. Lies mehr auf:





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Neu in Gutsy Gibbon

Launchpad News

In den Nachrichten

  • Jason Brooks, at eWeek, thinks Linux is getting closer to fixing bug #1. Jason thinks Ubuntu's best features are "its excellent software management tools, its well-organized community and its large catalog of ready-to-install free software applications." As more people use Linux applications, they will find it easier to install and update compared to Windows. The spruced up implementation of the NetworkManager gets high praise as it was deemed "essential" in Blueprints for 7.04. Read the full article:,1895,2126937,00.asp

  • The BBC covers the new Ubuntu Mobile and Embedded project with Intel. Intel CEO Paul Otellini has shown off a device using a prototype of the Ubuntu mobile platform. Devices powered by Intel's new low-engery chips will be much smaller than conventional processors and consume only 10% of the power. The Ubuntu platform aims to maximize energy efficiency while "offering a graphical interface designed specifically for the small screen." More details are expected after the Ubuntu Developer Summit. Read the full article:

  • Jo Best, at Business Week, also covers the Ubuntu and Intel parternship. Ubuntu CTO Mark Zimmerman says "It is clear that new types of device - small, handheld, graphical tablets which are internet-enabled - are going to change the way we communicate and collaborate. These devices place new demands on open source software and require innovative graphical interfaces, improved power management and better responsiveness." Linux is expected to run on 200 million mobile devices by 2012. Read the full article:

  • VMWare has released Workstation 6 which supports paraviritualization with paravirt-ops. Paravirt-ops "allows users to run the same Linux kernel in paravirtualized mode on a hypervisor as well as on native hardware" meaning companies have to maintain fewer Linux kernels, will be able to save money, and simplify development. Ubuntu 7.04 is the first distribution to support paravirt-ops. Jane Sibler, director of operations at Canonical, says "VMware and the Ubuntu community have worked closely together to ensure that Linux customers can use a single operating system for both virtual and physical environments as well as receive optimal performance and an excellent out-of-box experience in both environments." Read the full article:

  • Rodney Gedda, at InfoWorld Nederland, discusses Mooter Media's move to Ubuntu when implementing a platform "that would scale from 100,000 transactions a day in 2005 to a projected 100 million a day in 2007 and beyond." Mooter CIO Mark Hetherington's design required the platform to be massively scalable and redundant and support new releases quickly without interruptions. Mark says "Our platform of choice was Linux for development reasons and our distribution of choice, Ubuntu, gave us a much more flexible way of managing software in an automated manner. The Debian packages allow you to deploy far more automatically whereas deploying to Red Hat is a pain in the bum." Read the full article:

  • Will Smith, at Maximum PC, goes through the process of installing Ubuntu 7.04. Will says with Ubunutu "you can boot off the CD to determine whether or not your rig will work with the OS before you make a single change to the hard drive. You can tell if you’re going to have a problem before you hose your system, which is always a good thing." He goes on to describe how to find and install applications and restricted drivers using Synaptic. Will comments "it is actually safe to run an Ubuntu install without any kind of malware-fighting utilities running in the background." Google and the Ubuntu forums are mentioned as good places to find help for any technical problems. Read the full article:

In der Blogosphäre

  • Jessamyn Charity West, a librarian at Calef Library, in Washington, Vermont, created a video of installing Ubuntu on donated computers. Three computers came with no legal licenses for Windows, so Jessamyn burned an ISO of Ubuntu and proceeded to overwite Windows. She comments how Ubuntu is instantly useful since it comes with OpenOffice and Gaim preinstalled. See the video at

  • Adrian Kingsley-Hughes, at ZDNet, is excited with the idea of Ubuntu on mobile devices. He thinks current embedded platforms are awful and Ubuntu can help change this and it would be good exposure for Linux as a whole. Adrian says "I can tell you now that I'm looking forward to seeing it in action! This release of Ubuntu could change how we interact with out mobile devices forever." Read more at:

  • Steve Ross, at FON, blogs about installing Ubuntu 7.04. He goes through the default installation, automatically partitioning his drive and keeping Windows. Ubuntu was able to import most of his pictures, music, and documents from Windows and Steve notes that everything "just worked." Next, he connects a back up hard drive, Microsoft wireless keyboard and mouse, and a card reader to the computer and everything works seamlessly. Steve goes on to say "I know this sounds like an advertisement for Ubuntu, I guess it is." Read more at and

  • Pablonius Monk, at Pablo's Point, talks about reviving an either old Sony Vaio desktop with Ubuntu. Initially the computer had Windows 98SE and was upgraded to XP in 2002. Performance degraded severely and Pablonious started looking for alternatives. He took the plunge with Ubuntu and comments "to say I've gotten my use out of that computer is an understatement. Ubuntu really helped me stretch it out." Read more at

  • Alex, on his Gentoo blog, writes about how Ubuntu is helping out Linux. He says that Ubuntu is made with usability in mine, "has a commercial support of involved vendor", is about community, has a successful business model, and listens to its users. Alex thinks that Ubuntu will succeed in areas that Red Hat has failed, and Ubuntu will be more careful with its community compared to Novell. Read more at

  • TechBookReport reviews the latest Ubuntu release. It talks about running the Live CD so the user can try out Ubuntu and look at the wide range of available applications. Once booted into Ubuntu, "you are presented with an uncluttered and rather elegant looking desktop." TechBookReport finds the installation easy and requires little technical knowledge and its easy to keep the system updated. Ubuntu doesn't try to overwhelm the user by installing too many applications by default. Overall, "Ubuntu feels rock solid, and the ease of use is impressive." Read more at

  • Carla Schroder, editor of Linux Today, discusses how online discussions can be hurtful and destructive. People justify mistreating others by hiding behind free speech and ridiculing political correctness. Carla thinks the fact that Ubuntu enforces a code of conduct, has helped create a community "that supports courtesy and discourages rotten behavior, without needing jackbooted forum cops on duty all the time." Read more at

Treffen und Veranstaltungen

Dienstag, 15. Mai 2007

Communityrat Treffen

Kernel Team Treffen

Mittwoch, 16. Mai 2007

Launchpad User Treffen

Edubuntu Treffen

Donnerstag, 17. Mai 2007

Ubuntu Entwicklungsteam Treffen

  • Start: 16:00
  • Ende: 18:00
  • Ort: #ubuntu-meeting

Freitag, 18. Mai 2007

Forumrat Treffen

Community Spotlight

Updates and security for 6.06, 6.10, and 7.04


Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Updates

Ubuntu 6.10 Updates

Ubuntu 7.04 Updates

Bug Stats

  • Open (#) +/- # over last week
  • Critical (#) +/- # over last week
  • Unconfirmed (#) +/- # over last week
  • Unassigned (#) +/- # over last week
  • All bugs ever reported (#) +/- # over last week

As always, the Bug Squad needs more help. If you want to get started, please see

Check out the bug statistics:

Infamous Bugs

UWN #: Ein kleiner Einblick

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UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue40/De (last edited 2008-08-06 16:23:08 by localhost)