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Välkommen till Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, nummer 86 för vecka April 6 - April 12, 2008. I det här numret täcker vi: Ubuntu 8.04 LTS "frysning" av arkivet, Ubuntu 8.04 LTS LoCo Team CDs, uppdatering av Brainstorm, Ubuntu UK Podcast #3, Europaparlamentet testar Ubuntu, och mycket, mycket mer.
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I det här numret
- Ubuntu 8.04 LTS frysning av arkiv
Ubuntu 8.04 LTS LoCo team CDs
- Brainstorm uppdatering
- Ubuntu statistik
- Ubuntu i pressen och blogsfären
- Ubuntu UK podcast #3
- Europaparlamentet testar Ubuntu
Kommande möten & händelser
Uppdateringar & Säkerhetsnoticer
Allmänna Nyheter
Frysning av Ubuntu 8.04 LTS arkiv
Det är nu en vecka kvar tills 8.04s release kandidat (RC) släpps, och två veckor kvar tills den slutgiltiga releasen, vilket innebär att arkivet är fryst och kommer inte att tina igen före releasen.
Under frysningen så måste alla uppladdningar bli godkända av en medlem av Release Team, så om du har ändringar du anser vara viktiga så ber vi att du kontaktar Release Team så snart som möjligt. Ändringar till Main borde nu enbart riktas mot kritiska buggar som hindrar 8.04 från att släppas
Uppladdningar till Universe skall ske enligt följande riktlinjer:
Listan över Release-kritiska buggar som vi vill fixa före RC den 17 april följs här:
Övriga buggar som fortfarande anses "TARGETS OF OPPORTUNITY" för denna releasen finns på följande adress:
Om du har en bug du tycker borde finnas på listan, men som inte gör det, var vänlig kontakta mig eller någon annan medlem av RELEASE TEAMet
Ubuntu 8.04 LTS LoCo team CD skivor
Gratis CD-skivor för Hardy finns tillgängligt för alla godkända LoCo föreningar. Shipit kommer att skicka följande blandning av CD-skivor:
- Ubuntu: PC: 230, AMD64: 20
- Kubuntu: PC: 30, AMD64: 15
- Edubuntu: PC: 10
- Server PC: PC: 30
- Server 64bit: PC: 15
- KDE4 Remix: PC: 50
Notera att antalet CD-skivor i blandningen är förbestämd och inte går att justera.
För att få tillgång till CD-skivorna bör du först försäkra dig om att din LoCo förening är godkänd, och sedan är det bara för föreningens kontaktperson att begära CD-paketet.
För att få dom, skicka ett mail till med SUJECT LINE "REQUEST FOR HARD CDS: <Namn på LoCo här> (t.ex. REQUEST FOR HARDY CDS: UBUNTU-SE). Du måste använda just den formatteringen så att Shipit kan hantera mailet. Meddelandet skall också innehålla följande information:
- Namn
- Postadress
- Telefonnummer (inkludera landskoden)
LoCo kontakten måste beställa skivorna, men det går bra att skicka skivorna till en annan medlem. Varje team kan beställa högst ett CD-paket var.
Beställningar borde göras innan den 18 April för att dom ska kunna levereras inom två veckor från det att Hardy släpps. Sena beställningar beräknas ta ytterligare två veckor att levereras.
Innan du skickar mailet, se till att:
ni är en godkänd förening - se
- föreningens kontaktperson placerar beställningen.
- att all begärd information finns med i mailet.
Brainstorm Uppdatering
Brainstorm arbetar nu för att göra projektet mer neutralt, och därmed mer användbart för andra FOSS projekt. Alla som vill är välkomna att hjälpa till. Statistikmodulen fungerar inte riktigt än, men några nummer finns: 14 400 användare, 26 000 kommentarer, 700 000 röster och 6500 idéer (350 har tagits bort, 1400 är dubbletter).
- Implementerade idéer klassificeras nu efter release.
- Det finns många som är missnöjda med systemet för att hantera dubbletter. Det är vi med; systemet är bra, men inte tillräckligt detaljerat: det borde finnas ett sätt att gruppera liknande, men inte duplicerade, förslag.
- Att kontakta oss kommer att bli enklare, en "contact us" länk har lagts till som fotnot på Brainstorms websida, och väldigt snart kommer det finnas en mail lista.
Ubuntu Statistik
Bug Statistik
- Open (42442) +756 # over last week
- Critical (29) +/-0 # over last week
- Unconfirmed (20342) +357 # over last week
- Unassigned (32899) +645 # over last week
- All bugs ever reported (171424) +3054 # over last week
Bug Squad är alltid i behov av nytt folk, så om du vill hjälpa till kan du börja med att kolla in
Statistik av översättningar för Hardy
Detta är de 5 mest översatta språken, så den här listan kan komma att ändras från vecka till vecka.
- Spanish (16420)
- French (40068)
- English-UK (47128)
- Swedish (56000)
- Brazilian Portuguese (64517 )
Oöversatta strängar i Ubuntu 8.04 "Hardy Heron" går att hitta på
Nyheter om Ubuntu Forum
Ubuntu Forums intervju
EDITORN av Ubuntus nyhetsbrev heter Nick Ali, även känd som Nick var snäll nog att själv svara på frågor den här gången. Han bor i Atlanta området och på nätet, och har prövat många distributioner (han kör ArchLinux på sin EeePC). Ytterligare en veteran av 386 eran!
Veckans tutorial
Veckans tutorial är en sann klassiker: seldon77s "Howto: Get a beautiful Conky 1.4.2 setup". Denna välskrivna och allomfattande guide skapades redan sommaren 2006 och innehåller allt du behöver för att konfigurera conky.
Om du fortfarande inte har fått nog av conky, kan du ta dig en titt på den här 'Cafe tråden för mer exempel på vad du kan göra med conky.
Ubuntu i pressen
Ubuntu breathes new life into school's abandoned hardware - Implementing a kiosk mode Kubuntu set-up allowed Westall Secondary School, located in eastern Melbourne, to save money, exact greater control over security measures, and extend the life of older and discarded hardware without sacrificing performance. The IT department installed six Kubuntu desktops in kiosk mode on the old gear for its Web-based student library system. Based on the success of the initial deployment, another six Kubuntu kiosks are slated for implementation in the school's international student lounge.;609377314;pp;1
Fixing bugs: how distributions react - Reported in September 2006 - the high frequency of load/unload cycles on some hard drives which could lead to premature death of the drive. Ubuntu and Debian projects were both asked about the bug, both projects replied promptly, but differently. Ubuntu: "The Launchpad service is the source for the status on the bugs. There is no other source. When/if they are fixed/progressed in time or 8.04 will be published on Launchpad." The Debian project has come up with a workaround according to spokesman Martin Schulze. The Debian maintainer of the respective package, acpi-support, Bart Samwel, has been watching the Ubuntu bug report. Since the bug was reported in Launchpad, that would be the logical place to discuss the solution. The plan was to reach consensus, then implement whatever solution is proper. Since no consensus has been reached until today (April 4) Samwel took matters into his own hands, and uploaded the fix on November 28, 2007. That version is already part of lenny, the next stable Debian release.
Ubuntu 7.10 vs. Ubuntu 8.04 Benchmarks - Following up on the December benchmark tests that showed Hardy 8.04 Alpha 2 and Gutsy in close competition, this article compares Gutsy with the Hardy Beta release. Comparison tests include: Bootchart, Doom 3, LAME encoding, timed disk reads, Gzip compression, and Ram speed. On the desktop, Ubuntu 7.10 and Ubuntu 8.04 Beta performed neck-and-neck with neither release showing a definitive advantage. While Ubuntu 8.04 may not be faster than its predecessor, it does boast a number of new features including virtualization improvements, RandR GUI for office presentations and of course, long term support. Visit the link to see all the graphs of the benchmark tests.
Dutch UMPC runs Ubuntu - Dutch integrator Van Der Led (VDL) Designs has announced a clone of the Asus Eee PC ultra-mini PC (UMPC) notebook. The WiFi-enabled "Jisus" UMPC is equipped with a Chinese-made 1GHz Loongson CPU, has an 8.9-inch display, and runs Ubuntu. The Jisus is equipped with 512MB RAM, 4GB of flash, Ethernet, WiFi, a webcam, and stereo speakers. The mini-notebook sports a larger 8.9-inch display, like the newly announced Asus Eee PC 900, but it's limited to the original 800 x 480 VGA resolution. The display is controlled by a Silicon Motions SM712 graphics processor. The Jisus will be released in Europe on April 25th, and should be in stock by May 25th, for a price of 300 Euros (currently about $470). Follow the link to see screen shots of this new product.
Ubuntu 6.10 Comes to the End of the Line - Nothing lasts forever, and this is particularly true of patches and tech support for open source programs like Linux distributions. Many of the Linux distros out there have a regular pattern whereby older releases are retired as they get too far behind the current release. Ubuntu 6.10 Linux distribution from Canonical, will reach its end of life for support on April 25th. The Ubuntu community and Canonical launched Ubuntu 6.10 a year and a half ago, on October 26, 2006, and under the agreement that Canonical made with Ubuntu users, it promises to offer 18 months of support for each Ubuntu desktop and server release unless it is a so-called Long Term Support release. Ubuntu's newest version, Hardy Heron 8.04 is due out April 24th, so everyone will be able to upgrade to the latest version on a timely basis, with no gaps in security.
Ubuntu: Linux for humans - So you’re sick of the old computer and want a new one. You go to the store, give your specifications, browse the models and the options for operating systems. The cost of Windows, an office package, anti virus, software, with renewals adds up. Enter open source, and Ubuntu specifically. Included are all the essentials and many extras, and you need no anti virus software since Ubuntu/Linux isn't vulnerable. The repositories contain over 20,000 Linux application you can download for free, and the Ubuntu community provides a vast support network that is friendly and knowledgeable. If you’re looking for a computer that you can use to surf the net, check Email, chat, listen to music and watch videos, Ubuntu is for you.
Ubuntu i Blogsfären
Ubuntu and the coming Linux popularity contest - Consider what would happen if an IBM or Sun seriously threw its weight behind Ubuntu, banishing the "It's not enterprise-ready" myth forever? I suspect we'd see widespread, immediate enterprise adoption of Ubuntu. Why? Because Ubuntu is already being used widely within enterprises. It's just not being allowed to carry mission-critical enterprise applications yet, because those are reserved for the "enterprise Linux distributions" like RHEL and SUSE. In short, the only thing Ubuntu is missing is a big brother that will officially declare, "Ubuntu is enterprise class." It's already there, but needs the certification by A Big Company. IBM, Sun, and others all have their own reasons for crowning it such.
Facts on Ubuntu Mobile and Moblin - What are the differences between Moblin and Ubuntu Moble? Moblin hosts the Mobile & Internet Linux Project which is an umbrella, open source project focused on the development of Linux for Intel-based devices. Ubuntu Mobile is built specifically for Mobile Internet Devices (MIDs.) The goal is to provide full Web functionality including essential closed components like Flash and Java. Moblin and Ubuntu Mobile are not the same thing and they are not competitors. They work together, with both contributing their own set of components. See a breakdown of what each does here.
Ubuntu: More doomed than ever... - The ACPI bug Randall C. Kennedy encountered with Ubuntu 7.10 "Gutsy Gibbon" has been carried over to Ubuntu 8.04 "Hardy Heron." In other words, the suspend/resume "black screen of death" is back, and nastier than ever! Randall says he had high hopes for "Hardy," if for no other reason than he expected the "showstopper" ACPI issues to have been resolved. That Ubuntu 8.04 remains unpalatable because of a stale, well-documented holdover bug from the previous version is really disappointing.
Dell: No Plans for Ubuntu Linux Servers - Canonical has plenty of momentum on the desktop, but as Canonical gears up for a server push, one key Ubuntu partner plans to sit on the sidelines. Dell has no plans to ship Ubuntu on its servers according to a Dell source. Dell does plan to support Ubuntu 8.04 (code-named Hardy Heron) on selected desktops this spring or summer. It’s hard to blame Dell for taking a “wait and see” approach on the Ubuntu server. After all, Red Hat and Novell are both firmly entrenched in the Linux server market. For Ubuntu to succeed on the server, it will need a critical mass of integrators, consultants and software developers willing to sell, service and support Ubuntu-centric systems.
Övriga Nyheter
Ubuntu UK Podcast avsnitt tre: Help Me
Ciemon Dunville, Alan Pope, Dave Walker och Tony Whitmore presenterar det tredje avsnittet Ubuntu UK Podcast.
- Discussion:
- Command line versus GUI.
- Mythbuntu.
- Podcast production.
- In the news:
- Microsoft OOXML ISO Clarification.
- Adobe releases Air for Linux.
- Launchpad supports OpenID.
UK Conservative & Labour Parties talk about Open Source.
- Ubuntu survives Tipping point “Pwn to Own” contest.
- Ubuntu Live.
EU: Europaparlamentet testar Ubuntu, OpenOffice och Firefox
The European Parliament's IT department is testing the use of Ubuntu, OpenOffice, Firefox and other Open Source applications according to a letter to Italian MEP Marco Cappato from British MEP James Nicholson. According to Nicholson the tests show this Open Source configuration meets the Parliament's office requirements. However, this does not mean that Ubuntu will immediate replace the currently used system: "This depends on long-term developments and needs and functional requirements of the Parliament. The Parliament will continue to monitor Open Source developments and if possible will try to use this type of software."
Ubuntus ledare lovordar Windows, vill ha dess kunder
Mark Shuttleworth, CEO of Ubuntu, offers kind words for Microsoft's Windows - Ed Moltzen think Mark Shuttleworth sounds more like someone who is plotting to steal customers away from the Windows platform. Shuttleworth calls Windows "an important platform," and then praises an open-source application called WUBI that allows Ubuntu to be installed onto a Windows PC. What makes WUBI different is that instead of creating a virtual machine, or installing Ubuntu onto a partition, it installs it into a file on the PC. According to Shuttleworth: "What I think is really classy about it is the way it uses the Windows Boot Manager sensibly to offer you the Ubuntu option. If I was a Windows user who was intrigued but nervous about Linux, this would be a really great way to get a taste of it, at low risk. Being able to install and uninstall a Linux OS as if it were a Windows app is a brilliant innovation."
Kommande möten och händelser
Onsdag, April 16, 2008
Server Team
- Start: 21:00 UTC
- Slut: 22:00 UTC
- Plats: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting
Torsdag, April 17, 2008
Desktop Team
- Start: 13:00 UTC
- Slut: 14:00 UTC
- Plats: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting
Uppdateringar och säkerhetsnoticer för 6.06, 6.10, 7.04, och 7.10
[USN-599-1] Ghostscript vulnerability -
[USN-600-1] rsync vulnerability -
Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Uppdateringar
opera 9.27-20080331.6dapper1 -
update-manager-core 0.56~dapper5 -
gs-esp 8.15.2.dfsg.0ubuntu1 -
gs-gpl 8.15-4ubuntu3.1 -
Ubuntu 6.10 Uppdateringar
opera 9.27-20080331.6edgy1 -
gs-esp 8.15.2.dfsg.0ubuntu1 -
gs-gpl 8.50-1.1ubuntu1.2 - [
Ubuntu 7.04 Uppdateringar
opera 9.27-20080331.6fesity1 -
gs-esp 8.15.4.dfsg.1-0ubuntu1.1 -
gs-gpl 8.54.dfsg.1-5ubuntu0.2 -
rsync 2.6.9-3ubuntu1.2 -
Ubuntu 7.10 Uppdateringar
ghostscript 8.61.dfsg.1~svn8187 -
flashplugin-nonfree -
rsync 2.6.9-5ubuntu1.1 -
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The Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is brought to you by:
- Nick Ali
- John Crawford
- Isabelle Duchatelle
- Craig A. Eddy
- And many others
Glossary of Terms
- MEP - Member of the European Parliament
If you would like to submit an idea or story you think is worth appearing on the UWN, please send them to This document is maintained by the Ubuntu Marketing Team. Please feel free to contact us regarding any concerns or suggestions by either sending an email to or by using any of the other methods on the Ubuntu Marketing Team Contact Information Page ( If you'd like to contribute to a future issue of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, please feel free to edit the appropriate wiki page. If you have any technical support questions, please send then
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