
Revision 12 as of 2010-10-08 16:43:55

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Unity is the default UI for Ubuntu Netbook Edition in 10.10. It's a step forward in the Netbook Edition, making it easy and well-fitted for those screen sizes for your a desktop environment. More information on Unity is available on sabdfl's blog.

How to test Unity

On Maverick (10.10)

on UNE edition

Unity is the default UI for Ubuntu Netbook Edition on 10.10. The easiest way to test it is to install the Netbook Edition of the 10.10 development cycle from the daily built iso available here or use testdrive.

with a standard ubuntu-desktop edition

  1. Run just sudo apt-get install ubuntu-netbook

  2. This will add in GDM a "Ubuntu Netbook Edition" menu option when you click on your username. Select it and login to get the Unity interface.

Update frequence

Unity is released weekly, right into Maverick and then into the Lucid PPA. Stay tuned!

on lucid (10.04 LTS)

Unity is primarily built for maverick (10.10), but we are conscious that some people want to test it on lucid. For those, we have setup a PPA and backport unity component to lucid.

Note: The Unity PPA brings in some lower level components that we need like a new GTK and some new libraries. You should be comfortable with being able to downgrade multiple packages if you want to go back to a stable Lucid, otherwise we recommend a virtualization tool like testdrive to test Unity.

  1. If you are on Lucid, load a terminal and run sudo add-apt-repository ppa:canonical-dx-team/une and sudo apt-get update.

  2. Run sudo apt-get install ubuntu-netbook-unity-default-settings.

  3. Logout and choose in GDM your "Ubuntu Unity Netbook Edition" menu option when you click on your username

is there a difference from the maverick version?

Apart from the fact we have a different session name "Unity" instead of "UNE" and a fake metapackage "ubuntu-netbook-unity-default-settings", the behavior is the same. The only other difference is that you still can have netbook-launcher (the 10.04 LTS UNE interface) in a parallel install than Unity.


Measuring Power Consumption

It's important to ensure that we're power efficient. We recommend that you also install Powertop and run it in a terminal to gather information.

Powertop Homepage
