I'm JUMEL Vincent-Xavier

Launchpad id : http://launchpad.net/~vincentxavier

Email : endymion+ubuntu --at-- thetys-retz.net

Jabber : endymion --at-- thetys-retz.net

IRC : vincentxavier on Freenode

About Me

I'm a 26 years old math teacher leaving near Paris.

My main contribution is to make more people use Ubuntu GNU/Linux as their current desktop system. Thus, I organize courses about Ubuntu usage, and regular meetings where users can share their knowledge about Ubuntu (or some other GNU/Linux system). Since Ubuntu is the proeminent part of the Free Software distribution, I'm concentrating on its promotion. I've discovered Ubuntu in 2004 as an alternatives to Debian and Mandrake which where used in my high school. CD free shippings to our local Free Software hacktivism group helped us a lot to promote Free Software around us, even enabling us to have Compiz demos.

Community involvment

My contributions to Ubuntu

My projects


VincentXavierJumel (last edited 2010-09-07 19:19:57 by lan31-9-88-177-156-200)