I'm JUMEL Vincent-Xavier
Launchpad id : |
Email : endymion+ubuntu --at-- |
Jabber : endymion --at-- |
IRC : vincentxavier on Freenode |
About Me
I'm a 26 years old math teacher leaving near Paris.
My main contribution is to make more people use Ubuntu GNU/Linux as their current desktop system. Thus, I organize courses about Ubuntu usage, and regular meetings where users can share their knowledge about Ubuntu (or some other GNU/Linux system). Since Ubuntu is the proeminent part of the Free Software distribution, I'm concentrating on its promotion. I've discovered Ubuntu in 2004 as an alternatives to Debian and Mandrake which where used in my high school. CD free shippings to our local Free Software hacktivism group helped us a lot to promote Free Software around us, even enabling us to have Compiz demos.
Community involvment
- I'm vice treasurer of my local Gnu User Group Parinux (in fact, we promote Free Software.) We're giving quite a hand for the Parisian Ubuntu Parties. Parinux focuses on two points : giving users deep insights in computer based technlogy, giving them the real chance to completely manage and understand their computers and its softwares and trying to get Free Software into other associations. Since most of our users use Ubuntu, it sometimes turns into Ubuntu support.
- I'm involved a lot in April, the french leading free software advocacy group. I mostly try to improve relation between the board, members and the public.
- On some local events, I've set up Ubuntu demos, or just speak to visitors about Ubuntu, its advantages and why they should take part into Ubuntu adventure.
My contributions to Ubuntu
- Usability : I led a Usability party in Paris, in october 2009, aiming to unravel usability bugs such as error message which are not understandable etc.
- Ubuntu Party : I'm in the Parisian Ubuntu Party organisation team since 2007. Since this year, I'm responsible for a project management tool to help us in sharing information and identifying single point of failure.
- Regular meetings : While trying to animate our local Free Software User Group in Paris, I took responsibility in organizing regular meeting on first saturday of each month. These meetings are about giving assistance to people who uses a Free Operating System.
I took in charge localization of our own CD, defaulting every single option to French, and adding translated examples, bookmarks and other stuff, as Didrocks book Simple Comme Ubuntu. In this process, I've started to share my CD creation script with other Ubuntu teams. Script can be found on launchpad :
My projects
- Get my school and my hometown public library to use Ubuntu
- Get more Ubuntu users concerned about Free Software, and why it's important.
- Get more Ubuntu hackers or people confident with Ubuntu, so they can help their families, neighbors …
McPeter: Vincent is always active. He's doing a fantastic job on Ubuntu-party in France .. I support his membership.
didrocks: Vincent-Xavier is doing stellar working helping Ubuntu and Ubuntu-fr to be what the loco team is. He is one of the active team member helping to make the French CD rox, our local mirror and his technical background is beneficial to us.
YoBoY: There are so much more events where Vincent Xavier helped like jams, holding the booths in the events outside Paris, there are so many actions also uncounted. It's why I strongly recommend him as an Ubuntu Member for all his past and future actions on the Ubuntu community and the floss advocacy.
kinouchou: Vincent Xavier gives a technical hand during Ubuntu-fr's events. He's also a contributor on the French CD.
JonathanMarsaud: Vincent Xavier has been and is still a great social help to organize the Ubuntu Party in France and he also provides a technical help to create custom ISOs for, with full-French language support on the Ubuntu LiveCD.
huats : Over the ast couple of years, Vincent Xavier has been doing many actions in the Ubuntu-fr community. He is a great help on organising the various Ubuntu Parties were are doing. And of course he has taken care of the creation of the French version of the Ubuntu CD that were are releasing and then distribuing. This is why, the LoCo leader that I am, strongly support him to get the Ubuntu membership.
VincentXavierJumel (last edited 2010-09-07 19:19:57 by lan31-9-88-177-156-200)