
Revision 74 as of 2009-05-13 07:44:47

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About me

  • 31 years old.
  • Academic cursus : Computing Engineer
  • IT Manager in a Government Institution. Consultant and approved trainer.

  • A Linux user since I was 18. My 2 years old son is also an Ubuntero and he likes specially Frozen-Bubble Smile :) .

  • I'm doing my best to contribute to the development of the Ubuntu community mainly via my LoCo Team

  • Big supporter of the use of Free Software and follower of the philosophy of Open Source. Since my contact with Ubuntu I'm doing my best to spread its ideology in my family and professional nearby.


  • Linux & Ubuntu

  • Computer
  • Games
  • Humanitarian and associative activities
  • Reading
  • Cinema
  • ...


  • Email : mawale.me(at)gmail.com

  • IRC : MaWaLe on freenode : #ubuntu-tn #ubuntu-fr and other channels.

  • Launchpad page

Ubuntu activity

January 2009

  • I participate to the ENIS EVENT 9.01 (January, 23-24-25th 2009). This event goals was to have conferences for the students and leads to the integral migration of the ENIS to Ubuntu (over than 1000 PCs and Laptops). WiKi page of the EVENT.

February 2009

  • As the coordinator of the Event Group, I supervised the planification of the ISETS EVENT 9.02 where i presented some conferences and animated the install party. This event was held at the High Institute of Technologic Studies => The event was a success and we had many install party.Pics for the event

March 2009

  • Supervising the planning and taking part at the FSEGS EVENT 9.03 which was held the 14th march at the University of Management and Economic Sciences of Sfax.

  • Supervising the planning of the Ras Jebel EVENT 9.03 which was held the 21 march at Bizerte.

April 2009

  • Supervising the planning and taking part at the ISETSBZ EVENT 9.04 which was held the 4^th april at the High Institute of technologic Studies of Sidi Bouzid.

  • Supervising the planning and taking part at the ESSEC EVENT 9.04

  • Supervising and taking part at the ARIANA EVENT 9.04

May 2009

  • Supervising the planning and taking part at the ENIG EVENT 9.05 which was held the 8th and 9th may at the National Engineering School of Gabes.

Future involvement

  • I proposed the creation of a drafting team which had to draft help documents and elaborate the guidelines of stabdard writing. Actually i am an active member of this team which is supervised by the Coordinator of the Redaction Team of the Tunisian LoCo

  • Insure the development and the administration of ubuntu-tn.org.
  • I'll be a member of the association which will represent the LoCo Team with the Government Institution.

  • Continue my involvement in the LoCo Team and planning to monitor the certification (LPI) of the members of my LoCo Team.

  • As coordinator of the Events Team, i am planning to have a bootcamp for the members of the Tunsian LoCo and for this summer we will plan (with the help of the other members of the Management Committee) a summer school.


nizarus : Mawale joined our young Loco Team after the approval in July 2008. He quickly integrate the group an began one of the most active members. In Loco team management committee we elected him as a members because we believe in his contribution to spin up the Loco activity. He heavily participated to Loco team organisation and participation in the Tunisia SFD'2008. He was one of the most active and appreciated LoCo members during the Enis Event 8.12 and the Enis Event 9.01. I believe that Mawale will make a good ubuntu member.

ALAYA [30-01-2009]: Mawale is one of the most active member in our Ubuntu-tn LoCo team. He participated actively in the preparation of all event since he joint the LoCo and he was always ready to help users on the channel and the ML.