
Revision 36 as of 2016-03-23 07:33:47

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Xenial Xerus Beta 2


This is the Beta 2 Release. Xubuntu milestone Releases are NOT recommended for:

  • Regular users who are not aware of pre-release issues
  • Anyone who needs a stable system
  • Anyone uncomfortable running a possibly frequently broken system
  • Anyone in a production environment with data or workflows that need to be reliable

Xubuntu milestone Releases are recommended for:

  • Regular users who want to help us test by finding, reporting, and/or fixing bugs

Known issues

The existence of a bug in these notes does not imply they will affect everyone. Some appear in specific circumstances

Installer Issues

(966480) The prompt asking for media removal is not shown at the end of the installation -VirtualBox

(990744) Ubuntu installer says: The creation of swap space in partition failed

(1447038) Shutdown/Restart of live session guest does not work in Virtualbox, and VMWare. This bug continues to affect virtual machines - once the guest has finished and appears to hang press Enter - this should remove the iso, shutdown and restart the guest.

(1537865) Installer does not show Terminal output

(1547302) "Check disc for defects" boot option displays no text some flavors

General Issues

(792085) Automatic remount of safely removed usb 3.0 drive

(1359689) cryptsetup password prompt not shown

(1530323) The input box for editing a Wired connection static IP address doesn't appear correctly

(1549529) The keyboard is still installed as US-English even if another language is selected during the installation

Xubuntu Specific Issues

grab blueprint bugs

  • Reported during Milestone Testing

(1402036) Mugshot authentication failed

(1510889) Doesn’t resume from suspend on Virtual Machine after locking

(1513590) Unable to delete items in menulibre

(1515184) Crash when selecting a category in a new entry - Menulibre

(1516237) Mugshot crashes when trying to capture image

(1533206) Blueman-applet crash on login

(1549732) Duplicate Imagemagick entries on menu, none work

  • Reported outside Milestone testing

(1529469) State of "Hide from menus" is not saved upon application restart

Enhancements and bug fixes

As Xenial Xerus (16.04) is intended to be the next LTS, enhancements and bug fixes include those seen in intervening releases.

  • Enhancements

    • New Xfce Power Manager plugin is added to the panel
    • Items in the alt-tab dialog can now be clicked with the mouse
    • Change from gksudo to pkexec, pkexec policy files included for thunar and mousepad
    • New/Updated Xubuntu Light/Dark colorschemes in Mousepad, Terminal
    • Mousepad colorscheme set to Xubuntu Light by default
    • Better appearance for QT applications out of the box (default to GTK theme)
    • Xfce4 Panel Switch for backup and restoration of panels. Included are 5 preset panel layouts.
    • LibreOffice Calc and Writer are now included. These applications replace Gnumeric and Abiword respectively.

    • A new theme for LibreOffice, libreoffice-style-elementary is also included.

    • Greybird accessibility icons for window manager.
    • The Albatross, Bluebird and Orion GTK+ themes have been dropped after going unmaintained
  • Bug Fixes

    • Catfish

      • (1547807) Need to click in empty space for right click options to work

      • (1523164) Double quadruple clicking folder results behaviour

      • (1514018) Catfish calculates end date in custom range incorrectly

      • (1508918) Deleting multiple files from search results

      • (1507765) Catfish fails to update database

      • (1495098) Obsoleted thumbnails directory

      • (1482919) Catfish will lock up if 'locate' is not installed

      • (1461072) Can not drag and drop multiple files

      • (1447045) Close window with (standard) CTRL-Q

      • (1442559) Catfish does not find files whose size exceeds 2GB

      • (1372165) Catfish Opens Previous Directory on Search List

      • (1300158) [feature request] add a "search" button

    • Mousepad

      • (1267958) mousepad always prints line numbers

    • Mugshot

    • xfce4-power-manager

      • (1303736) [SRU] Black screen after wakeup from suspending by closing the laptop lid

      • (1364505) System Tab power saving tab unreadable

      • (1363223) xfce4-power-manager outdated on-line help

      • (1349056) xfce4-power-manager doesn't suspend on lid closed (regression)

      • (1347272) Several XFCE applications appear unresponsive after communicating with a daemon

      • (1222021) [SRU] xfce4-power-manager does not inhibit systemd from handling buttons and lid events

      • (1193716) Xfce Power Manager does not override the screen saver timeout (X11 Screen Saver extension)

      • (1101982) inconsistent settings for lock screen between xfce4-session and xfce4-power-manager

    • Menulibre

      • (1313586) move items up & down, can't save, undo/redo, revert

      • (1313682) Can't hide entries sourced from /usr/share/applications/kde4/

      • (1309468) Can't add the "X-Xfce-Toplevel" category to existing items

      • (1307469) missing menulibre icon in the xfce-settings-manager

      • (1307000) Menu structure view always has everything expanded after search

      • (1306999) When search results are shown, saving modifications breaks the menu structure

    • Thunar

      • (1439288) thunar crashes on drag drop file/folder

      • (1424774) Unable to expand directories in the tree pane and remain in the current directory

      • (1387695) File size displayed wrong

      • (1382977) [SRU] Thunar open default not respecting mimetype

    • Parole

      • (1557349) Parole does not hold the media frame when paused in fullscreen mode

      • (1489533) Parole freezes when you try to close it

      • (1309951) Parole reports "Gstreamer backend error, could not initialise supporting library"


  • Edit Changelog entries for Major

Major application versions

Other application versions