2011-09-25 Meeting Minutes
The agenda is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings
#topic === Old Business ===
- verify top 10 FAQ and check help links in 10
- charlie-tca to get FFe filed for xubuntu-meta to add blueman to seeds - Carried Forward
- madnick to test blueman in ppa:micahg/patch-test
- docs need a version bump (s/11.04/11.10)
- Charlie to dig for the xscreensaver updates, and put in an SRU - Carried Forward
- madnick to look into building a lightdm greeter - Postponed until LTS
- drop ristretto if it can not do what we need to photos - Carried Forward to LTS
- Consumes too much memory bug has been fixed
- activate the "maybe-ubiquity" option for LTS - Carried Forward
#topic === Team updates === #subtopic ==== Packaging & Development ====
- New upstream bugfix releases uploaded: thunar 1.2.3, xfce4-panel 4.8.6, xfwm4 4.8.2, xfce4-utils 4.8.3, xfce4-settings 4.8.3, garcon 0.1.9
- micahg has been working on blueman (cf. "old business" topic)
Launchpad bug 840094 in xubuntu-meta (Ubuntu Oneiric) "[xubuntu] There is no screen title" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/840094
Launchpad bug 836208 in xubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "On login to xubuntu session, starts nautilus which ruins desktop" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/836208
#subtopic ==== Bug Triage & Testing ====
- A big thank you to everyone for helping get Beta2 out the door. We now have about three weeks left before the final release of Xubuntu 11.10.
Testing will update both google docs and http://gridcube.netii.net/test/XTCv2.html this week.
- Keep the bugs coming in, please
We are tracking the Oneiric bugs at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Bugs/OneiricOcelot
#subtopic ==== Website & Marketing ====
The wordpress site has been approved. We are now in the process of converting http://xubuntu.org from drupal to wordpress
- knome is working on moving content over to the testing site we have now
- We need to be telling people they can submit articles anytime they want.
#subtopic ==== Artwork ====
- Lightdm greeter theme might make it into Oneiric
#subtopic ==== Documentation ====
- We need someone that can go through the wiki documentation and update it.
#topic === Announcements ===
- The next meeting will be on Monday, 2011-10-03 at 19:00 UTC
- Important dates coming up:
- We are now in UI Freeze and Beta2 Freeze; archives will remain frozen until final release.
- 11.10 Final Freeze: September 29
- 11.10 Release Date: October 13, 2011
- We need to update the Team Reports this week.
#topic === Any Other Business ===
- Blueprints
- We should blueprint at least for default applications and have one uds session for default apps
- it would eliminate the time gap we have now deciding what is going to stay and what is going to change
- This could be a single blueprint; specifying goals for Xubuntu for the release cycle
- to subscribe to the xubuntu-devel mailing list, go to
#topic === Xubuntu Governance ===
The governancy part of the current Strategy Document can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/StrategyDocument#Xubuntu_Governance_.26_Team_Structure
#subtopic Nominations for Xubuntu Project Lead
- Nominations for project lead are now open.
Those wishing to nominate themselves or others should do so by email to either mailing list, or myself (charlie-tca@ubuntu.com).
- Nominations will close October 20, 2011, and the community election will be held at the meeting on October 23, 2011. If there are issues with this, please let us know between now and October 20.
<GridCube> Can I propose you to Project Leader charlie-tca? not because you just are the current one, but because i think you are doing a pretty good job at it, and I think that thats good
Action items
- madnick to test blueman in ppa:micahg/patch-test
2011-09-25 Meeting Log
The full logs can found in original form at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/09/25/%23xubuntu-devel.txt
Meeting ended Sun Sep 25 22:48:06 2011 UTC. Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2011/xubuntu-devel.2011-09-25-22.00.moin.txt
People present (lines said)
- charlie-tca (113)
GridCube (48)
- knome (32)
- madnick (11)
- micahg (10)
- mr_pouit (10)
- meetingology (5)
- pleia2 (3)
- ubottu (2)
- beardygnome (2)
- Exio (1)
Full Log
22:00:07 <charlie-tca> #startmeeting Xubuntu
22:00:07 <meetingology> Meeting started Sun Sep 25 22:00:07 2011 UTC. The chair is charlie-tca. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.
22:00:07 <meetingology>
22:00:07 <meetingology> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired
22:00:09 <Exio> :P
22:00:27 <charlie-tca> #meetingname Xubuntu Community Meeting
22:00:27 <meetingology> The meeting name has been set to 'xubuntu_community_meeting'
22:00:46 <charlie-tca> The agenda is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings
22:01:02 <charlie-tca> Reminder: please use ".." on separate line when you've finished typing. If someone wants to comment during the updates, please "o/", so we know to wait.
22:01:50 <charlie-tca> Along the same lines, the meeting bot records who is present, but only if they comment. Please either wave (o/) or hello or something, so we count you as present.
22:02:09 <GridCube> \o/
22:02:25 <GridCube> count me twice :P
22:02:40 <charlie-tca> sure
22:02:46 <charlie-tca> anyone else here?
22:02:49 <madnick> hello
22:02:54 <micahg> o/
22:03:09 <mr_pouit> o/
22:03:12 <charlie-tca> beardygnome: Hello kind sir
22:03:23 <beardygnome> hi charlie-tca
22:03:25 <charlie-tca> #topic === Old Business ===
22:03:37 <beardygnome> sorry i'm a few mins late
22:03:54 <charlie-tca> No problem, the important thing is you are here.
22:03:56 <charlie-tca> * charlie-tca to get FFe filed for xubuntu-meta to add blueman to seeds - Carried Forward
22:04:01 <charlie-tca> micahg: status?
22:04:23 <micahg> charlie-tca: I uploaded a new test version to my PPA, would like madnick to test if possible
22:04:39 <charlie-tca> He wants the information about it
22:04:53 <charlie-tca> madnick: did you follow?
22:04:58 <madnick> yes, i can do that
22:05:07 <madnick> I just couldnt find the stuff in the PPA i found on google
22:05:40 <charlie-tca> I believe that. Google probably is referring to out of date releases
22:05:51 <micahg> madnick: huh? it's my PPA
22:06:00 <madnick> oh
22:06:07 <charlie-tca> oh, yeah, that too
22:06:40 <charlie-tca> #action madnick to test blueman in ppa:micahg/patch-test 22:06:40 * meetingology madnick to test blueman in ppa:micahg/patch-test
22:07:04 <charlie-tca> We only got a few days left to get this in, and the release team knows we will want an FFe
22:07:29 <GridCube> thats good then
22:07:33 <madnick> I will try it directly, if there is anything special to test, please tell me
22:07:33 <charlie-tca> #topic === Team updates ===
22:07:49 <charlie-tca> #subtopic ==== Packaging & Development ====
22:07:58 <charlie-tca> mr_pouit: I know you been busy this week
22:08:07 <micahg> madnick: I have no idea, I think functional testing should be sufficient
22:08:07 <GridCube> o/
22:08:11 <mr_pouit> hehe
22:08:35 <charlie-tca> GridCube: we will give mr_pouit a chance first, okay?
22:08:48 <GridCube>
22:08:53 <mr_pouit> fine by me :p
22:09:00 <mr_pouit> * New upstream bugfix releases uploaded: thunar 1.2.3, xfce4-panel 4.8.6, xfwm4 4.8.2, xfce4-utils 4.8.3, xfce4-settings 4.8.3, garcon 0.1.9
22:09:07 <mr_pouit> * micahg has been working on blueman (cf. "old business" topic)
22:09:31 <mr_pouit> (and I haven't forgotten about Bug #840094)
22:09:32 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 840094 in xubuntu-meta (Ubuntu Oneiric) "[xubuntu] There is no screen title" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/840094
22:09:36 <mr_pouit> ..
22:09:52 <charlie-tca> Thank you very much for that work
22:10:01 <charlie-tca> Any questions for packaging and development?
22:10:22 <charlie-tca> GridCube: go ahead?
22:10:27 <GridCube> if we cannot change the lightdm skin in time, can we at least make it not PINK? like black or something?
22:11:12 <mr_pouit> I think it's hardcoded like that on i386
22:11:19 <GridCube>
22:11:21 <charlie-tca> no, it is difficult to get the color changed
22:11:22 <mr_pouit> (apparently it's not the same color on amd64?)
22:11:31 <charlie-tca> heh, no
22:11:40 <charlie-tca> Thankfully, it is a very nice blue
22:12:32 <charlie-tca> micahg: did you have anything to add to packaging and development?
22:12:58 <micahg> just to point out something
22:13:13 <micahg> bug 836208 is quite annoying for anyone w/more than one desktop installed
22:13:14 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 836208 in xubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "On login to xubuntu session, starts nautilus which ruins desktop" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/836208
22:13:35 <charlie-tca> Ouch
22:13:54 <charlie-tca> yes, that would be. another side-effect of adding Xubuntu to Ubuntu, I guess?
22:14:24 <charlie-tca> Not sure how we fix it, either, since Nautilus tends to take over pretty good now
22:15:04 <charlie-tca> See if I can push it to the Ubuntu devs and get someone working on it.
22:15:13 <charlie-tca> #subtopic ==== Bug Triage & Testing ====
22:15:29 <charlie-tca> * A big thank you to everyone for helping get Beta2 out the door. We now have about three weeks left before the final release of Xubuntu 11.10.
22:16:12 <charlie-tca> We should have new images tomorrow. We will need to test them pretty good, since we haven't had any for a few days again.
22:16:51 <charlie-tca> mr_pouit is doing a lot better on bug triage than I am currently.
22:17:02 <charlie-tca> Thank you for doing that, mr_pouit
22:17:10 <charlie-tca> Any questions?
22:17:35 <GridCube> not from me
22:17:40 <charlie-tca> #subtopic ==== Website & Marketing ====
22:17:46 <charlie-tca> pleia2: any updates?
22:18:13 <charlie-tca> knome: any updates?
22:18:15 <GridCube> o/
22:18:26 <charlie-tca> go ahead
22:18:47 * GridCube reiterates his recomendation of Someone reviewing the top10
22:19:06 <pleia2> knome is working on moving content over to the testing site we have now
22:19:20 <charlie-tca> Yes, we have that moving to Old Business, GridCube
22:19:25 <GridCube> ok
22:19:26 <pleia2> so things are chugging along
22:19:29 <GridCube>
.. then
22:19:37 <charlie-tca> pleia2: will we make it for the 11.10 release?
22:19:50 <pleia2> hopefully!
22:20:10 <charlie-tca> Thank you, pleia2
22:20:26 <charlie-tca> #subtopic ==== Artwork ====
22:20:34 <charlie-tca> ochosi: Are you here today?
22:21:03 <charlie-tca> madnick: we have not given up on the idea of getting lightdm wallpaper changed yet, at least
22:21:12 <madnick> good news
22:22:32 <charlie-tca> #topic === Announcements ===
22:22:50 <charlie-tca> * The next meeting will be on Monday, 2011-10-03 at 19:00 UTC
22:22:52 <charlie-tca> * Important dates coming up:
22:22:54 <charlie-tca> * We are now in UI Freeze and Beta2 Freeze; archives will remain frozen until final release.
22:22:56 <charlie-tca> * 11.10 Final Freeze: September 29
22:22:58 <charlie-tca> * 11.10 Release Date: October 13, 2011
22:23:00 <charlie-tca> * We need to update the Team Reports this week.
22:23:03 <charlie-tca> Did I miss any announcements?
22:23:30 <charlie-tca> #topic === Xubuntu Governance ===
22:23:45 <charlie-tca> #subtopic Nominations for Xubuntu Project Lead
22:23:47 <knome> huh (hey o/)
22:24:02 <charlie-tca> * Nominations for project lead are now open.
22:24:03 <charlie-tca> * Those wishing to nominate themselves or others should do so by email to either mailing list, or myself (charlie-tca@ubuntu.com).
22:24:05 <charlie-tca> * Nominations will close October 20, 2011, and the community election will be held at the meeting on October 23, 2011. If there are issues with this, please let us know between now and October 20.
22:24:09 <charlie-tca> Hello, knome
22:24:16 <charlie-tca> How goes the website change?
22:24:57 <knome> haven't had time to work on it (or any other FOSS project lately), but it's coming along. we have uploads working now, as well as better-looking permalinks
22:25:32 <charlie-tca> We have about three weeks to final release of Xubuntu 11.10. Will we make it?
22:26:05 <knome> yes, it should be a breeze to switch it to production, as it's only server-internal change now
22:26:46 <charlie-tca> Do you need any help? Is there anything anyone can do to make it happen?
22:27:35 <knome> i need to go through some content things with pleia2, but other than that, it's just an email to the IS
22:27:58 <knome> (or content with you, but i understand pleia2 is more aware of the transition stage of the new site than you are)
22:28:08 <charlie-tca> yup
22:28:13 <knome> yup
22:28:19 <knome> so no specific need on anything right now
22:28:21 <charlie-tca> That's great!
22:28:31 <charlie-tca> Thank you for working on it
22:28:36 <knome> just need to upload/insert the content and we're ready to go
22:28:39 <knome> actually
22:29:01 <GridCube> o/
22:29:09 <charlie-tca> go ahead, GridCube
22:29:10 <knome> now that i said that, we need at least a small change on the css too, but i'm sure IS can work that out the same time we switch to production
22:29:51 <GridCube> oh, I know im being a bother here, but, knome where do you plan to place the top 10? and is it possible to have multiple translations of it enabled?
22:29:52 <knome> (it's not more than one-liner, and we can fix the rest later even if it should be more)
22:30:17 <knome> GridCube, either a page or a blog-post; translations will be available later
22:30:24 <GridCube>
22:30:27 <charlie-tca> Hopefully, IS doesn't need to much time to do things with this. They seem very responsive at this time.
22:30:28 <knome> page because then it would be dynamic
22:30:41 <knome> but blog-post maybe because it will become outdated anyway
22:30:42 <charlie-tca> agreed
22:30:53 <knome> but that's not something we need to decide now
22:31:13 <knome> with a page, we'd need to find out where to link it from
22:31:21 <knome> maybe the footer, or the help page
22:31:24 <charlie-tca> if it is blog-post, it will need re-writing on a regular basis. If it is a page, it can be re-written, but it could also be updated easier.
22:31:33 <GridCube> we can work on it every cycle, cant we?
22:31:45 <charlie-tca> That would be good
22:31:51 <knome> if it's a blog-post, we can just post a new one, and leave the old "top 10" to be attached to the release
22:32:00 <knome> eg. this one could be namely the "oneiric top 10"
22:32:10 <charlie-tca> update with the most asked stuff each release?
22:32:16 <knome> then just write a new one for O+1, and if we want, we can link to the old top 10's as well
22:32:28 <charlie-tca> I will add it to the release manager notes
22:32:30 <GridCube> if things change i guess
22:32:34 <knome> charlie-tca, yeah, and it's not a problem even if there was the same questions
22:32:50 <knome> we can always attach release-specific stuff into the blog posts
22:32:51 <GridCube> oh, screenshots? do you need any?
22:32:54 <knome> like, "don't do this"
22:32:58 <charlie-tca> right, but if it is in a blog-post, it usually isn't as visible all the time as a separate page
22:33:00 <knome> GridCube, you should ask pleia2
22:33:15 <knome> charlie-tca, we can link to blogposts too on the footer, if we want
22:33:39 <knome> charlie-tca, in addition to that, it would be visible in the most recent posts area while it's one of the newest posts
22:33:41 <charlie-tca> That would work, too
22:34:07 <knome> but as i said, we don't need to decide that now
22:34:15 <knome> we can decide once we're about to publish it
22:34:24 <charlie-tca> I just have issues with blog posts disappearing. I bookmark them when I think it is something I will refer back to, and many of them disappear within three to four months
22:34:35 <GridCube>
its ok i just wanted to bother about that :P
22:34:46 <knome> charlie-tca, these won't. that's why we wanted the permalinks
22:34:47 <charlie-tca> Thank you for asking, GridCube
22:34:57 <charlie-tca> knome: Thank you for that!
22:35:05 <knome> charlie-tca, the link will be something like http://xubuntu.org/posts/2011/10/top-10-for-oneiric (iirc)
22:35:16 <knome> charlie-tca, and it will work almost eternally
22:35:25 <charlie-tca> Okay, you got that one then
22:35:49 <charlie-tca> If it don't disappear, I won't care which way we do it
22:36:05 <charlie-tca> #topic === Any Other Business ===
22:36:20 <charlie-tca> Any one have anything they would like to discuss?
22:36:21 <knome> (yup. pages are http://xubuntu.org/page-name, but i don't want to add too much dynamic/outdating stuff there)
22:36:36 <charlie-tca> I agree with that.
22:36:48 <madnick> o/
22:36:51 <micahg> o/
22:36:52 <GridCube> o/
22:36:58 <charlie-tca> Too many items would defeat having those available
22:37:03 <charlie-tca> madnick: go ahead
22:37:12 <madnick> micahg: i want to talk to you after this, if you have time (about blueman)
22:37:28 <madnick> sorry for getting offtopic
22:37:28 <madnick> ..
22:38:06 <charlie-tca> Can't be offtopic here.
22:38:13 <charlie-tca> micahg: your turn
22:38:38 <micahg> docs need a version bump (s/11.04/11.10), could you handle this mr_pouit ?
22:39:01 <micahg> ..
22:39:27 <mr_pouit> okay
22:39:32 <micahg> thanks
22:39:37 <charlie-tca> GridCube: Your turn now
22:39:42 <GridCube> ok
22:39:44 <GridCube>
22:39:52 <GridCube> i've been working more on my interface
22:40:04 <GridCube> madnick, has given me a place on one of his servers
22:40:15 <charlie-tca>
22:40:16 <GridCube> so i can dump my stuff there when we need it
22:40:39 <GridCube> it can be configurated easily by an admin
22:40:57 <GridCube> and it can be used now, i only have to work on the search engine
22:41:08 <charlie-tca> link?
22:41:12 <GridCube> it should be ended by this week
22:41:14 <GridCube> yes:
22:41:15 <charlie-tca> for updating tests?
22:41:38 <GridCube> http://gridcube.netii.net/test/XTCv2.html
22:41:47 <GridCube> i could use help on making it pretty :P
22:42:10 <charlie-tca> I want to make the testers work harder. Please update both google docs and this new test interface this week.
22:42:30 <charlie-tca> Let's give it a good workout, so we know for sure it will do what we need.
22:42:32 <GridCube> i mean if we ever add it to something like testings.xubuntu.com it will look out of place
22:42:56 <charlie-tca> Yes, well, let's try anyway
22:43:01 <GridCube>
22:43:04 <charlie-tca> google docs is out of place too
22:43:09 <GridCube>
22:43:33 <charlie-tca> madnick: make sure the server is secure. We just made that public
22:43:33 <GridCube> i tried to make it in the same colors that the current page XD but my css is so bad
22:43:40 <GridCube> oh
22:43:48 <GridCube> no, that link is not madnicks
22:43:51 <madnick> charlie-tca: its secure
but thats not mine
22:43:58 <charlie-tca> oh-oh
22:44:04 <GridCube> i havent send anything there yet
22:44:11 <charlie-tca> That link will work to update the tests?
22:44:14 <GridCube> i don't want to mess thins up
22:44:17 <GridCube> yes
22:44:19 <GridCube> it will
22:44:31 <charlie-tca> okay. Let's give it a workout this week then
22:44:36 <GridCube>
22:44:37 <GridCube> ok
22:44:48 <GridCube> if all is okay i will send it to madnick's
22:44:53 <charlie-tca> Okay
22:45:08 <charlie-tca> Any questions about how to update testing this week?
22:45:33 <charlie-tca> Any other comments/discussions/anything?
22:45:50 <GridCube> Can I propose you to Project Leader charlie-tca? not because you just are the current one, but because i think you are doing a pretty good job at it, and I think that thats good
22:45:52 <charlie-tca> I do not currently show any nominations for Project Lead
22:46:00 <charlie-tca> Yes, you can
22:46:04 <GridCube>
22:46:07 <GridCube> then i did
22:46:38 <charlie-tca> Email it to the xubuntu-devel mailing list, please
22:46:56 <GridCube>
will do
22:46:59 <charlie-tca> I have to keep it official for the records
22:47:10 <charlie-tca> Anything else?
22:47:32 <charlie-tca> Let's make it good week ahead then!
22:47:56 <charlie-tca> Thank you all for participating in this meeting. It sure helps keep the project strong to have you here!
22:48:06 <charlie-tca> #endmeeting
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Xubuntu/Meetings/Archive/Minutes/2011-09-25 (last edited 2011-09-26 14:26:42 by 71-209-42-171)