
Differences between revisions 701 and 702
Revision 701 as of 2017-11-17 23:30:26
Size: 2068
Editor: knome
Revision 702 as of 2017-11-17 23:30:48
Size: 1709
Editor: knome
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 33: Line 33:
   * [[|QA Staging PPA]] is now available.
 * PulseAudio Plugin and Status Notifier Plugin are now included in Bionic, replacing indicator-application, indicator-sound, and xfce4-volumed
 * Next milestone, November 30: [[|Feature Definition Freeze]]

Next meeting

The next Xubuntu community meeting is on Friday, 17 November at 22:00 UTC


Open action items

Updates and Announcements

Discussion (please add your nick after topic)

Schedule next meeting

Last meeting summary

Meeting information

Meeting summary

Open action items

The discussion about "Open action items" started at 22:02.

Updates and announcements

The discussion about "Updates and announcements" started at 22:02.


The discussion about "Discussion" started at 22:04.

Schedule next meeting

The discussion about "Schedule next meeting" started at 23:24.

Other discussions

The discussion about "Other discussions" started at 23:25.

  • ACTION: knome to wake up the discussion about the community wallpaper contest

Schedule next meeting

The discussion about "Schedule next meeting" started at 23:27.

Vote results

Action items, by person

  • bluesabre
    • bluesabre to change seed for GNOME/MATE apps transition before FDF
    • bluesabre and ochosi to get on with it and include xfpm 1.6
  • flocculant
    • flocculant to send a proposal on improving panel configuration
  • knome
    • knome to wake up the discussion about the community wallpaper contest
  • ochosi
    • bluesabre and ochosi to get on with it and include xfpm 1.6

Done items

  • (none)

People present (lines said)

  • knome (229)
  • flocculant (164)
  • bluesabre (121)
  • ochosi (74)
  • flexiondotorg (53)
  • slickymaster (26)
  • meetingology (20)
  • akxwi-dave (4)
  • krytarik (4)
  • pleia2 (2)
  • ubottu (1)

Meetings archive


Xubuntu/Meetings (last edited 2021-11-11 23:04:20 by bluesabre)