
Revision 742 as of 2018-11-17 12:10:29

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Next meeting

The next Xubuntu community meeting is on Friday, the 23rd of November at 22:00 UTC


Open action items

Updates and Announcements

Discussion (please add your nick after topic)

  • 32 Bit - Flocculant
  • Core - Flocculant

Development / Packages - bluesabre


  • Applying Xubuntu defaults to commonly used apps (Plank, others)
  • Minimal Install for Core-like experience
  • Adding AptURL?

  • Adding GIMP?
  • Adding LibreOffice Impress?

  • Dropping Orage?
  • Replacing Light Locker with Xfce Screensaver?
  • Status update on GNOME Software / alternatives?
  • Developing "Xubuntu Tweak"?


Schedule next meeting

Last meeting summary

Meeting information

Meeting summary

Open action items

The discussion about "Open action items" started at 22:06.

  • bluesabre to continue getting Xubuntu Core patches merged (22:06)

    • No progress on merging Xubuntu Core at this time
    • ACTION: xubuntu-team to discuss minimal ubiquity install option

Updates and Announcements

The discussion about "Updates and Announcements" started at 22:09.


The discussion about "Discussion" started at 22:11.

  • Update on Xfce 4.13 plans (22:11)

    • So far, we've added the following Xfce 4.13 components to Cosmic: thunar, xfdesktop4, xfce4-panel, xfce4-screenshooter, xfce4-settings, xfconf, xfce4-taskmanager, xfce4-terminal
  • QA Plans for Cosmic and DD (flocculant) (22:15)

    • ACTION: flocculant to communicate QA Plans for Cosmic and DD

  • Open discussion (22:16)


The discussion about "AOB" started at 22:19.

Schedule next meeting

The discussion about "Schedule next meeting" started at 22:24.

  • ACTION: slickymaster to schedule next meeting

Vote results

Action items, by person

  • flocculant
    • flocculant to communicate QA Plans for Cosmic and DD
  • slickymaster
    • slickymaster to schedule next meeting
  • xubuntu-team
    • xubuntu-team to discuss minimal ubiquity install option

Done items

  • (none)

People present (lines said)

  • bluesabre (62)
  • slickymaster (15)
  • meetingology (8)
  • Spass (4)
  • krytarik (3)
  • ondondil (2)
  • xubuntu-team (0)
  • flocculant (0)

Meetings archive
