- Team meetings
- Team updates
knome and ochosi went through https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/xubuntu-t-features, which now has updated whiteboard and work items statuses
- knome finished the finnish tranlsation for xubuntu docs
- knome worked on the website, refreshing release planned soon
- slickymaster finished the portuguese translation for xubuntu docs
- ochosi and bluesabre worked on lightdm-gtk-greeter theming
- work towards use of autopilot is still ongoing - but it's unlikely to get there this cycle
- package testing moving on - calling for seperate sections every couple of weeks
- libxfce4ui is waiting for a sponsor to upload it to trusty
- gthumb 3.2.6 is now uploaded and web-plugins are re-enabled
- knome helped jjfrv8 update blueprint for t-docs
- knome sent a call to the ML for doc contributors
- knome helped ochosi update blueprint for t-features
- knome volunteered to look into the graphics problem with bug 1207493
- knome has worked with improving the website, and we're getting nearer to release
- knome updated the website content a bit
- lderan: the first autopilot test for xubuntu is merged
- ochosi and bluesabre worked on the lightdm-gtk-greeter
Xubuntu/TeamReports/14/January (last edited 2014-01-16 23:15:37 by xdsl-83-150-81-40)