
  • Elected New Xubuntu Project Lead: Simon Steinbeiß
  • Team meetings
  • Team Updates
    • ACTION: new-xpl: New XPL/council to run a call for a new technical lead
    • ACTION: knome sent a lot of menulibre bugreports
    • package and image testing has started
    • package tracker revamped
    • elfy is now a moderator of the xubuntu-devel mailing list
    • ACTION: knome to add elfy to moderators of -users
    • ACTION: knome to add bluesabre to moderators of -devel and -users
    • ACTION: knome to add Unit193 to moderators of -devel and -users
    • ochosi ran a call for Xubuntu technical lead on the mailinglist, there'll be a vote on the nominees in approximately two weeks at a meeting
    • knome handed ochosi over they keys to LP teams
    • Artwork: Our icon-theme is being worked on currently, hopefully a new release soon. Fixed a few visual bugs, like bluetooth status not showing correctly in the panel (blueman) and fix for indicator-power and bright panels.
    • Artwork: Work on Gtk3.12 support in our themes is currently blocked by Gtk3.12 not being in the repos yet.
    • Marketing: pleia2 did an interview for Linux Luddites Episode #16 on Xubuntu

    • Development: The light-locker black screen fix is in the sponsors queue
    • Website new CSS page was added to theme so we can do some of our own CSS updates without waiting on IS
    • Unit193 set up a Trello bot for interaction with the board from within IRC.

Xubuntu/TeamReports/14/May (last edited 2014-06-03 20:10:51 by lyz)