
Revision 28 as of 2009-09-22 20:32:20

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Aloha Smile :) I'm involved in the Ubuntu-ie LoCo. Living in Dublin since January 2008, and work as a Software Tester. Became involved in Open Source in College in University of Limerick - UL and was President/Chair of Skynet, our Computer Society and ran

I'm not a developer, however I do contribute by helping educate people on the "other" choice out there, and showing them how user friendly Ubuntu is. I also love to organise events where people can learn more and interact and show off new projects they are working on.

Contact information


Laura Czajkowski







  • Global Bug Jam, Feb 09 - IrishTeam/GlobalBugJam-February2009,

  • Co-organized SFD 2008 in Dublin - SFD event in Dublin - Great Day for Ubuntu-ie!

  • Administrating website

  • Co-organized the Ubuntu Drop In Centre in Dublin

  • Was asked to take part and be on the committee for IOTC

  • Was also a committee member in organising the Firefox 3 Launch party in Dublin
  • Ubuntu Advocacy March 2009, September 2009.

  • Organise monthly meet ups (Pint of the Day)
  • Attended the Hardy launch party and after that I then organised a launch party for Intrepid Ibex

  • Spread the word of Open Source by highlighting events and work in Ireland Small Firms can benefit from Open Source

  • I'm better at getting people to talk to one and another and putting people in contact with one another so the right people can explain and tell people about Ubuntu. I try and get programs to talk about Ubuntu and Open Source in Ireland PC Live Podcast

  • Working on the Ubuntu-NGO project collecting interviews from NGOs who use Ubuntu and Open Source in their workplace.
  • Working on a LoCo leadership document with fellow Ubuntu members.

  • Mentoring women who've gone back to IT at local college

Future Goals

  • Increase activity in Ireland with regards to Ubuntu and within Ubuntu-ie, I intend to run more free events and have talks and demonstrations at them. (BugJams, Release Parties)

  • Run more OSSBarcamps around Ireland
  • Get more involved in bug triaging, hopefully we're going to run more low key bugjams and really push this here.
  • Working with my old Secondary school in Limerick and hopefully getting them involved in Irish Translations and Ubuntu

Testimonials for Membership Application

  • "Laura has a natural talent to get the right people connected so great things happen. I've seen here do this again and again in Ireland with great outcomes as she points above. I'm very thankful for her unmeasurable work (with sweat and tears) making ossbarcamp happen and her huge involvement ubuntu-ie. Laura definitely is a open source HR superstar." -- Luis de Bethencourt
  • "Laura is one of the core members of the Irish Local Community. Without Laura and her organizational skills we wouldn't be able to run events like the Software Freedom Day 2008 and the Global Bug Jam in February 2008. Laura is always the first one up for writing an event report. Very active on both #ubuntu-ie IRC and mailing list." -- Maciej Danielski

  • "Laura is a very energetic and ongoing contributor. I had the chance to share community sessions with her at UDS Karmic and I believe her enthusiasm is one of the things that really impressed me but also her push to get things done is amazing. She has proven to the Irish LoCo Team and she is now begining to share with the world wide community with her work at UDS and her commitment for the Karmic Moala Release Cycle. "" -- EfrainValles

  • "Laura's commitment and enthusiasm are contagious. Her dedication to her LoCo team and other areas, such as Ubuntu Women, really make her stand out. Her participation really helped make UDS-Karmic the best UDS yet. I look forward to working with her more!" -- dantrevino 2009-06-02 05:33:29

  • Got to work with her for the first time during UDS Karmic. Excellent contributions! -- jorge 2009-06-09 04:52:49

  • "Laura is an active member in irc channels , she has helped me and many people , I was happy to know her" -- vivlio
