
Differences between revisions 1 and 31 (spanning 30 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2011-06-04 16:35:53
Size: 5147
Editor: athedsl-4388313
Revision 31 as of 2011-06-07 13:28:03
Size: 9438
Editor: 178-52-189
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||<tablestyle="float:right; margin: 100px 100px 10px 10px;" style="text-align: center; border: #6d4c07 dashed 3px;">{{attachment:tinysavvas2.jpg}}|| ||<tablestyle="float:right; margin: 100px 100px 10px 10px;" style="text-align: center; border: #6d4c07 dashed 3px;">{{attachment:epirotes.png}}||
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|| '''Name''' || Elias Epirots || || '''Name''' || Elias Epirotes ||
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|| '''Blog''' || http://epirotes.multiply.com/ ||
|| '''OpenPGP''' || ||
|| '''Blog''' || [[ http://epirotes.multiply.com/ ]] ||
|| '''OpenPGP''' || 6DC8DBAE ||
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 * I want to continue contributing both as a moderator at the Greek Ubuntu Community forum ([[http://forum.ubuntu-gr.org/index.php]]and as a translator in launchpad.  * I want to continue contributing both as a moderator at the Greek Ubuntu Community forum ([[http://forum.ubuntu-gr.org/index.php]]) and as a translator in launchpad.
 * I plan to become more active in the local Ioannina Linux User Group (ILUG)
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I have been introduced to ubuntu by friend after much arguing. I started with 7.10 and soon after (8.04) I got seriously involved in the Greek Community forum, where I eventually became a moderator. At the about the same time I got involved in the translations in launchpad. I strive to help out members with problems as much as I can. I have been introduced to ubuntu by a friend after much arguing. I started with 7.10 and a year later I got seriously involved in the Greek Community forum, where I eventually (2010) became a moderator. In 2009 I got involved in translations in launchpad. I strive to help out members with problems as much as I can.
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 * Helping out in forums
 * Helping out in IRC channels
 * Translations in launchpad
 * Helping out in forums [[http://forum.ubuntu-gr.org/index.php|moderator]] [[http://http://ilug.gr/index.php|member]]
 * Helping out in IRC channels #ubuntu-gr
 * Translations in launchpad [[https://translations.launchpad.net/~epirotes]]
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 * [[http://http://forum.ubuntu-gr.org/index.php]]
 * IRC: savvas at Freenode IRC Network (rarely nowadays)
 IRC Channels: #ubuntu-rs, #ubuntu-gr, #ubuntu-cy -- rarely at #ubuntu+1, #ubuntu-bugs, #ubuntu-devel, #ubuntu-motu, #ubuntu-locoteams
 Activity could be tracked at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com ([[http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=site:irclogs.ubuntu.com+"savvas"|Google link]]) or http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/free/ ([[http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=site:logs.ubuntu-eu.org/free/+"savvas"|Google link]])
 * Forum: [[http://forum.ubuntu-gr.org]] [[http://ilug.gr]]
 * IRC: epirotes at Freenode IRC Network
 IRC Channels: #ubuntu-gr, #ubuntu-gr-meeting
 Activity could be tracked at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com ([[http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=site:irclogs.ubuntu.com+"epirotes"|Google link]]) or http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/free/ ([[http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=site:logs.ubuntu-eu.org/free/+"epirotes"|Google link]])
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 * CypriotTeam - Ubuntu Cyprus Local Community Team [[www.ubuntucy.org]]
  * Co-founder, LoCo Team contact (unofficial)
  * Contributing in Artwork, Wiki pages, Mailing list administration
  * Website design & code
 * Actively participating and helping in Ubuntu-gr community as a moderator [[http://forum.ubuntu-gr.org]]
 * Recently joined ILUG [[http://ilug.gr/index.php]] and participate there as time permits.
 * Translations in launchpad [[https://launchpad.net/~epirotes]]
Noted past activity:
 * 2008: Became a member of the Greek Community forum [[http://forum.ubuntu-gr.org]]
 * 2009: Started participating in translations in launchpad [[https://launchpad.net/~epirotes]]
 * 2010: Became a moderator at the Greek Community forum [[http://forum.ubuntu-gr.org]]
 * 2011: Became a member of Ioannina Linux User Group [[http://http://ilug.gr/index.php]]
 * Greek "how to" tutorials/guides:
   * [[http://forum.ubuntu-gr.org/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=7278|Boot loader GRUB 2, υπερ-πλήρης οδηγός!]] (Grub 2 Full Guide) Together with other fellow members, I participated in the translation of this guide translating one chapter.
   * [[http://forum.ubuntu-gr.org/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=9294|Επαναφορά Grub2 bootloader]] (Grub 2 recovering, this guide was written in cooperation with member and ex-moderator vagrale13)
   * [[http://forum.ubuntu-gr.org/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=3899&p=37287|Δημιουργία Live USB Linux με το Unetbootin μέσα από Windows]] (Translation of a guide on creating a Live USB Linux using Unetbootin in Windows)
   * [[http://forum.ubuntu-gr.org/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=15684|Neverwinter Nights 2]] A guide, written in cooperation with member dr3af at the Greek Community forum, on how to install and play Neverwinter Nights 2 through wine. Test results for this were also submitted to [[http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=17426|winehq database]]
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 * Actively participating and helping in Ubuntu-gr community (Greece)
 * Rarely participating in Ubuntu-rs community (Serbia)
Forum participation:
 * [[http://forum.ubuntu-gr.org/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=1138|Epirotes @ ubuntuforums.org]] - 2,538 posts since 2008
 * [[http://ilug.gr/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=27&action=profile]] 19 posts since March 2011.
== Coding (projects) ==
== Launchpad ==
ID Link: http://launchpad.net/~epirotes.
Karma: 694 [[https://launchpad.net/~epirotes/+karma]]

Mostly active in:
 * [[https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+lang/el|Greek translations]], translating and reviewing translations
 * ubuntu+1 release testing (alpha/beta/release candidate)
 * Bug reports: [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/~epirotes]]

Team Participation: [[ https://launchpad.net/~epirotes/+participation ]]
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 * 2009: Python class for beginners: I used to co-maintain the forum for asynchronous python classes in Greek language: http://forum.ubuntu-gr.org/viewforum.php?f=55 - Several people helped and participated in the project (thank you people!). The project also led to the translation of the python book "[[http://www.swaroopch.com/notes/Python_el:%CE%A0%CE%B5%CF%81%CE%B9%CE%B5%CF%87%CF%8C%CE%BC%CE%B5%CE%BD%CE%B1|A byte of Python]]" (big thanks to the translators!!). The classes are still helpful, full of information and tips for beginners.
 * 2009-present: After the class ended, we kept a specific thread for answering python-related questions: http://forum.ubuntu-gr.org/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=5094

Forum participation:
 * [[http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=178447|forger @ ubuntuforums.org]] - 1,322 posts since 2006
 * [[http://www.ubuntucy.org/forum/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=82|medigeek @ ubuntucy.org]] - 725 posts since May 2008
 * [[http://forum.ubuntu-gr.org/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=228|medigeek @ ubuntu-gr.org]] - 2,554 posts since May 2008

== Coding (projects) ==
 * Current projects:
  * Ubuntu-gr forum signature - Creates a signature with computer specifications and modifies the desired phpbb3 forum username. Handles login and can be customised.
  * Ubuntu-cy: Website design & code
 * "Junk" (Rarely maintained) projects:
  * [[http://launchpad.net/timekpr|timekpr]] - Keep control of computer usage
  * [[http://launchpad.net/surl|surl]] - url shortening command
  * [[http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1056099|launchpad-ppa-fix]] - Updates the old PPA urls in sources.list and sources.list.d/*.list. Also gets the GPG keys of detected PPA repositories
  * [[https://code.launchpad.net/~medigeek/+junk/packages2sqlite|packages2sqlite]] Creates an sqlite database out of apt's Packages.bz2 from the repositories

== Launchpad ==
ID Link: http://launchpad.net/~medigeek

Mostly active in:
 * [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/~medigeek/+reportedbugs|Bug reporting]], confirming, debugging and providing useful information
 * ubuntu+1 release testing (alpha/beta/release candidate) - rarely

Team Participation: https://launchpad.net/~medigeek/+participation

Noted past activity:
 * 2009: Provided various patches and fixes during python 2.6 transition and boost (1.34) -> boost1.35
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 * Helped to package gnote
 * Contribution (co-maintaining/learning) for libmtp8
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Please add your comments here ([[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/medigeek?action=edit&editor=text|edit]]) :) Please add your comments here ([[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/epirotes?action=edit&editor=text|edit]]) :)
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Please add your testimonials here ([[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/medigeek?action=edit&editor=text|edit]]) :) Please add your testimonials here ([[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/epirotes?action=edit&editor=text|edit]]) :)

 * My name is Dimitrios - Georgios Kontopoulos and my nickname is evolgen. I know Elias from the Ubuntu-gr forum, where he serves the community as a moderator. He is always helpful, patient and polite to everyone and has helped me many a time. The way he offers his knowledge and help to the community is an excellent example of application of the Ubuntu Code of Conduct. [[evolgen]]

 * My name is Konstantinos Spalas(konnn).Elias Epirotes is an active person in Greek Ubuntu forum.The last two years serves forum not only as a simple member but as a moderator,too.His linux knowledge is pretty deep and he wills to help anybody who faces any problem.I think that his ability in translating helps introducing Ubuntu in Greece.

 * Hi! My name is Savvas Radevic (medigeek). Elias is actively participating at the ubuntu-gr forum. If you look at his [[http://forum.ubuntu-gr.org/search.php?author_id=1138&sr=posts|posts]] you'll see many notices to forum newcomers, explaining the required steps to help resolve their issue. Being a moderator, I noticed Elias to cut, paste, merge and delete posts (as required). Always improving the quality of the forum and always helping to categorize threads properly! All in all, a priceless member of the Ubuntu Greek community. [[medigeek]]

 * I am Simos Xenitellis (Ubuntu Member). I have known Elias for the last three years as a co-moderator at the Ubuntu-gr forum. He is one of the star contributors of the forum that manages to create a friendly environment for newcomers to ask questions and get quality support. The forum is approaching 8,000 members and his continued work is much needed. He helped during our recent translation marathon, and we achieved [[http://people.canonical.com/~dpm/stats/ubuntu-11.04-translation-stats.html|97% translation completeness for Ubuntu 11.04]]. [[simosx]]

 * My name is Manolis Ellinas (nick ALdaperan) and i know Elias (epirotes) from the Greek Ubuntu community . Epirotes does a great job to the community as a moderator . Epirotes also offers his knowledge to new members and help them with their issues . He has helped me also a lot of times. Thank you Elias, Keep up the good work :)

 * I am Michael Kotsarinis and I am involved in our community as LoCo contact. Elias is one of our most active members offering his help in many areas and guiding many new users in their first steps in Ubuntu. I will not repeat the people who wrote before me I 'll just add that I on a personal basis I really enjoy his insightful posts in out forum.

 * As a member of the Greek Ubuntu Forum, I know Elias for at least two years and he has offered a great work to our comunity as a moderator. I am sure that he has even more to give, and he deserves to be an "Ubuntu Member". Thanasis P. (Th P)

 * My nick is Reinach, i am a member of the ubuntu-gr forum and regarding Elias Epirotes i have to say that he is indeed one of the most active members of our forum, most often the first to lead a newcomer to the forum on how to use it, or a new ubuntu user on how to cope with his/hers first questions. I appreciate his immediate response to a new ubuntu/forum user as well as his assistance to every other user on many issues, and thus i think that he fully deserves to be an "Ubuntu Member"!

 * Hi , I am Yiannis karpathakis and my nick name in the greek forum is yiannis66. The period I am enjoying the forum i notice that Epirotes is one of the most important persons for the members. He helped me lots of times and he is one of the best moderators. Thanks u Elias for that u give us so far.

 * I am Dimitris Fillipidis, moderator at the [[http://forum.ubuntu-gr.org/|Ubuntu-gr forum]]. I have been working with Elias since last October when I joined the moderator team. Elias spends lot of time on the forum offering help and assisting in any way possible the forum users. [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Jim137|Dimitris Filippidis]]

 * My name is Dimos Poupos and i am a moderator at Ubuntu-gr Forum.I know Elias from forum. He spends lot of time to help other members and he wants always to helps as he can at forum and community!

 * My name is Dimitrios Ntoulas, I am Ubuntu member (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DimitriosNtoulas) and administrator in ubuntu-gr.org forum (the_eye). Epirotes is a great troubleshooter http://forum.ubuntu-gr.org/search.php?author_id=1138&sr=posts , helps many user as moderator in our forum. Also support ubuntu community with Greek translations.

Personal Information


Elias Epirotes




Greek, English, German


Retired translator


epirotes at hotmail dot com






epirotes @ Freenode

Launchpad Page


Wiki Page



  • I want to continue contributing both as a moderator at the Greek Ubuntu Community forum (http://forum.ubuntu-gr.org/index.php) and as a translator in launchpad.

  • I plan to become more active in the local Ioannina Linux User Group (ILUG)

Self-remarks: I have been introduced to ubuntu by a friend after much arguing. I started with 7.10 and a year later I got seriously involved in the Greek Community forum, where I eventually (2010) became a moderator. In 2009 I got involved in translations in launchpad. I strive to help out members with problems as much as I can.

Here's a summary of my participation:

I categorised my activity below. Some forms of participation are repeated.

Internet activity


Noted past activity:

Forum participation:

Coding (projects)


ID Link: http://launchpad.net/~epirotes. Karma: 694 https://launchpad.net/~epirotes/+karma

Mostly active in:

Team Participation: https://launchpad.net/~epirotes/+participation

Noted past activity:


Noted past activity:


Please add your comments here (edit) Smile :)


Please add your testimonials here (edit) Smile :)

  • My name is Dimitrios - Georgios Kontopoulos and my nickname is evolgen. I know Elias from the Ubuntu-gr forum, where he serves the community as a moderator. He is always helpful, patient and polite to everyone and has helped me many a time. The way he offers his knowledge and help to the community is an excellent example of application of the Ubuntu Code of Conduct. evolgen

  • My name is Konstantinos Spalas(konnn).Elias Epirotes is an active person in Greek Ubuntu forum.The last two years serves forum not only as a simple member but as a moderator,too.His linux knowledge is pretty deep and he wills to help anybody who faces any problem.I think that his ability in translating helps introducing Ubuntu in Greece.
  • Hi! My name is Savvas Radevic (medigeek). Elias is actively participating at the ubuntu-gr forum. If you look at his posts you'll see many notices to forum newcomers, explaining the required steps to help resolve their issue. Being a moderator, I noticed Elias to cut, paste, merge and delete posts (as required). Always improving the quality of the forum and always helping to categorize threads properly! All in all, a priceless member of the Ubuntu Greek community. medigeek

  • I am Simos Xenitellis (Ubuntu Member). I have known Elias for the last three years as a co-moderator at the Ubuntu-gr forum. He is one of the star contributors of the forum that manages to create a friendly environment for newcomers to ask questions and get quality support. The forum is approaching 8,000 members and his continued work is much needed. He helped during our recent translation marathon, and we achieved 97% translation completeness for Ubuntu 11.04. simosx

  • My name is Manolis Ellinas (nick ALdaperan) and i know Elias (epirotes) from the Greek Ubuntu community . Epirotes does a great job to the community as a moderator . Epirotes also offers his knowledge to new members and help them with their issues . He has helped me also a lot of times. Thank you Elias, Keep up the good work Smile :)

  • I am Michael Kotsarinis and I am involved in our community as LoCo contact. Elias is one of our most active members offering his help in many areas and guiding many new users in their first steps in Ubuntu. I will not repeat the people who wrote before me I 'll just add that I on a personal basis I really enjoy his insightful posts in out forum.

  • As a member of the Greek Ubuntu Forum, I know Elias for at least two years and he has offered a great work to our comunity as a moderator. I am sure that he has even more to give, and he deserves to be an "Ubuntu Member". Thanasis P. (Th P)
  • My nick is Reinach, i am a member of the ubuntu-gr forum and regarding Elias Epirotes i have to say that he is indeed one of the most active members of our forum, most often the first to lead a newcomer to the forum on how to use it, or a new ubuntu user on how to cope with his/hers first questions. I appreciate his immediate response to a new ubuntu/forum user as well as his assistance to every other user on many issues, and thus i think that he fully deserves to be an "Ubuntu Member"!
  • Hi , I am Yiannis karpathakis and my nick name in the greek forum is yiannis66. The period I am enjoying the forum i notice that Epirotes is one of the most important persons for the members. He helped me lots of times and he is one of the best moderators. Thanks u Elias for that u give us so far.
  • I am Dimitris Fillipidis, moderator at the Ubuntu-gr forum. I have been working with Elias since last October when I joined the moderator team. Elias spends lot of time on the forum offering help and assisting in any way possible the forum users. Dimitris Filippidis

  • My name is Dimos Poupos and i am a moderator at Ubuntu-gr Forum.I know Elias from forum. He spends lot of time to help other members and he wants always to helps as he can at forum and community!
  • My name is Dimitrios Ntoulas, I am Ubuntu member (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DimitriosNtoulas) and administrator in ubuntu-gr.org forum (the_eye). Epirotes is a great troubleshooter http://forum.ubuntu-gr.org/search.php?author_id=1138&sr=posts , helps many user as moderator in our forum. Also support ubuntu community with Greek translations.


epirotes (last edited 2011-06-07 20:11:58 by ppp046176056217)