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With an excellent work ethic and a predisposition to serving and assisting projects and community members with anything that is needed, José is a great and helpful addition to any team, and would serve well as a council member. [[LaunchpadHome:mikeholstein]]

José Antonio Rey

About Me

My name is José Antonio Rey. I'm a Ubuntu Member from Peru, who is trying to do things better every day. I contribute with Ubuntu Community as much as I can. I am part of the Ubuntu-PE Council.

Contact Information


Lima, Peru

Time Zone

UTC -5 (no DST) Launchpad

José Antonio Rey IRC

jose (jose!jose@ubuntu/member/jose) in Email


Current Version

Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail


At the time, I am a student in secondary school (high school), although I'm about to leave school for university :). Should I mention I also love music and photography?


  • Translations to Spanish
  • Answering questions on Launchpad (I have been on the top 10 contributors for Answers)
  • Giving an speech on my school, trying to promote Ubuntu.
  • Speak with school's principals to make Ubuntu-based computer rooms.
  • Giving and helping with the Ubuntu Classroom Team
  • Translating UWN to Spanish (left ahead because of time constraints)
  • Being part of the Ubuntu-PE Council - currently the Team Contact
  • Tweaking a greetbot for LoCos to use. (Can be found at lp:~jose/+junk/ubuntu-pe-greetbot, still in progress.)

  • Ubuntu-PE IRC ops
  • Running bots for Ubuntu-PE (JoseBot) and Ubuntu-CO (ubuntu-co-bot).

  • Being part of the Ubuntu Youth Council
  • Running Ubuntu on Air!

Future Goals

  • Become an Ubuntu Member - Done
  • Try to expand the use of Ubuntu in Peru. - What's good around here is that if you enter a department store, you will see PCs running under Lucid. Not the last LTS or the last stable release, but it's a good first step!
  • Converting more friends to Ubuntu (already three done!)
  • Convert my school to Ubuntu (I have already tried to but they want to stick with CentOS, I will insist)
  • Become part of the LoCo Council or the Community Council

LoCo Council Ideas

If I have the chance to be elected as a LoCo Council member, I would speak from my previous personal experience with my LoCo Team. Ubuntu Peru was a team about to be dead, but I took the initiative to try and revive it, and is now in a good state.

One of the things that I am willing to do, as you may have seen, is get LoCo Teams back on the road. Trying to revive dead LoCos and get them running all good would be one of my main goals.

Also, I would like to contribute to all current ideas and discussions, and speak from previous experiences (as I have already stated), always considering LoCo Teams in all situations - active, inactive, wanting to be revived, with or without many funds, etc.


If you know me and have something nice to say, please leave a comment here.

LoCo Council

Jose Antonio is always keen to help where he cans and looking for new opportunities to do some work and make things better, he is easy to work with and has a lot of interest on making the Ubuntu Community even better and bigger. Definitely thumbs up! nvalcarcel

I have worked personally with Jose on numerous Ubuntu projects over the past two years after I first met him at UDS in Oakland. I was very impressed with his ability to be able to work well with people both his age, and people older than him. He is someone who see's a goal and works to reach it. I have seen this when he personally spearheaded Ubuntu On Air back in the summer of 2012 and turned Ubuntu On air into the great tool that it is today. He is very enthusiastic about LoCo's as well. Because of his experience managing the LoCo for the country of Peru where he lives, he is able to see how a LoCo needs to be run. He can use all these skills to better improve LoCo's overall. Trust me, you will not regret him on any Ubuntu governing body. philipballew

I met José at UDS and I have worked with him, or seen his activity, on many Ubuntu projects. He is a great contributor and I am sure will be a great asset to loco teams with a role on the Loco Council. alanbell

Jose, although a adolescent like me, is a very hard-working person towards promoting Ubuntu across the world. Either as a Local Community contact, or as the Ubuntu on Air! leader, he has demonstrated his experience in leading several efforts. I'm sure the LoCo council will find him a useful and very passionate member:) -- smartboyhw 2013-09-15 14:52:51

José is a friend and a co-worker in the Peruvian LoCo Team, he has been doing a excellent job as team contact and web maintainer. He definitely should be part of the Ubuntu LoCo Council !!! -- -- dante 2013-09-16 05:05:52

Jose is a hard-working individual passionate about improving the Ubuntu community and spreading Ubuntu in Peru and around the world. He also uses social media effectively for the cause. I've collaborated with him on a few of his contributions to summit.u.c in the past. I'm sure he will be a great asset in the LoCo Council. -- bilalakhtar 2013-09-16 03:31:03

I know Jose from several teams in the community, and He is always willing to help whenever He can, also in My opinion his work on Ubuntu On Air is quite impressive. I really see in him a great LoCo Council material, what's why I support his application for LoCo Council. -- PabloRubianes

From my perspective, Jose is a very dedicated member of the community, and *very* enthusiastic about his contributions. He has excellent organisation skills [which can be easily spotted by looking what a great work he does with UbuntuOnAir, as well as the Youth and Classroom teams], and such skills would be very beneficial for the LoCo Council. I believe that he would be a perfect member of the Council, given his experience with both global Ubuntu Community and local teams. An enthusiastic, perfectly organized and keen to work hard person - that's the LoCo Coucil member we need, and that's Jose! -- RafalCieslak 2013-09-16 13:50:41

While I have not worked with Jose recently, I have interacted with him in the past while working on the News Team and Classroom Team. Jose is very passionate about his work, and he can be depended on to see tasks through to the end and organize groups of people to complete larger projects. He has always shown a strong interest in helping out with his LoCo team and serving as an ambassador for Ubuntu within his community. I think Jose would be a great addition to the LoCo Council, where I know he will make the extra effort to improve our LoCo community in addition to fulfilling standard duties and meetings. -- nhandler 2013-09-16 17:53:52

José is great. He's easy to work with, reliable, a lot of fun and helped out in many many projects I also worked in. I like how much energy he brought to many places he contributed to. Keep up the good work! -- dholbach 2013-09-17 12:33:06

I've known José for some time now, he is great to work with, methodical and has bags of enthusiasm. I think he would make an excellent contribution to the LoCo council and wholeheartedly support his application. phillw 2013-09-17 14:03:06

While I may not have worked with Jose much, what I have has been quite effective, I support Jose in his quest to help by serving on the LoCo council. -- unit193 2013-09-18 04:33:33

José would be a fine addition to the LoCo Council. He has been an active contributing member of the community for a long while now, and my interactions with him have always been excellent. -- popey

I've worked with Jose on a bunch of stuff, mostly launching He's very passionate and will chase down people in order to make things happen. That's my favorite attribute; if I'm not being fast enough he'll chase me down until I can unblock him, then he goes on to do great things! -- jorge 2013-09-18 15:24:33

With an excellent work ethic and a predisposition to serving and assisting projects and community members with anything that is needed, José is a great and helpful addition to any team, and would serve well as a council member. mikeholstein

Ubuntu Membership

Jose is a wonderful guy! I know him since long time ago. He is a great member of Ubuntu-pe, where he has been elected as council member for his contributions to the grow of the community in his country, actually he and I are studying the chance of making some projects together. In my opinion, Jose would be an great member on the Membership board. - SergioMeneses

José Antonio ha sido mi alumno durante todo este año, y en el corto periodo de tiempo que lo conozco me ha podido demostrar su capacidad y habilidad con la informática. Durante todas las clases, él terminaba rápido sólamente para entrar a Launchpad y ver qué podía hacer en su tiempo libre. Realmente creo que merece ser miembro de Ubuntu, porque me ha demostrado que es una persona comprometida con lo que hace, y, a pesar de su corta edad, da lo mejor de si mismo para que él y todos tengan una buena experiencia con Ubuntu y su mundo. Juan Portugal - juanp435

Nombrar a José Antonio Rey es nombrar a alguien que se compromete al 300%, que da todo de si mismo para hacer todo bien. Perfecto es poco para él, siempre trata de ir más alla de lo que uno puede pensar, para poder lograr una satisfacción propia y en los demás. He estado en sus exposiciones sobre Ubuntu, y me parece que describó muy bien los puntos básicos, y las ventajas. Incluso, unas cuantas personas fueron curiosas y quisieron probar la experiencia desde el mismo día. Si es que yo pudiera votar por su membresía, de ninguna manera le daría un +1, yo podría darle un +100. Luis Fernando Barba - vanskatedc

Contact Me

If you need some information about me, or want to just say hi, do not hesitate and send me an email to - I'll be happy to answer you.


jose (last edited 2017-08-30 20:53:31 by jose)