
Pre-Beta 2 for v. 12.04.4 (upcoming):

  • Testing Firefox configuration for the next release, 12.04.4, January 2014.
  • Firefox gets a fully featured and populated bookmarks toolbar.

How the Firefox Browser is Set for Installation


  • Lightweight, low on resources.
  • Easy for beginners to use.
  • Safe.
  • Stable browser.
  • Excellent support.

Googlxle and LXLE's Startpage: googlxle

By default LXLE utilizes the DuckDuckGo search engine. The team believes in this search engine's principles, capabilities, support, and their many opensource (FOSS) initiatives. However, we realize that some users still prefer to search with Google, so we designed a custom Google search engine for our LXLE startpage for those individuals.

Googlxle, LXLE's custom Google search engine does much more than just provide a gateway to Google, it borrows some ideas from DuckDuckGo's awesome search engine like enabling SSL search by default and ommiting known content mills while emphazing results from crowd sourced sites and their sources, bearing excellent returns. Googlxle is a form of Google, minus a lot of controvertial annoyances.


Special Search Engines:

alt text

  • googlxle

  • Plus, of course, the usual search engines: wikipedia, ebay, twitter, google, yahoo, bing, amazon.


  • Free video links that replace the need for paid movie websites.
  • Wide selection of options.

RSS Feeds

Configuration Support:


Bookmarks Toolbar


lxle/firefox-lxle (last edited 2013-12-09 02:27:34 by d154-5-188-45)