
Mazal's scratch pad for learning and testing

Table of contents:

Objective 1 - learn table of contents

Code for table of contents is

Note to self. Table of contents get's generated automatically using the headings you have in your document.

Objective 2 - learn headings

Headings are from 1 to 6. Headings have a number of = in front and behind. Amount of ='s determine heading level.
1 is biggest and boldest down to 6 smallest.
There is a space after = and then the heading begins and then a space and = again.
For example , a level 1 heading will be = Level 1 heading =

NOTE TO SELF: only 1 to 3 are bold. 4 is not but is capital letters. Try not to use lower level than 4.

Objective 3 - learn text formatting

NOTE TO SELF: Remember to put line breaks <<BR>> to get lines directly below each other.
The <<BR>> code is put only at the end of the line.

italic is with double ' in front and behind. Remember to close behind otherwise whole line is italic.
bold is with triple ' in front and behind. Remember to close behind.
bold plus italic test - Test bold and italic put together.
Code is placed inside of 3 {'s either side , for example {{{code}}}
underline is done with 2 _'s on either side.
Additional text formatting rules

mazal - A main page internally on the wiki - Simply put main page name between [[]]
/pad - A subpage from the current wiki page - Simply put /subpagename
mazal/pad - A subpage of a main page on internal wiki - simply put mainpagename/subpagename between [[]]
#start - Insert a link to an achorname on the current page. To put anchornames in the document the code <<Anchor(anchorname)>> must be used where you want to place the anchor.
To start of page - Insert link to anchor , but put a description. Use [[#anchor|description]]
Back to mazal main page - Insert link to anker on a main page , with a description. [[pagename#anchorname|description]]
Gaming_Volgorde.txt - Link to an attached file. [[attachment:filename.txt]]

External links are mostly put in the format [[link|description]] with description , or simply [[link]] to not add a description. Simply just putting link also works.

Console Racing SA

To display an image on another site , the link to the image should be placed inbetween {{}} , for example {{}}

Additional examples on external links

Objective 5 - Learn lists

Bullet lists are preceded with space and then * and a space. List can be "collapsed" by adding extra spaces in front of the *

Note to self: List lines do not have to be ended with line breaks if only list is used , but must be line braked if data is entered under each list item

  • Item 1 - Test 1
    Testing of item 1

  • Item 2
    Description and data of item 2

    • Item 2.1
    • Item 2.2
      • Item 2.2.1

Numbered lists gets a space and a 1. in front instead of a *

  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
    1. Item 2.1
    2. Item 2.2
  3. Item 3

Objective 6 - Learn Tables

A basic table layout :
||1      ||2      ||3      ||

Note to self: Tables do not need to end with line breaks , but if there is 2 tables after each other they must be split with a line break on an empty line between them. As well as a line break on an empty line after the last table.











van Dyk


... to be continued...

General notes to self

  • Remember to put an anchor at top of page and make link at bottom of every section to link to top


mazal/pad (last edited 2015-02-24 05:16:28 by 105-236-166-47)