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* I help run and lead the official Ubuntu California booth at [[|SCALE]] which is California's biggest Linux convention that gains national attention in the global Linux community: Running this event is a team effort that takes lots of coordination and effort to get as many people from are LoCo to be able to come great distances and show off Ubuntu to other Linux enthusiasts. there are many actions that need to be done and some tasks I was in charge of was: * Consisted of me handing out a pack of fifty CD's that I burned and packaged, * Running live CD's on peoples computers myself demonstrating how the operating system runs on their specific hardware.fil people's |
* I help run and lead the official Ubuntu California booth at [[|SCALE]] which is California's biggest Linux convention that gains national attention in the global Linux community: Running this event is a team effort that takes lots of coordination and effort to get as many people from are LoCo to be able to come great distances and show off Ubuntu to other Linux enthusiasts.There are many actions that need to be done and some tasks I was in charge of was: * Handing out a pack of fifty CD's that I burned and packaged, * Running live CD's on peoples computers myself demonstrating how the operating system runs on their specific hardware |
About Me
I have been using Ubuntu full time since 6.10 and have enjoyed it tremendously. From then on I have used Ubuntu exclusively. Throughout the Last several years I have been using Ubuntu, I have been loving the experience it provides. I love the opportunities it allows, and also encourages. I am a Computer Information Systems major at a university in San Diego currently working toward a degree.
I see myself always using Ubuntu or if something happens to the operating system, another Linux based distro. It suits me and should continue to suit me. I have also gotten involved in the Ubuntu community. It has been about two years now since I started to get involved with the community. I have done lots of things to help and they will be described bellow, and all the items I do with Ubuntu or Linux I love doing because it not only helps me, but helps others and the project as well. I hope that in time i can become even more involved in the community and in turn possibly share Ubuntu with even more who are still unaware through greater and greater means.
To me Ubuntu is not only about choice, though with Ubuntu and many aspects of Linux there is lots of choice. I see Ubuntu as also about being the perfect blend of freedom and productivity. Freedom to do what you want with it. You can make it as technical or non technical as you want it. The ability to bring a Linux platform Geeks and end-users can both get excited about is a very great opportunity for us all. Something I enjoy very much being part of.
Contact Information
launchpad: Click Here
Ubuntuforums: Click Here
IRC: philipballew, you can find me in #ubuntu #ubuntu-beginners and always in #ubuntu-us-ca whenever I am connected to IRC
Ranks Gained in Ubuntu
Ubuntu Membership
I Gained a Ubuntu Membership in May of 2011 and have not looked back since. I see that as a door that opens allowing me to advance my involvement with Ubuntu and my success with the Open Source community.
Global Community Involvement
Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter
- Summery writer, article/blog seeker for the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter: every weekend I take a little while and write summaries for the already proposed after i have during the week found articles and posted them to the newsletter planning document.
Ubuntu Classroom
Ubuntu User Days
Ran a session for the Ubuntu Oneiric entitled "Equivalent applications found in Ubuntu, you might have used in or OSX. Logs are available here:link
Ubuntu Youth
Ubuntu-Youth forum manager. The ubuntu-youth have a forum page and I am in charge of it. If there is a question about the forum page I am your go-to man. My job with this is to approve all new members and view what the comments people are making are.
Ubuntu Beginners
- Tech support in #ubuntu-beginners: Every day I log into IRC and #ubuntu-beginners is my main channel where I give support to those who need it. being that beginner is such a relative term we get so many items come up into our channel that I try my best to assist and help with. It can be a challenge with the problems that come in, however. I find the more time I spend helping others, the more I end up learning myself.
Ubuntu Forums
- I first started with helping people who used Ubuntu on the forums with fixing the common problems associated with Ubuntu. Through helping them I have gained even more knowledge where i can transfer that to IRC allowing for more people to be able to get the help they need. I try to be as humble as i can when giving help because in the past i have felt belittled by other people and will often try to be as compassionate as i can no matter what the person did or was doing.
- Issues I often help with are:
- Getting started in Ubuntu
- Basic terminal commands
- Problems I myself have encountered as well
- Issues I often help with are:
my personal Ubuntu blog Click Here here I blog and write about my use with Ubuntu, my involvement in the Ubuntu community, and ways I see that we can make Ubuntu better for everyone
Guest writer for This consists of writing software reviews, news stories, how-to articles and anything else that looks like it would be interesting to read.
I have been a member of California LoCo for about two years: I help wherever is necessary, and use this group as a way to find other people who use Ubuntu and together promote it as a successful operating system. Through being a part of this group i have been able to get even more involved through events and the like
I help run and lead the official Ubuntu California booth at SCALE which is California's biggest Linux convention that gains national attention in the global Linux community: Running this event is a team effort that takes lots of coordination and effort to get as many people from are LoCo to be able to come great distances and show off Ubuntu to other Linux enthusiasts.There are many actions that need to be done and some tasks I was in charge of was:
- Handing out a pack of fifty CD's that I burned and packaged,
- Running live CD's on peoples computers myself demonstrating how the operating system runs on their specific hardware
- Answer peoples questions about Ubuntu and all of its derivatives. This can be a good way to make sure you have brushed up on your technical skills and also A fun way to tell people about Ubuntu who might be curious about the system and also get to meet other Ubuntu users as well.
Ubuntu Hours
- Co-founder of the San Diego Ubuntu Hour. I Help aside from starting it; organizing, running and promoting the Hour: I organize the outreach, logistics and planning for The hour we run once a month. I am known for carrying around flayers for the Ubuntu hour and passing it out to people i know who I think might be interested in attending. I email the list a few days before the event again just as a reminder of what is coming up and look for possibly having more people come out if possible. When planning an event of this goes. location is critical. thats why i have picked some of the locations we have held the event at, therefor I can scout out good seating a hour to half hour in advance in order to ensure enough seats for as many visitors as possible. ANy questions related to the San Diego Ubuntu hour can be brought to me.
Individual Contributions
- I have for years and still do make my own pre-burned CD's and passing them out to friends and others of the sort. also I have helped them install and run everything for their first few times in order to get them going. when I help them get going they are more likely to stick with Ubuntu because the basic early hang-ups are not going to be there for them.
- Find suitable places to set up CD giveaway booths and allow people to receive free CD's Such locations would include but not limited to: library's, high school programing classes and clubs, and community colleges computer departments and labs. People can find these CD's and take them; they will have the name of what is on the CD, my name and email. therefore, these people are free to contact me with any needs they have.
- Attender of The Linux Users' Group of Davis whenever i can and promote Ubuntu there as a distro that is capable and help it to stand out from the others.
Public Speaking
Give small quick talks to 5-10 people about both the benefits of a Ubuntu system and also the technical aspects of it that make it different compared to Windows and OSX on both technical levels and non-technical levels.
Ubuntu membership
Phil has been an active member of the San Diego Ubuntu Loco contingent since we started it in November 2010. He's a good supporter of Ubuntu and the Community! --kdub [KevinDuBois]
I was very impressed with Philip when I met him at SCaLE9x where we worked together at the Ubuntu booth. His charismatic nature makes him easy to work with and for him to convey the Ubuntu spirit. He is a perfect communicator that worked well with any visitors coming to the Ubuntu booth. He is also active in IRC, rarely missing a team meeting, and helps run the Ubuntu Hour in San Diego. I am working with him to possibly set up another Ubuntu Hour in Claremont, CA (location of five major universities). As always, I look forward to working with Phil and together helping spread Ubuntu! -- [ iheartubuntu ] 03/28/2011
Trustworthy, kind, and always willing to provide a helping hand, Phil is the kind of guy you would want on your team (whatever it may be). seidos 5/8/2011
Phil has surprised me with his enthusiasm. He has stepped up with the Loco in San Diego and has pushed forward with speed and a desire to help. He truly represents what the spirit of Ubuntu is. Phil will succeed and and any team he is on will succeed. @-- david.wonderly 2011-05-17 22:13:38@
Phil has been a thoughtful and active member of the local Ubuntu community, and instrumental in getting Ubuntu Hour San Diego off the ground. He's made sure to get involved in local events such as SCaLE9X and these events have been all the better for it. He is an asset to any project he is involved with. -- -- nhaines 2011-05-19 18:59:04
Ubuntu Beginners
Phil is a voice of reason and a helpful hand for all who frequent #ubuntu-beginners -- holstein august 12th, 2011
People who I have Helped: Kathrin Weber
philipballew (last edited 2014-12-15 18:29:08 by 192)