
Revision 17 as of 2009-06-17 16:56:52

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Hi, my name is Shane Fagan. Im from kildare in Ireland. Im a second year software development student. The programming languages I know are Java,, 8086 and python. Ive been using ubuntu for 2 years now, I help out on a load of ubuntu projects and help out in the Irish Ubuntu Community.

I am a developer and I am currently getting involved in a number of upstream developments like Zeitgeist and a little testing for Gnome-Shell. Im really exited about the future of Gnome-Desktop and cant wait to help integrate Gnome-Shell into ubuntu.

I help out with ubuntu-docs and ubuntu answers on launchpad. Bug reporting and testing of new ubuntu releases.

I love testing the new releases of ubuntu and the upstreams im exited by and showing off the new features to my friends (shamelessly trying to convert everyone to ubuntu Smile :) )

Contact information


Shane Fagan


shanepatrickfagan (at) yahoo (dot) ie


Shane_Fagan on




Future Goals

  • Continue answering questions
  • Contribute more to ubuntu docs
  • Promote the irish language in ubuntu
  • Start developing for gnome and ubuntu more

Testimonials for Membership Application

Christopher Swift

Shane is a key part of the Irish LoCo team, it is not uncommon to find him in #ubuntu-ie IRC communicating well with other users and he has a very unique way of seeing the world. I truly believe what Ubuntu needs is more people like Shane who can help contribute to Ubuntu especially with the Irish translation team in launchpad. - Christopher Swift, Point of Contact of Ubuntu Cymru

Seif Lotfy

Shane is a a highly appreciated contributor to the Zeitgeist project, working in all areas such as, Development, Bug Reporting, Bug Managment, Artwork and Design. He is becoming a key figure and has amazing strategy skills communicating with other project members interested in Zeitgeist - Seif Lotfy, Point of Contact of Zeitgeist
