
About Me

My name is Ahmed Toulan. I live in Cairo Egypt. I started out as a cross platform C/C++ developer, and that got me hooked with Qt. Currently I am working as a web developer using Python and Django. I started using Redhat in year 2001, then decided to be more hardcore so I switched to Slackware. After having all the fun that I can get and deciding to do some real work Ubuntu was my distro of choice. I am an active member of the Ubuntu-EG LoCo team.

I have been working with Ubuntu-eg since 2009 and had such a great time with the team since then.

Log from the last Ubuntu membership approval meeting.

My Contact Info



Goals for 2012

Old Testimonials (2010)

Please place your testimonials below ending with your wiki page, or LaunchPad page if you have one. If you've neither, just leave your name and nickname. Thanks!

thelinuxer (last edited 2012-04-22 11:56:03 by host-41)