
About Me


I've been a Linux user since about 1999. I started with a copy of Linux Mandrake 6.1 (I actually had some floppy distros prior, but Mandrake was the first one I ever installed and really used). I have used many distributions throughout the years, but switched to Ubuntu 6.06 in 2006. I still hop around to different distros, but I have used Linux exclusively since 2007.

Basic Facts

D.O.B.: March 27 1984

Location: Cullman, AL, US



tim_sharitt @ irc.freenode.net

OpenPGP key


Lanuchpad Account


Ubuntu Forums

Tim Sharitt



My Contributions

Ubuntu Forums

I have been a member of the forums since 2007. I try to help wherever I can. I may not be the most knowledgeable person when it comes to Ubuntu, but I am always striving to learn more, and helping others on the forums has help me do just that.

I am a member of the Ubuntu Forums Beginners Team. We are a group of people who focus primarily on the Absolute Beginner Talk section of the forums.


I am often found on IRC on irc.freenode.net. Some of my usual channels include:


I always try to find time to help others whenever I can.

Ubuntu Bug Squad

I try to spend a some time every day to help triage a few bugs. This usually consists of commenting, asking for more information, linking to upstream bugs, and adding packages.

Some sample bugs that I have worked on:

https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/@@/bug-unknown https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox/+bug/316959
https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/@@/bug-unknown https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/315983/


Unfortunately, the Alabama LoCo is not very active. I would like to see the team become more active (occasional meetings would be a good start) by holding local events as well as participate more in the broader Ubuntu community.

Aside from just trying to get the current members motivated, I am also trying to infuse some fresh blood by converting new users.

Team Participation

https://launchpadlibrarian.net/15994865/Untitled.png Ubuntu Forums Beginners Team
https://launchpadlibrarian.net/10215246/alabama_flag14.png Alabama LoCo
https://launchpadlibrarian.net/1812570/bugsquad.png Ubuntu BugSquad
https://launchpadlibrarian.net/7411685/flask14x14.png Ubuntu Testing Team
https://launchpadlibrarian.net/9608570/ubuntu_emblem.png Ubuntu Users
https://edge.launchpad.net/@@/team Ubuntu Forums Beginners Team Education Focus Group

Future Plans

This is a list of goals which I am actively pursuing, or hope to pursue in the future.

  • Learn more about packaging and contribute to the MOTU team
  • Continue providing support on Ubuntu Forums
  • I would like to apply for Ubuntu membership once I believe I have built a solid body of work within the Ubuntu community
  • Re-awaken the Alabama loco team...


  • Tim Sharitt is a valuable member of the Beginners Team and has recently volunteered to be come further involved in the education focus group. While shy about his contributions and achievements in the community I believe he is a valuable member of the community and support his application for membership. - Vantrax

  • Tim is a fantastic member of the Beginners Team, and though I don't often speak with him (time zones are a pain), he seems very helpful and more knowledgeable than he thinks. I would have no hesitation in recommending him for Ubuntu membership, as I think he fully deserves it. Tim's work with the beginners team alone should be enough for membership, and I hope he continues his hard work. Joeb454

  • I know Tim Sharitt both by his posts on the Ubuntu Forums as well as his participation on the Beginners Team. He is knowledgeable and conscientious. BodhiZazen

  • I was first aware of Tim from his postings on the forums - I was always pleased to read them for their content and attitude to helping others. Since becoming a member of the UFBT he has become a valuable member of the team, his level headed attitude and consistency is welcome in it's sincerity and I hope he continues to contribute to both the forum and the beginners team - I believe him to be a valuable member of the greater community and support him in his application for membership. forestpixie

tsharitt (last edited 2009-09-15 09:07:05 by adsl-074-181-034-198)