
The following are bugs relating to the Main Ubuntu Wiki (as implemented in Moin). Also see the Moin bugs page.

  1. On https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Zope3onUbuntu?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=zope3&titlesearch=Titles clicking the LearningZope3/WhatIsNewInZope33 link results in

    AttributeError'NoneType' object has no attribute 'read'
    Python Python 2.4.3: /usr/bin/python
    Linux titanium #1 SMP Thu Sep 7 19:39:24 UTC 2006 x86_64
    MoinMoin Release 1.3.4 [Revision 1.3.4 release]
    Wed Jan 31 23:06:55 2007
    A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.
    followed by a trace.
  2. Narrow-down the search to one language. For example, search for 'recent changes' results this page (Bhuvan)

  3. The main navigation tabs are broken in Opera (and some reports of them being slightly broken in Firefox)
  4. The login dialogues contain inconsistencies between the custom Ubuntu section and the default Moin section, and also should contain a direct link to the launchpad site (MatthewEast)

  5. The Password Repeat field is missing from the UserPreferences page. --AnttiKaihola

  6. It is difficult to find this page or other means to report bugs in this system. --AnttiKaihola

  7. The wiki has become very slow, almost borderline unusable, with large changes to pages taking minutes to submit. We should evaluate some options to increase performance. --KevinKubasik

  8. Searching in the polish locale yeilds a page that displays HTML code fragment as text: generates a page that contains following HTML code:

<p>3 rezultatów z liczby 5158 stron. (&lt;ul&gt;
&lt;li style="list-style-type:none"&gt;0.36 sekund. &lt;/li&gt;
  1. When I subscribe to a wiki page I get a message that I've just resigned from subscription (in polish: Rezygnacja z subskrybcji została przyjęta. Aby zrezygnować z subskrybcji, wejdź do swojego profilu i usuń stronę z listy subskrybcji.) - I think it's a translation bug. --AzraelNightwalker


  1. The main text editing area should have higher contrast -- Improved contrast in theme

  2. The title texts should be brown, hovering to black (reverse it from current functioning)
  3. The UserName link (under the search field) is too faint in that gray. It should probably be dark brown.

  4. The footer needs to be simplified and generally fixed
  5. Recent changes icons, like 'new', 'deleted', etc. should all be the same size. That would make the page Recent Changes load better.

wiki/BugReports (last edited 2008-08-06 16:13:39 by localhost)