Get Involved

The Ubuntu Accomplishments project is a true collaborative Open Source project. For us to build an awesome accomplishments system we need a variety of skills and contributors who can bring them. This section of the our wiki homepage explains how you can get involved.

We also run regular video tutorial sessions. See this page for more details.

If you know what you want to do to participate, you can click the different sections above for how to get involved. If you are not quite sure how to help, read on...

How Can I Help?

If you are not sure how to help, use our handy guide below:

If you are a fairly technical person

You might want to contribute to Hacking or Testing (while Testing doesn't have to be technical, a deeper-dive of testing is really helpful).

We also would love more and more people to Creating Accomplishments for the system.

If you like writing

You might want to help with Documentation - this includes not only documentation for the software, but we would love documentation of the accomplishments in your language!

If you like using software and knowing the details of how it works

You might want to help with Support.

If you know a second language

We would love your help with Translations.

Where Do I Begin?

Get a Development Environment Set Up

You should first install the different parts of the project so you can contribute.

To read out to do this, see these instructions.

Choose a Place to Help

Now you have an idea of how to help, click the sections above to find out more. You should also join our communication channels:

Accomplishments/GetInvolved (last edited 2012-12-08 14:11:34 by rafalcieslak256)