
Differences between revisions 25 and 26
Revision 25 as of 2012-04-01 16:36:26
Size: 3879
Editor: 99-41-167-234
Revision 26 as of 2012-04-01 23:31:05
Size: 3898
Editor: 99-41-167-234
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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sudo cp data/media/trophyinfo.svg /usr/share/pixmaps/ sudo cp data/media/ubuntu-accomplishments-system.svg /usr/share/pixmaps/

Install the Ubuntu Accomplishments sytem

This is still very much a work in progress and as such things need refining here. Set up the server component.

What You Need

To run Ubuntu Accomplishments you need to be running Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin. You will also need to have an Ubuntu One account running on your computer.

You also need some additional packages. Run the following command to install them:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install quickly quickly-ubuntu-template python-gpgme

Getting The Code

Run the following to check out the code:

bzr branch lp:ubuntu-accomplishments-system

You now need to install the Ubuntu Accomplishments collection (these are the different types of trophies). Grab these by running:

bzr branch lp:ubuntu-community-accomplishments

Now create a directory to install your accomplishments to in your home directory:

mkdir ~/accomplishments

When you have grabbed this branch you can install those accomplishments to your accomplishments directory in your home directory with the included script. For example:

cd ubuntu-community-accomplishments
./ ~/accomplishments

Now set your PYTHONPATH:

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/ubuntu-accomplishments-system

Setting Up The App

A few small commands to install the .desktop file and icon:

cd ubuntu-accomplishments-system
sudo cp trophyinfo.desktop /usr/share/applications/
sudo cp data/media/ubuntu-accomplishments-system.svg /usr/share/pixmaps/

Running The App

Running the daemon

To run you first need to run the daemon. You can run the daemon in one of two ways: (1) run it not as a daemon so you can see the output of the backend or (2) run it as a proper daemon background process. If you are just testing Ubuntu Accomplishments, it is recommended you run it so you can see the output (this makes it easier to let us know of errors and other issues.

To run it this way type in:

twistd -noy ./bin/daemon

To kill the daemon press Ctrl-C.

If you would prefer to run it as a proper daemon in a background process, run it like this:

twistd -y ./bin/daemon

When run as a background service you can see the output appended to a a log file in the ubuntu-accomplishments-system directory. To kill the daemon just run:

killall -9 twistd

Running the client

Now open a new terminal and from the ubuntu-accomplishments-system directory run the application:

quickly run

Follow the on-screen instructions and soon you will see a note in the status bar saying the app is checking for accomplishments: you should see new accomplishments appear in the My Trophies view shortly afterwards.

Questions can go to



How do I kill the daemon?

In the daemon terminal window just press Ctrl-\ (Ctrl and Backspace) and it will kill it.

How do I clear out my trophies so I can re-verify them?

Your trophies directory lives in ~/.local/share/accomplishments/trophies. In that directory is a sub-directory for each collection of trophies. Just rm -rf * everything or even remove the sub-directories.

How do I clear out my user information so I can re-enter it?

Your trophies directory lives in ~/.local/share/accomplishments/trophies. In that directory is a sub-directory called .extrainformation - just delete it.

How can I force a re-verification of my trophies?

Click File -> Check Accomplishments.

Accomplishments/Installing (last edited 2012-12-24 12:08:19 by 177)