Sunday 06 April 2025 |
- Introductions
- Announcements
- Discussion: Changing Day of IRC Meetings
- Team Reports
- Membership
- Newsletter
- Web Design
- Education
- Server
- Computer Recycling/Localization Rehash
IRC channel statistics by [http://ubuntustats.homelinux.org]
- Agenda for next week
18:20[notice(#ubuntu-arizona)] Meeting is starting (over) 18:20< johnc4510> i can copy and paste all day 18:20< johnc4510> or night 18:20< ianmcorvidae> Ok, first agenda item. 18:20< ianmcorvidae> Introductions. Do we have anyone? 18:20-!- Irssi: #ubuntu-arizona: Total of 16 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 15 normal] 18:20< johnc4510> jsonder: did you introduce yourself last week 18:20< johnc4510> can't remember 18:20< johnc4510> if not please do 18:21< ianmcorvidae> Also, _NoX_. 18:21< johnc4510> jsonder: you there? 18:21< johnc4510> ah 18:21< SlickMcRunfast> guess not next? 18:21< azteech> s;dp czc 18:21< azteech> also even 18:21< johnc4510> _NoX_: you there 18:22< jsonder> johnc4510: well I wasn't here so I could not have done so 18:22< johnc4510> jsonder: please, just a brief intro 18:22< ianmcorvidae> Yep. 18:22< jsonder> I'm an old person down in Green Valley. I dink around with ocmputers and motorcycles 18:23 * johnc4510 like motorcycles 18:23< jsonder> Tha does it, no more laptop keyboard! 18:23< ianmcorvidae> johnc4510 is also an old person :P 18:23< ianmcorvidae> Anyway. 18:23< jsonder> We're running little Hondas 18:24< johnc4510> alright 18:24< ianmcorvidae> czc: are you there? 18:24< czc> Hi, I'm here but I'm working on something 18:24< ianmcorvidae> Would you mind a brief introduction, or too busy? 18:24< czc> why ? 18:24< czc> ah ok 18:25< czc> I'm a french guy in Flagstaff since 2005, my work involves playing with ubuntu 18:26< czc> never went to a LUG 18:26 * slofgren initiates czc with a wedgie 18:26 * johnc4510 welcomes czc and jsonder 18:26< czc> that's nice 18:26< slofgren> haha 18:26< ianmcorvidae> _NoX_: You there for an intro? 18:27< ianmcorvidae> (We have a bunch of new folks this week :) ) 18:27< johnc4510> yes 18:27< johnc4510> don't know if pepse here or not 18:27< ianmcorvidae> pepse: You around for an intro? 18:27< ianmcorvidae> Yeah. 18:27< ianmcorvidae> Serialman: Are you around to give an intro? 18:28 * ianmcorvidae waits for a few seconds to see if any respond 18:28< ianmcorvidae> Ok. 18:28< ianmcorvidae> Next agenda item until we see more new folks return. 18:28< ianmcorvidae> 2, Announcement. 18:28 * johnc4510 says he has 3 and asks for the floor 18:28 * azteech slinks away for couple, to check on install, and take couple desktop screen shots .. 18:28< ianmcorvidae> Go ahead john. 18:29< johnc4510> Everyone should have gotten an email from me on the proposed goal of applying for team approval. I will have the plan ready by the next meeting and then we can decide to accept it or not. This proposal and discussion will probably take up most of the meeting time on that day. I hope that everyone will attend and voice their opinions since this is a large undertaking. 18:29< johnc4510> ianmcorvidae: please set aside all of next meeting for this 18:29< johnc4510> We have done some editing to the main wiki page here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam?action=show to help clarify and present a more professional looking page. br24 has also implemented a Spanish translation of this page, and we will be watching to see if we receive any feedback on this. 18:30< ianmcorvidae> Ok. We'll leave time for brief team reports, but no more than bare status, no questions. 18:30< johnc4510> yes 18:30< johnc4510> This coming week, starting tomorrow, we are going to start using the ubuntu-us-az mailing list to send the Newsletter and other announcements. This means that if you haven't registered here: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-az you will not be receiving loco news and announcements. I encourage all to register here: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-az so that you can keep up with the loco happen 18:30< johnc4510> ings. :) I would put the link in this announcement again, but I'm sure everyone knows that this is the link: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-az Please don't throw things at the announcer, he is poorly paid as it is. :) 18:30< johnc4510> hee hee 18:31< ianmcorvidae> heh. 18:31< ianmcorvidae> Those are your announcements, john? 18:31< johnc4510> just trying to make a point 18:31< ianmcorvidae> Yep. 18:31< johnc4510> yes 18:31< ianmcorvidae> Ok. Just a brief question, who all is actually *here* 18:31< ianmcorvidae> ? 18:31< ianmcorvidae> We seem underpopulated. 18:31< jsonder> me 18:31< SlickMcRunfast> here 18:31< johnc4510> johnc4510: i am 18:32< ianmcorvidae> Hmm, well. 18:32< jsonder> hahahahha 18:32< ianmcorvidae> Small meeting, but that's ok. 18:32 * johnc4510 asks if we have enough for next item 18:32< ianmcorvidae> I would say not. 18:32< ianmcorvidae> john, will you create a forum thread on that? 18:32< seamless> here 18:32< bluecat9> here --sort of 18:32< johnc4510> ianmcorvidae: be glad to 18:32< czc> ok i'm here 18:32< ianmcorvidae> We're going to discuss changing the day we do IRC meetings, partially by request of tapH20guru. 18:33< SlickMcRunfast> mayebe it should be a thread on the forums 18:33< ianmcorvidae> However, we're missing a good chunk of our folks, so yeah. 18:33< ianmcorvidae> Slick, that's what john will do :) 18:33< ianmcorvidae> Next, Team Reports. 18:33< johnc4510> SlickMcRunfast: yes 18:33< SlickMcRunfast> i'm slow 18:33< ianmcorvidae> First team, Membership, which is me. 18:33< ianmcorvidae> No worries, Slick. 18:33< johnc4510> SlickMcRunfast: np 18:33< ianmcorvidae> Membership hasn't done anything new since last week. I'll want to talk to all the Membership team members sometime. Unfortunately, I'm the only one currently here. 18:33< ianmcorvidae> So, hope for a better report next week. 18:34< ianmcorvidae> johnc4510: Newsletter team report, please? 18:34< johnc4510> k 18:34< johnc4510> rsthree will be taking over the Ubuntu-Arizona Newsletter this week. I know Royal will do a great job, and I am looking forward to reading the loco news this week. Also as I haven't reminded everyone for a few minutes, please register here: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-az so that you will continue to receive your copy. :) :) hee hee 18:34 * johnc4510 makes point again :) 18:34< ianmcorvidae> heh 18:34< ianmcorvidae> Any questions for john? (Or, I guess myself... not much to ask there, though) 18:35-!- Irssi: #ubuntu-arizona: Total of 16 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 15 normal] 18:35< bluecat9> negatory 18:35< ianmcorvidae> Also, rsthree: do you have anything to add? 18:35< ianmcorvidae> (are you even here? :P) 18:35 * azteech slinks back in, sits in back row 18:35< ianmcorvidae> azteech, I'll talk to you and hopefully Poly and Slogger later about Membership. 18:35< johnc4510> ianmcorvidae: don't think he is back yet 18:35< ianmcorvidae> Ok. 18:36 * ianmcorvidae presumes we should move on, then. 18:36< johnc4510> yes 18:36< ianmcorvidae> Web Design? Whoever's making that report? 18:36< ianmcorvidae> Slick. 18:36< johnc4510> next 18:37< ianmcorvidae> Ok. 18:37< ianmcorvidae> Education. 18:37< ianmcorvidae> br24: Are you here? 18:37< br24> yes 18:37< br24> I am doing some testing on VMware and should be posting an update on this project soon 18:37< azteech> johnc4510, am here. 18:38< johnc4510> k 18:38< ianmcorvidae> br24: Any news on possible additional projects, or not moving there yet? 18:38< br24> I also urge anyone to post their ideas and suggestions 18:38< ianmcorvidae> Ah :) 18:38< br24> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=4e39713b9574b76a449fbe7d7459aa15&t=442792 18:38< br24> I am thinking up some ideas myself 18:38< johnc4510> good 18:39< br24> such as little tweaks to Ubuntu and its sw 18:39< br24> such as speeding up Firefox 18:39< johnc4510> i saw something on dx00 team page about vm are you two working on this together? 18:39-!- vorian [n=grrr@ubuntu/member/Vorian] has joined #ubuntu-arizona 18:39< br24> I have not heard from him in a couple weeks 18:40< johnc4510> vorian: welcome to meeting in progress 18:40< johnc4510> k 18:40< vorian> hello 18:40< johnc4510> when he gets back, please talk to him about this 18:40< ianmcorvidae> Any further questions for br? 18:40< johnc4510> ianmcorvidae: i have dx report 18:40< ianmcorvidae> Ok. 18:40< johnc4510> on server team 18:40< ianmcorvidae> Go ahead, then. 18:41< ianmcorvidae> Presuming no further questions. 18:41< johnc4510> y 18:41< johnc4510> DX00 is still out of town, but he sent me an email and here it is: I'm still out of town and won't be back until Monday or Tuesday. I don't have any news on the server team but I will get it rolling once again when I get back. I did receive an e-mail from one of the DeLug people saying that he knows someone that works a lot with VMWare stuff and that he is looking into the server specks to see what Virtualization we can do with th 18:41< johnc4510> e server and maybe what updgrades we need to make. 18:41< ianmcorvidae> Excellent. 18:41< ianmcorvidae> Any questions can be directed to DX00 when he returns. 18:41< johnc4510> br24: this is why you should get with dx ok 18:41< ianmcorvidae> Slogger's not here, skipping next item on agenda. 18:42< ianmcorvidae> IRC statistics are now being done by me. 18:42< bluecat9> I have an idea that falls into the Education team and the Computer Recycle team.. 18:42 * johnc4510 thinks he is padding stats 18:42< ianmcorvidae> So, go to http://ubuntuarizonairc.thruhere.net to read channel statistics, if you care :P 18:42< ianmcorvidae> bluecat, go ahead. 18:42< bluecat9> ty 18:42 * azteech nods head in total agreement with johnc4510 18:42< bluecat9> When we do get computers to give away... 18:42< bluecat9> We could talk to the libraries 18:43< bluecat9> and get a meeting room 18:43< bluecat9> annouce that we are giving away free computers 18:43< bluecat9> the library will post it 18:43< bluecat9> using their mediums 18:43< slofgren> where will these come from? 18:43< bluecat9> ppl will come and register 18:43< bluecat9> 1s 18:43< bluecat9> there will be a class 18:43< johnc4510> bluecat9: not bad, what about using that for 18:43< bluecat9> ubuntu basics 18:44< bluecat9> taught for the ppl who will be getting the computers 18:44< br24> hmm, classroom-like environment eh? 18:44< bluecat9> this way we are giving ubuntu on pcs and educating 18:44< johnc4510> showing off ubuntu and what it can do 18:44< bluecat9> we can do this w/o giving away PCs 18:44< bluecat9> but i think it will have more draw with free PCs 18:44< slofgren> but will it be thre right draw 18:45< ianmcorvidae> bluecat9, that seems like a great idea. I'll contact you about attending whenever we do a Membership team meeting. 18:45< bluecat9> as mentioned before to Ian, i have some weight with TPPL 18:45< ianmcorvidae> Yep :) 18:45< johnc4510> bluecat9: not bad, bud wouldn't we have to have a lot of computers? 18:45< bluecat9> getting the PCs is the problem/issue 18:45< ianmcorvidae> johnc4510: Not necessarily, we don't have to give out many. 18:45< ianmcorvidae> We can always say '5 PC's will be given to attendees after the class' 18:45< br24> maybe have a drawing 18:45< ianmcorvidae> And leave it at that; yeah, probably by chance. 18:45< br24> give tickets, pick the lucky numbers 18:46< bluecat9> the cheapest i know of are ~pIII ~333mhz for ~$5 from UofA auctions 18:46< bluecat9> just an idea 18:46< ianmcorvidae> Speaking of which, when are those again? 18:46< ianmcorvidae> Someone mentioned them. 18:46< johnc4510> i have an old mmx 166 i could donate 18:46< bluecat9> ianmcorvidae, may 2nd i think 18:46< bluecat9> 22nd 18:46< johnc4510> may be for edubuntu 18:46< ianmcorvidae> Yeah. 18:46< bluecat9> i havw ~3-4 PCs to donate 18:47< johnc4510> i looked at u of a auction site, several boxes 18:47< bluecat9> aye 18:47< ianmcorvidae> Yep, the 22nd. 18:47< ianmcorvidae> Just looked :) 18:47 * azteech askes fr addy of aution site 18:47< ianmcorvidae> Live and online. 18:47< bluecat9> I'm not sure how we get the PCs. but the giving them away and the classroom environment seems like a win win :) 18:47< ianmcorvidae> http://uaauctions.arizona.edu 18:47< bluecat9> ..for giving back. 18:47< ianmcorvidae> Indeed, bluecat. 18:48< ianmcorvidae> As I said, I'll get you information on the next Membership meeting. 18:48 * azteech notes ianmcorvidae on top of it as usual ... :P 18:48< bluecat9> ianmcorvidae, ty 18:48< bluecat9> that is all 18:48< johnc4510> bluecat9: ty 18:48< ianmcorvidae> Ok. 18:48< ianmcorvidae> john, you said you had an annoucement? 18:48 * azteech has add on for that 18:48< ianmcorvidae> Oh, wait. 18:48< ianmcorvidae> azteech, go ahead. John, you'll follow. 18:49< azteech> if, and when we get these pc's, who will be designated to test them, and ensure they will run Ubuntu, so we don't ahve a gates-type fiasco? 18:49< azteech> also, are we getting a whole pc, or just the box, and monitors available seperately? 18:49< ianmcorvidae> I suspect that would be a general team deal... depends also on how many computers/people we can get. 18:50< azteech> as well as what about other peripherals? 18:50< ianmcorvidae> azteech, no idea. Could be either. 18:50< ianmcorvidae> any of the above, I guess. 18:50< br24> will there be a CD included as well? 18:50< azteech> just a thought we need to be ready to tackle is all .. 18:50< bluecat9> note: you can get a lot of monitors for $5 at ua auction 18:50< bluecat9> if you have a truck.. 18:51< ianmcorvidae> Hehe. 18:51< bluecat9> buy a lot i mean.. ~5-10 18:51 * azteech relinquishes floor to johnc4510 18:51 * johnc4510 says next weeks meeting is very important. Please tell everyone they need to attend as you meet up with them in the channel here. We will need to get off to a good start in order for approval project to be successful Thanks 18:51< azteech> bluecat9, agreed 18:51 * johnc4510 says he is excited about new project 18:51< slofgren> johnc4510: are you changing the meeting time? 18:52< ianmcorvidae> Ok, I think most of everything is done. 18:52< johnc4510> slofgren: we didn't feel enough here to vote on it 18:52< ianmcorvidae> Next week's agenda is easy, heh. 18:52< ianmcorvidae> Yes, it will be on the forums. 18:52< slofgren> I would be in favor of it 18:52< slofgren> Sunday at 6pm is hard 18:52[notice(#ubuntu-arizona)] Meeting officially over.
Parent pages: ArizonaTeam/Meetings ArizonaTeam