
[Sun May 11 2008] [20:59:55] <johnc4510-laptop> ok, lets begin
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:00:35] <johnc4510-laptop> don't know how many of you know this but i spend most of the wk at the hospital with mom
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:00:51] <johnc4510-laptop> shes doing better though and is home
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:00:53] <johnc4510-laptop> but
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:01:09] <johnc4510-laptop> we still don't have a location for the tucson installfest
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:01:12] <johnc4510-laptop> :(
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:01:31] <johnc4510-laptop> now, i discussed this with some of the tucson folks
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:01:32] <johnc4510-laptop> and
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:02:06] <johnc4510-laptop> we thought with the shortness of time it might be better to postpone or cancel the tucson event
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:02:23] <johnc4510-laptop> rather than have something nobody knows about
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:02:28] Quit       fde has left this server (Remote closed the connection).
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:02:31] <johnc4510-laptop> now
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:02:35] <kennymc0> there wouldnt be as good of a turnout if we had it with such short notice
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:03:01] <johnc4510-laptop> some of the tucson folks expressed an interest in going to phoenix for theirs
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:03:05] <johnc4510-laptop> :)
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:03:07] <johnc4510-laptop> which i'm all for
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:03:30] <johnc4510-laptop> i'm not sure i can go, with having to keep an eye on mom
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:03:32] <johnc4510-laptop> but
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:03:39] <kennymc0> would look forward to seeing you all there :)
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:03:48] <kennymc0> need some people to help keep tyche out of trouble
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:03:55] <johnc4510-laptop> anyone wanting to go, should get together and carpool to phoenix
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:03:59] <tyche>    We would welcome our lost brothers from Tucson.  Hee hee
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:04:01] Join       fde has joined this channel (n=fde@unaffiliated/fde).
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:04:04] <johnc4510-laptop> kennymc0: agreed
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:04:12] <johnc4510-laptop> lost?
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:04:14] <johnc4510-laptop> lol
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:04:28] <tyche>    Well, you're not used to the "big city"
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:04:35] <johnc4510-laptop> lol
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:04:36] <johnc4510-laptop> right
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:04:38] <johnc4510-laptop> hicks
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:04:44] <johnc4510-laptop> ok
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:04:52] <paul928>  also anyone from the Yuma are that would like to go, please let me know
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:05:04] <paul928>  area
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:05:20] <johnc4510-laptop> yeah, paul928 is going to the phoenix event from yuma and would like some company
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:05:37] <rsthree>  i might, still debating :)
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:05:40] <johnc4510-laptop> he graciously offered his assistance
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:05:51] <johnc4510-laptop> rsthree: it would be great if you could
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:06:02] <johnc4510-laptop> to keep tyche in line and all
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:06:20] <rsthree>  haha
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:06:29] <kennymc0> yeah there is only so much i can do on my own
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:06:54] <rsthree>  he is a right handful, isn't he
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:06:59] <johnc4510-laptop> anyway, if you or anyone needs a ride, check here in the channel, or send an email to the team mailing list to let us know
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:07:12] <johnc4510-laptop> we'll try to coordinate rides if needed
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:07:41]     * johnc4510-laptop so, how goes the fliers??
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:08:08] <johnc4510-laptop> don't everyone answer at once now  hee hee
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:08:24] <johnc4510-laptop> lol
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:08:25] <rsthree>  :D
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:08:35] <kennymc0> i turned some into school and they are supposed to be putting them up on the bulliten boards tyhere
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:08:37] <rsthree>  no idea here!  i haven't been around (again)!
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:08:48] <johnc4510-laptop> np
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:08:50] <johnc4510-laptop> kennymc0: great
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:08:52] <kennymc0> handed out a couple at class and work but havent had a chance to do much more than that
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:08:57] <tyche>    And you don't want to know about my week
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:09:02] <johnc4510-laptop> k
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:09:27] <johnc4510-laptop> what can we do then in this last wk to help promote then??
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:09:42] <kennymc0> hand out more fliers?
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:09:45] <tyche>    I've got some places to put them out.
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:09:47] <johnc4510-laptop> yeah
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:10:01] <johnc4510-laptop> and maybe make sure that plugaz knows about it??
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:10:07] <Wolf_45>  Unfortunately, my printer's still down.  :-(
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:10:14] <johnc4510-laptop> np
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:10:38] <johnc4510-laptop> Wolf_45: did you understand that tucson won't be having the event??
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:10:42] <paul928>  this week should be the important week for publicity.People won't remember a flyer they saw weeks before.
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:10:50] <johnc4510-laptop> agreed
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:11:11] <johnc4510-laptop> kennymc0: can you let the plugaz group know about it??
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:11:27] <kennymc0> i can try
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:11:40] <Wolf_45>  Right.  Doesn't hurt to advertise anyway, since we're carpooling and all that.  ;-)
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:12:02] <johnc4510-laptop> in their channel would be great, like leave a little msg 2 or 3 days this wk
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:12:16] <johnc4510-laptop> right
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:12:23] <kennymc0> ok
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:12:41] <johnc4510-laptop> Wolf_45: soldats said he wanted to go to phoenix btw
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:13:05] <Wolf_45>  toss a dozen people in the back of the pick-up.....  Just my luck, I'd get pulled over by Border Patrol!
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:13:11] <johnc4510-laptop> lol
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:13:18] <johnc4510-laptop> please don't  hhee hee
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:13:40] <johnc4510-laptop> ok, does everyone know what they are bring to the event?
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:13:45] <tyche>    Yep
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:13:49] <johnc4510-laptop> cat cables etc
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:14:31] <johnc4510-laptop> tyche: you going to print up some more table cards?
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:14:40] <tyche>    Yep.  I can do that
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:14:42] <johnc4510-laptop> k
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:14:49] <johnc4510-laptop> and of course CDs
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:15:00] <johnc4510-laptop> you'll need cds
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:15:02] <kennymc0> oh ill have plenty of cds
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:15:04] <kennymc0> hee hee
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:15:08] <johnc4510-laptop> great
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:15:21] <johnc4510-laptop> and a camera too??
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:15:29] <tyche>    Yes, AND BATTERIES
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:15:29] <kennymc0> yep i got a camera
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:15:32] <johnc4510-laptop> will tyche have batteries
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:15:35] <johnc4510-laptop> lol
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:15:38] <johnc4510-laptop> rofl
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:15:41] <kennymc0> i cant guarantee that
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:15:45] <johnc4510-laptop> lol
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:15:54] <kennymc0> ill have batteries though
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:16:16] <johnc4510-laptop> we need more exposure, we need to find a way to get the word out this wk
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:16:42] <kennymc0> im not going to have much time to do much of anything other than school and work this week
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:16:44] <johnc4510-laptop> i'll hit the team mailing list for sure
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:16:50] <johnc4510-laptop> k
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:16:59] <johnc4510-laptop> school first
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:17:01] <johnc4510-laptop> for sure
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:17:50] <johnc4510-laptop> i suppose mothers day has shorten the # of members here tonight
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:17:58]     * Wolf_45 exposes himself on the corner.....
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:18:09] <johnc4510-laptop> oh noooooo
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:18:10] <Wolf_45>  Oh..not "that" kind of exposure.  Nevermind.
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:18:30] <johnc4510-laptop> tyche: can you think of anything else??
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:18:39] <tyche>    Nope
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:18:54] <johnc4510-laptop> anyone else have anything to add?
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:19:16] <kennymc0> hope to see everyone there at the phoenix isntall fest
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:19:21] <kennymc0> :)
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:19:24] <Wolf_45>  cat cables, extension cords, power strips, CD's.....  That pretty much sums it up, doesn't it?
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:19:27] <johnc4510-laptop> ok, please try to get the word out this week
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:19:42] <johnc4510-laptop> i'll see what i can do from here
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:19:43] <Wolf_45>  Duct tape.
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:19:43] <tyche>    OK
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:19:52] <johnc4510-laptop> watch the mail list for updates etc
[Sun May 11 2008] [21:20:14] <johnc4510-laptop> ok, then, meeting over

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