Sunday 02 Msrch 2025 |
21:00:00 toddc | Welcome to AZLOCO IRC Meeting Please sign in with a +1 21:00:02 toddc | +1 21:00:03 TuxMann | +1 21:00:07 gnewbie | +1 21:00:07 wmack | +1 21:00:12 | TuxMann is now known as ZzzTuxMann 21:00:20 toddc | Star Date 91522.85 21:00:30 toddc | Team wiki site https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam 21:00:32 toddc | Team Website is http://azloco.org/ 21:00:35 gnewbie | hehe Planning on paying close attention ZzzTuxMann? 21:00:43 toddc | Team membership http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=445980 21:00:43 toddc | https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-az 21:01:19 toddc | gnewbie: I almost had him run the meeting 21:01:38 toddc | I was late and sent him a copy 21:01:45 Yawnnie | +1 21:01:47 toddc | Feel free to make comments and add input to our meeting at anytime. 21:01:47 toddc | some of us are in https://azlocobbb.banditti.com if you want to see us or talk |to us. 21:01:54 gnewbie | :) 21:02:03 toddc | Anybody here that is new tonight? 21:02:32 toddc | lets start with the news!! 21:02:41 --> | Rich_ (cec467d9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined | #Ubuntu-US-AZ 21:02:41 toddc | UBUNTU NEWS 21:02:51 Rich_ | +1 21:03:07 toddc | hmm no Dazed_75 21:03:40 gnewbie | :( 21:04:04 toddc | 1 sec 21:04:07 toddc | This email is distributed to three groups with members at all | experience levels. 21:04:07 toddc | Remember: these links point to beginner AND advanced topics. So | pick and chose those that seem right for you and maybe try a few | that are a bit of a stretch. Just don't let any of it intimidate or | frustrate you! 21:04:28 toddc | http://www.howtogeek.com/176124/wi-fi-protected-setup-wps-is-insecur | e-heres-why-you-should-disable-it/ 21:04:41 toddc | http://linuxg.net/the-future-raspian-versions-will-come-with-wolfram | -language-and-mathematica-installed-by-default/ 21:04:43 toddc | http://www.linuxuser.co.uk/news/raspberry-pi-gets-computer-based-mat | hematics-software and concerns about it not being FOSS 21:04:55 toddc | http://www.linuxuser.co.uk/features/gnu-toward-the-post-scarcity-wor | ld-the-free-software-column 21:05:12 toddc | http://www.nextstep4it.com/categories/unix-command/htop/ 21:05:21 toddc | Has kdenlive development ceased? 21:05:23 toddc | http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTUyNDk 21:05:33 toddc | http://www.everydaylinuxuser.com/2013/11/everyday-linux-user-review- | of.html 21:05:43 toddc | http://news.softpedia.com/news/Canonical-Confirms-Mir-Will-Be-Defaul | t-in-Ubuntu-14-10-403067.shtml 21:05:55 toddc | http://www.maketecheasier.com/compression-encryption-and-archive-for | mats/ 21:06:05 toddc | http://www.linuxinsider.com/story/The-Graying-of-the-Linux-Kernel-Co | mmunity-79448.html 21:06:16 toddc | Sound like any Linux distro you know? 21:06:20 toddc | http://www.extremetech.com/computing/171592-microsoft-moves-to-unify | -windows-windows-phone-windows-rt 21:06:39 toddc | http://www.linuxuser.co.uk/tutorials/protect-your-network-tutorial 21:06:52 toddc | http://www.maketecheasier.com/distros-for-old-computers/ 21:06:54 xHans | Aaron Seigo's response to Phoronix' claim that KDEnlive is deadish, | https://plus.google.com/+AaronSeigo/posts/EqdaGAHzy5o 21:07:36 toddc | http://www.maketecheasier.com/desktop-pcs-losing-relevance/ 21:07:54 toddc | http://www.maketecheasier.com/making-ebooks-using-calibre-linux/ 21:08:12 toddc | http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/11/expect-ubuntu-14-04-lts 21:08:22 toddc | http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/11/expect-xubuntu-14-04-lts and | lubuntu 21:08:32 toddc | http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/11/jamendo-scope-for-unity-ubuntu-13 | -10 21:08:41 toddc | http://www.linuxinsider.com/story/A-T21:31:24 | romium-79510.html 21:08:52 toddc | http://linuxg.net/how-to-install-clementine-1-2-1-on-ubuntu-14-0413- | 1013-0412-1012-0410-04-linux-mint-16151413-pear-os-87-and-elementary | -os-0-2/ 21:09:05 toddc | http://linuxg.net/how-to-install-clementine-1-2-1-on-fedora-19-fedor | a-18-debian-wheezy-kwheezy-and-debian-squeeze/ 21:09:16 toddc | http://linuxg.net/how-to-install-gnome-shell-elegance-colors-2-7-on- | ubuntu-13-1013-0412-10-and-linux-mint-16151413/ 21:09:28 toddc | http://arstechnica.com/security/2013/11/new-linux-worm-targets-route | rs-cameras-internet-of-things-devices/ 21:09:37 toddc | http://news.softpedia.com/news/Valve-and-Linux-Could-Beat-Microsoft- | and-Sony-at-the-Console-Game-403813.shtml 21:09:53 toddc | http://www.itworld.com/operating-systems/384542/install-mate-16-ubun | tu-1310 21:10:05 toddc | http://www.itworld.com/operating-systems/384544/install-mate-16-debi | an-wheezy 21:10:15 toddc | http://www.itworld.com/operating-systems/384545/install-mate-16-open | suse-131 21:10:26 toddc | http://www.itworld.com/software/384549/install-windows-7-and-windows | -8-icons-and-themes-ubuntu-1310 21:10:48 toddc | http://www.eweek.com/cloud/open-source-docker-aims-to-reinvent-virtu | alization-with-containers.html 21:11:03 toddc | http://www.maketecheasier.com/enable-two-finger-scrolling-in-linux-m | int/ 21:11:18 toddc | http://www.webupd8.org/2013/11/unity-global-menu-can-now-be-disabled | .html 21:11:32 toddc | http://www.webupd8.org/2013/11/y-ppa-manager-0992-adds-support-for.h | tml Mint 16 and Ubuntu 14.04 21:11:51 toddc | http://linuxg.net/how-to-install-y-ppa-manager-0-9-9-2-on-ubuntu-14- | 0413-1013-0412-1012-04-linux-mint-16151413-pear-os-87-and-elementary | -os-0-2/ 21:12:05 toddc | http://www.webupd8.org/2013/11/how-to-downgrade-proposed-repository. | html 21:12:15 toddc | http://www.linuxinsider.com/story/When-Malware-Comes-to-Linux-79518. | html 21:12:27 toddc | http://linuxg.net/how-to-install-libreoffice-4-2-0-beta-1-on-ubuntu- | linux-mint-pear-os-elementary-os-debian-crunchbang-and-kwheezy/ 21:12:37 toddc | http://linuxg.net/how-to-install-libreoffice-4-2-0-beta-1-on-fedora- | centos-opensuse-mageia-rosa-desktop-and-openmandriva/ 21:12:47 toddc | http://linuxg.net/sable-touch-yet-another-ubuntu-based-all-in-one-to | uchscreen-computer-developed-by-system76/ 21:13:00 toddc | http://www.howtogeek.com/176622/new-google-voice-search-extension-no | w-available-for-chrome/ 21:13:14 toddc | http://www.howtogeek.com/176421/wireless-printing-explained-airprint | -google-cloud-print-iprint-eprint-and-more/ 21:13:25 toddc | Why is GNU grep so fast? http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd- |current/2010-August/019310.html 21:13:35 toddc | http://www.linux.com/learn/tutorials/750195-how-to-remote-control-yo | ur-camera-with-darktable-on-linux- 21:13:46 toddc | Open Source Project Planning and monitoring | http://www.libreplan.com/ 21:14:00 toddc | http://xmodulo.com/2013/11/monitor-linux-servers-snmp-cacti.html 21:14:10 toddc | http://news.softpedia.com/news/GNOME-Logs-3-11-2-Uses-Pretty-Timesta | mp-Formats-404311.shtml 21:14:23 toddc | http://thevarguy.com/open-source-application-software-companies/suse | -red-hat-canonical-lengthen-open-source-os-support-cy 21:14:32 toddc | Fedora will better secure its packages 21:14:33 toddc | http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTUyOTA 21:14:43 toddc | http://opensource.com/health/13/11/jamaica-adopts-gnu-health 21:14:54 toddc | http://xmodulo.com/2013/11/configure-ip-address-raspberry-pi.html 21:15:07 toddc | http://www.maketecheasier.com/check-sha1-sha256-sha512-hashes-on-linux/ 21:15:25 toddc | http://www.howtogeek.com/175442/how-can-i-speed-up-a-secure-disk-wipe/ 21:15:38 toddc | http://news.softpedia.com/news/Linux-Mint-16-Has-Been-Officially-Rel | eased-404870.shtml 21:15:55 toddc | CyanogenMod Installer Application Removed from Play Store 21:16:01 toddc | http://www.cyanogenmod.org/blog/cyanogenmod-installer-application-re | moved-from-play-store 21:16:12 toddc | 15 Great Ubuntu Apps 21:16:22 toddc | http://www.efytimes.com/e1/fullnews.asp?edid=121546 21:16:36 toddc | Ubuntu Aims To TRIM SSDs By Default 21:16:45 toddc | http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTUxOTY 21:17:05 toddc | We have canceled the following meetings and events due to holidays or ?? 21:17:29 toddc | December Tempe Ubuntu hour falls on December 26 the after|Christmas 21:17:39 toddc | JOB LIST 21:17:49 toddc | Splunk Consultant traveling up to 80% IT operations and Vmware background. 21:17:52 toddc | send resumes to lori.eddlemon@effect-tech.com 21:18:00 toddc | LimeLight in Tempe is looking for a MySQL DBA remote is OK 21:18:04 toddc | Contact xHans for more info 21:18:15 toddc | Sr. Software Engineer - Big Data, NoSQL, Hadoop 21:18:20 toddc | lori.eddlemon@effect-tech.com 21:18:30 toddc | Sr HTML5/Javascript/CSS Engineer 21:18:32 toddc | lori.eddlemon@effect-tech.com 21:18:48 toddc | Transperfect Tempe and Phoenix several openings 21:18:57 toddc | http://webconnect.sendouts.com/CN_Frame.aspx?ID=Transperfect&SiteID= | TransperfectHRRecruitment&Group=Transperfect&Key=CN&startpage=1 21:19:11 toddc | jobs.schwab.com, search for Unix, choose associate - Unix system | administrator, here in Phoenix. 21:19:27 toddc | Runs LINUX 21:19:36 toddc | Linux-fueled networked DVR adds second tuner cool tuner 21:19:43 toddc | http://linuxgizmos.com/linux-powered-networked-dvr-gets-second-tuner/ 21:19:54 toddc | Linux App of the week 21:20:06 toddc | Gravity Badgers 21:20:15 toddc | http://store.steampowered.com/app/267060/ 21:20:28 toddc | TEMPE INSTALL-FEST 21:20:38 toddc | The next Azloco/plug installfest is Saturday December 7 at UAT 2625 | W Baseline Rd 85283 Tempe across from Fry's Electronics 10AM to 4PM | Room 245 48st and Baseline Rd enter from the rear of the | front building. 21:20:51 toddc | For more information see calender at http://www.azloco.org/?q=node/28 21:21:08 toddc | If you have time or want to meet any of us or have problems feel free to show | up. 21:21:26 toddc | ZzzTuxMann: anynews? 21:21:49 toddc | WEST SIDE UBUNTU HOUR 21:21:59 toddc | Wednesday December 4th 7pm – 9pm 21:22:09 toddc | Starbucks Coffee 13472 West Bell Road, Surprise, AZ 85374, USA Arizona 21:22:09 toddc | If you are interested in Linux Ubuntu or open source Stop by and say | hi to some other users and find out who what and where and how. to | install use and promote Linux and open source. 21:22:15 toddc | There were 8-9 people at November's event this has started out as a great event. 21:23:17 toddc | We cancelled Tempe due to December 26 but I am free if anyone else | wants to show up 21:23:34 toddc | UBUNTU TRAINING 21:23:42 toddc | ubuntu on-air 21:23:42 toddc | http://ubuntuonair.com/ 21:23:42 toddc | http://ubuntuonair.com/calendar/ 21:23:51 toddc | Weekly Ubuntu Webcast Tuesday with Jono Bacon 11:00 AM 21:23:51 toddc | Jono Bacon Q&A every Wednesday 12:00 Noon 21:23:54 toddc | Juju Charm School: Chef/Puppet Integration Wednesday 9-11 AM 21:24:04 toddc | FUTURE EVENTS 21:24:07 toddc | Any thoughts on other events or projects??? 21:24:32 toddc | xhans would you like to do the Plug news? 21:25:23 xHans | sure, danke 21:25:32 xHans | PLUG east side meeting a week from Thursday is the annual end of year | party 21:25:49 xHans | Please bring family and friends. Food and drink is allowed, so we | will have the usual pot luck 21:25:57 xHans | January will be MongoDB and a desktop security talk, probably how to 21:25:57 xHans |tell if Firefox is viewing a secure page 21:26:03 xHans | February should be the rescheduled SaltStack talk and a desktop | security talk 21:26:29 xHans | Free Software Stammtisch is two weeks from Tuesday 21:27:08 xHans | two weeks from tonight SCaLE proposals are due, | https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/cfp/ 21:27:26 xHans | so we can discuss the proposals you turned in at Stammtisch :) 21:27:50 xHans | if you would like assistance in making a proposal, please contact me 21:28:19 xHans | and that's it for me this week 21:28:38 toddc | that is all I have, any questions or comments or other news or ideas? 21:29:07 toddc | Thanks for coming tonight. I will be here a while if anyone needs | help or has a question 21:29:23 gnewbie | Thanks for doing all the work 21:29:53 toddc | np next week it is your turn!! 21:30:06 xHans | toddc: I believe ubucon at SCaLE is looking for presenters as well 21:30:22 xHans | let me know if you or anyone else would like assistance with a | proposal for that as well 21:31:24 toddc | I doubt I will be able to attend, but will keep it in mind 21:31:49 xHans | not going this year? 21:32:08 xHans | too many in state miles? 21:32:44 xHans | they don't count as frequent numb butt miles, giving you free trips?
Parent pages: ArizonaTeam/Meetings ArizonaTeam