
[21:00] toddc   Welcome to AZLOCO IRC Meeting Please sign in with a +1
[21:00] toddc   +1
[21:00] scott_ev        +2
[21:00] Siph0n  +1
[21:00] scott_ev        is sorta fat
[21:00] syn-ack I'm out right now
[21:00] toddc   Feel free to make comments and add input to our meeting at anytime.
[21:00] scott_ev        nice
[21:00] syn-ack I'm in Salt Lake City, UT on my way to Littleton, CO
[21:01] toddc   Anyone here new tonight please introduce yourself and tell us a little about yourself?
[21:01] toddc   I will also be in http://azlocobbb.banditti.com tonight if you want to talk or see me
[21:01] toddc   syn-ack no typing while driving
[21:01] scott_ev        am I in the right place
[21:01] syn-ack toddc, Heh, I'm shut down at the terminal right now
[21:01] toddc   Here is new news from ubuntu news:
[21:01] scott_ev        neww?
[21:02] scott_ev        news?
[21:02] toddc   The Official Ubuntu Book Sixth Edition
[21:02] toddc   is soon the be released so start looking for it
[21:02] toddc   what is spell checker?
[21:02] toddc   Ubuntu soon to be running in your car by joining GENIVI and ubuntu IVI REMIX
[21:02] toddc   http://www.muktware.com/news/18/2011/1187
[21:02] toddc   http://www.h-online.com/open/news/item/Canonical-joins-GENIVI-creates-Ubuntu-IVI-Remix-1242314.html
[21:02] toddc   Lenovo to start selling Ubuntu Thinkpads in china
[21:02] toddc   http://www.muktware.com/news/12/2011/1145
[21:03] toddc   The Linux Action Show sunday at 10.am and 8pm pacific time
[21:03] toddc   http://www.jupiterbroadcasting.com/8211/bryan-smash-google-las-s16e09/
[21:03] toddc   Install and configure GNOME DO in unity
[21:03] toddc   http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/opensource/install-and-configure-gnome-do-in-ubuntu-unity/2535
[21:03] toddc   11.04 tricks and short cuts Keyboard and mouse tricks
[21:03] toddc   http://news.softpedia.com/news/Ubuntu-11-04-Unity-Keyboard-Shortcuts-and-Tricks-200390.shtml
[21:03] toddc   team news
[21:04] toddc   Team Status is still in question and has not moved to my knowledge I have updated the azloco site a bit and made some progress on the team wiki but it still needs more updating before we can go before the council
[21:04] scott_ev        brb
[21:04] toddc   I have not been in contact with john4510 for a while but did email him last week but no repley as of yet
[21:04] toddc   I also would like some help copying meeting logs to out team wiki and azloco this would be weekly and should only take a few minutes
[21:04] toddc   Kbuntu mobile in devel plasma for nokia stay tuned
[21:05] toddc   here is some testing for meego OS for nokia phones
[21:05] wipmonkey       +1
[21:05] toddc   all contacts have been set up to up azloco.com server and a date will be soon. We did find out that we cannot hold a class there so we will update and report on it
[21:05] toddc   welcome wipmonkey
[21:06] toddc   The BBB server is working well. I recommend everyone try it at http://azlocobbb.banditti.com and pick a log in name. I think we can start talking about holding meetings there and picking a date to switch. Any thoughts?
[21:06] toddc   Azloco/plug installfest is this weekend 5/28 at UAT 48st and Baseline road Tempe across from Fry's Electronics 10AM to 4M 2625 W Baseline Rd 85283 Room 208
[21:06] toddc   The last several installfests have been very busy so if you have time or want to meet any of us or have problems feel free to show up.
[21:07] Siph0n  I like the BBB. It works well for me.
[21:07] toddc   UBUNTU TRAINING
[21:07] syn-ack YAY
[21:07] toddc   friday may 27 ubuntu has a Q&A session with Jono Pgraner of Conical at 430-530pm
[21:07] syn-ack oh wait, nm
[21:07] syn-ack um
[21:07] toddc   ???
[21:07] syn-ack Those are two different people
[21:07] syn-ack Jono Bacon and Pete Graner.
[21:07] toddc   one just not jono bacon
[21:08] syn-ack interesting...
[21:08] syn-ack nm me then
[21:08] toddc   technical advisor
[21:08] toddc   FUTURE EVENTS
[21:08] toddc   Are there any interests in doing any other group projects--installfests or server projects?
[21:09] toddc   PLUG EVENTS
[21:09] toddc   plug west side meeting Wedsday see azloco.com calender plugaz for more info
[21:09] toddc   xHans if you are here do you have any news for us?
[21:09] xHans   in the LoCo calendar now? Excellent. Danke!
[21:09] toddc   np welcome
[21:09] xHans   as Todd just said, PLUG west side this Wednesday
[21:10] xHans   http://PLUG.phoenix.az.us/calendar/icalrepeat.detail/2011/05/25/70/-/plug-west-meeting.html
[21:10] xHans   the presentation will probably be me covering Percona Xtrabackup for MySQL
[21:11] xHans   PLUG devel a week from Thursday
[21:11] xHans   Source Control Discussion (further details to be determined).
[21:11] xHans   http://PLUG.phoenix.az.us/calendar/icalrepeat.detail/2011/06/02/618/-/developer-meeting.html
[21:11] xHans   summer classes from Dennis at Mesa Community College on the Southern and Dobson campus
[21:11] xHans   CIS238DL - GNU/Linux System Administration (Section 21472, Summer I, 05/31/2011 - 06/23/2011 )
[21:11] xHans   CIS126DL - Introduction to GNU/Linux (Section 12448, Summer II, 07/11/2011 - 08/04/2011 )
[21:12] xHans   Each class lasts four weeks and meets four nights a week from 6:00pm to 9:40pm Monday to Thursday.
[21:12] xHans   speaking of MySQL and MCC, we will have a MySQL class in the Fall
[21:12] xHans   hmm, looks like SCC has one as well
[21:13] xHans   er, that's a PHP class
[21:13] xHans   http://classes.sis.maricopa.edu/index.php?keywords=mysql&subject_code=any&all_classes=false&terms[]=4116&start_hour=any&end_hour=any&instructors=
[21:14] xHans   http://classes.sis.maricopa.edu/index.php?keywords=CIS276DA&subject_code=any&all_classes=false&terms[]=4116&start_hour=any&end_hour=any&instructors=
[21:14] xHans   it's already half full, which is abnormal, so I think it'll run
[21:15] xHans   ok, that's all I have for this week
[21:15] toddc   Thanks xHans for keeping us up to date on Plug events and MCC classes
[21:15] xHans   bitte
[21:15] xHans   thanks for the space to do so
[21:16] toddc   any othe questions or comments?
[21:16] toddc   if there is nothing else?
[21:16] toddc   thanks for coming tonight but I will be here a while if anyone needs help or has a question

Parent pages: ArizonaTeam/Meetings ArizonaTeam


ArizonaTeam/Newsletters/2011May 22 (last edited 2011-08-04 00:09:31 by tcole3737)