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Editor: CPE-121-208-64-131
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= Planning for some Ubuntu-AU activity around the time of the LCA 2011 in Brisbane = = Report =
Line 8: Line 10: Well the [[|LCA2011]] has come and gone so it's time to tell you all how it went.
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== Open Day == There is a PDF overview available of the [[|Open Day]] kindly produced by MelissaDraper and [[LINK|available here]].
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[[|I was thinking]] if we had enough people interested in helping out we should hold a stall at the open day being held on Saturday 29th January 2011. It would be good to get a presence there as the leading Linux conference in Australia. Photos from the [[|Open Day]] have been uploaded [[|here]] - thanks to all those who submitted pictures so we could document our efforts! If you have any photos that aren't there that you think should be please add them. If you're not sure how to do this please contact JaredNorris for assistance so they can be shared with everyone.
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The details of the Open Day - taken from [[|the LCA 2011 website]] are:
 * When - 29th January 2011 from 1000 until 1600
 * Where - The Edge, State Library Queensland, South Brisbane - [[|The Edge Website]].
== Planning ==
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This event has now been registered as a loco event. For details and registration please see which will take you to a place to registered attendance at the day. Please read below for details on helping out on the day in a volunteer capacity. If you're still looking for the planning information it has been moved to [[|this page]] so that it can still be referred to as required. Thanks to all who contributed ideas and their time for this.
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== Events ==
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=== Volunteers === Throughout the week of the [[|LCA2011]] the Ubuntu-AU team met up twice officially (at the [[|Pancake Manor]] and also at the [[|Open Day]]) but all throughout the week there were groups of us all getting together. It was good for us all to catch up, put names to faces and share ideas both Ubuntu-AU related and otherwise.
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I have set up the following table to co-ordinate our efforts on the day. By adding yourself to the table you are committing to attend at the specified time and be available to either assist setting up, helping at the table or packing up. I thought if we can aim for at least 2 people per time frame with a backup (someone already attending the open day anyway but willing to help out an hour or so if someone is sick or doesn't show) that would be great. Feel free to add yourself to more than one time frame but make sure you leave yourself enough time to check out the other stalls! === Pancake Manor Meetup ===
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|| Time || Volunteer 1 || Volunteer 2 || Backup || Extras ||
|| 0900 - 1000 (Set Up) || [[|Jared Norris]] ||[[|Cary Bielenberg]] || [[| George Patterson]] ||[[https://wiki.ubuntu.comKateStewart| Kate Stewart]] ||
|| 1000 - 1100 || [[|Josh McFarlane]] || [[https://wiki.ubuntu.comKateStewart| Kate Stewart]] || || ||
|| 1100 - 1200 || ||[[https://wiki.ubuntu.comKateStewart| Kate Stewart]] || || ||
|| 1200 - 1300 || || || || ||
|| 1300 - 1400 || || || || ||
|| 1400 - 1500 || || || || ||
|| 1500 - 1600 || || || || ||
|| 1600 - 1700 (Pack Up) || [[|Jared Norris]] ||[[|Cary Bielenberg]] || || ||
We will also need to provide some hardware to show off Ubuntu to interest people. I have created a list below as what I see as "ideal" but will depend on space available in the booth and availability of the items to be volunteered for the day. If you can please add yourself to the following table if you are able to contribute towards this list. All items volunteered will be treated with the utmost respect and should be able to be either picked up or dropped off in time for the start of the open day and will be ready to be returned at the conclusion of the day.
The week started up with a group of about 10 of us all meeting up at the [[|Pancake Manor]] for a bite to eat. Unfortunately we do not have any pictures of this event (my apologies I left my camera in the car - JaredNorris) but it's safe to say we all had a good feed and some good fun. We even had OMG!Ubuntu writer [[|Benjamin Humphrey]] join us from New Zealand to make it an international affair.
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||Item|| Description || Volunteer || Backup ||
||Laptop|| Newer laptop, able to show off eye candy ||[[|Cary Bielenberg]] || ||
||Netbook|| Able to show off Unity ||[[|Cary Bielenberg]]|| ||
||Posters|| Selection of posters available from to adorn stand with || [[| Jared Norris]] || ||
||Camera|| Still camera to document the day with. || [[|Jared Norris]]|| ||
||Video Camera|| Video camera to document the day with. || || ||
||Ubuntu-AU Business Cards|| Easy to hand out to people on the stand || [[|Jared Norris]]|| || ||
||Other|| Please suggest! CB has video projector || || ||
=== Open Day ===
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=== To Do List === The main focus of the week as far as the team goes was the [[|Open Day]]. As it is the premiere Linux Conference for our country (even Linus Torvalds attends on a regular basis!) it was a good place to make some Ubuntu noise.
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||Book Table||Completed!||
||Order [[|Conference Pack B]]||Completed and Arrived!||
||Order CDs from ShipIt||In Progress - ordered but still awaiting approval and then delivery - a request is pending for 500 CDs to be delivered to hand out. It's possible these will just be included in swag bags so we don't need to be handing them out on the stand so we can concentrate on engaging people.||
||Ensure day is booked for volunteers||In Progress - please continue to add yourself in at a time that best suits you!||
||Organise stand adornments||Completed! - Posters printed, business card holders, clipboards and volunteer ID tags all organised and ready (anything I've missed?)||
||Ensure enough hands on equipment organised||In Progress - some items have been offered||
||Get as many people to sign up to [[|LoCo Team Event]] as possible||In progress - please sign up to say if you're coming or not!||
At the start of the day it was said that it was a case of first come first served as to where we all set up so we were able to grab the first table as people walked in to make sure everyone got to see us.
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== Social Event == It was good to see a whole range of people at the open day, from toddlers through to older people we had a great mix. It was quite interesting to talk to them all to get a feel for what is going well and what could be improved from an outsider's perception. We also found the stickers were a great way to appease smaller children so that we could still find time to interact with their parents/grandparents, their faces lit up at the mention of free stickers.
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I'm not sure but I get the feeling there would be a few of the Ubuntu-AU members heading to the conference for other reasons so I was thinking it would be a good idea to organise some sort of social event as it's not common that we're all together in one place. ==== Volunteers ====
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Obviously date and location to be set. As a pleasant surprise we had two Canonical staff to help us out. Both KateStewart (the Ubuntu Release Manager) and [[|HughBlemings]] (the Manager of the Ubuntu Hardware Enablement Team) came in and spent most of the day helping out on the stand and talking to Ubuntu-AU team members about both Ubuntu related and unrelated matters. They also provided great photographic skills which made the day easier for us all to know that was being looked after.
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 - i'd like to have dinner on the Saturday or Sunday before the conference or after the open day. go to a nice restaurant and chat. (daniel)
  - I'd like to do likewise but it would need to be Sunday before the conference (accomodation options didn't allow for getting into Brissy untill the Sunday before. (GeorgePatterson) The Sunday after the conference is Launch day for the rocket miniconf. LCA is pretty much booked solid. The other alternative could be the evening of the Speakers dinner. Sunday brunch could be a good solution.
A big thank you to the 10 or so team members that turned up to help out. Compiling lists only means someone will be forgotten so please just refer to the photos to see who was there and if you were there and not in the photos listed please add photos that you are in!
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 * Taking into consideration Daniel's and George's suggestions I think Monday dinner sounds good as the organisers are making noise that the registration will be mid afternoon and there will be an intro for people new to LCA following that, maybe even into the evening. I would propose [[|the Pancake Manor]] as somewhere relatively close, relaxed and doesn't have lots of drinking (although it is still licensed) - [[|Jared Norris]] ==== Photos ====
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As previously mentioned photos of the day can be found [[|here]]. Please feel free to upload more or even just link to other groups of photos for the day.
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== Brainstorm == ==== Details ====
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Any other questions, comments, queries, ideas? For those of you who like numbers I thought I'd list some of them from the day. We handed out:
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Add them here so we have a central planning location!  * Over 250 Ubuntu 10.10 CDs
 * Most of the 250 Ubuntu Sticker Sheets
 * Nearly 200 Ubuntu Pens
 * 50 Ubuntu Lanyards
 * 500 Team Business Cards (throughout the week and on the Open Day combined)
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== Interested Members == == Wrap Up ==
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Just a place to register your attendance at the LCA2011 or any interest in the Open Day, Social Event or some other yet to be determined event. One last thanks to all those who turned up and contributed, it was really good to see that we can have so many people willing to pitch in from Canonical, LCA attendees and Brisbane locals. To make sure the lessons learnt here are not lost there will be a wiki page created shortly dedicated to running stands within local communities. As a team this is something we should be doing more of and if you are thinking about it and want someone to bounce ideas off just shoot [[JaredNorris|me]] a quick email or say hello on IRC and I'll do what I can to help you out.
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|| Name || Attending LCA2011? || Interest in Open Day || Interest in Social Event || Other Events ||
||[[|Jared Norris]]|| Yes || Yes || Yes || Yes, please suggest ||
||[[|Lisa Milne]] || ? || ? || ? || ? ||
||[[|Joel Addison]] || ? || Most likely || Possibly || ||
||[[|Josh McFarlane]] || Yes || Yes || Yes || ||
||[[PaulGear|Paul Gear]] || Yes || Yes || Yes || ||
||[[|Joel Pickett]] || Yes || Yes || Possibly || ||
||[[|Adrian de Bruyn]]|| Yes || Yes || Yes ||
||[[|Daniel Sobey]] || Yes || Yes || Yes || ||
||[[|Cary Bielenberg]] || Yes || Yes || Yes || ||
||[[|George Patterson]] || Yes || Yes || Yes || Maybe ||
||[[|Benjamin Humphrey]] || Yes || Possibly || Yes || ||

Ubuntu Join in the community: Become a Member | Chat on IRC in #ubuntu-au on Ubuntu


Well the LCA2011 has come and gone so it's time to tell you all how it went.

There is a PDF overview available of the Open Day kindly produced by MelissaDraper and available here.

Photos from the Open Day have been uploaded here - thanks to all those who submitted pictures so we could document our efforts! If you have any photos that aren't there that you think should be please add them. If you're not sure how to do this please contact JaredNorris for assistance so they can be shared with everyone.


If you're still looking for the planning information it has been moved to this page so that it can still be referred to as required. Thanks to all who contributed ideas and their time for this.


Throughout the week of the LCA2011 the Ubuntu-AU team met up twice officially (at the Pancake Manor and also at the Open Day) but all throughout the week there were groups of us all getting together. It was good for us all to catch up, put names to faces and share ideas both Ubuntu-AU related and otherwise.

Pancake Manor Meetup

The week started up with a group of about 10 of us all meeting up at the Pancake Manor for a bite to eat. Unfortunately we do not have any pictures of this event (my apologies I left my camera in the car - JaredNorris) but it's safe to say we all had a good feed and some good fun. We even had OMG!Ubuntu writer Benjamin Humphrey join us from New Zealand to make it an international affair.

Open Day

The main focus of the week as far as the team goes was the Open Day. As it is the premiere Linux Conference for our country (even Linus Torvalds attends on a regular basis!) it was a good place to make some Ubuntu noise.

At the start of the day it was said that it was a case of first come first served as to where we all set up so we were able to grab the first table as people walked in to make sure everyone got to see us.

It was good to see a whole range of people at the open day, from toddlers through to older people we had a great mix. It was quite interesting to talk to them all to get a feel for what is going well and what could be improved from an outsider's perception. We also found the stickers were a great way to appease smaller children so that we could still find time to interact with their parents/grandparents, their faces lit up at the mention of free stickers.


As a pleasant surprise we had two Canonical staff to help us out. Both KateStewart (the Ubuntu Release Manager) and HughBlemings (the Manager of the Ubuntu Hardware Enablement Team) came in and spent most of the day helping out on the stand and talking to Ubuntu-AU team members about both Ubuntu related and unrelated matters. They also provided great photographic skills which made the day easier for us all to know that was being looked after.

A big thank you to the 10 or so team members that turned up to help out. Compiling lists only means someone will be forgotten so please just refer to the photos to see who was there and if you were there and not in the photos listed please add photos that you are in!


As previously mentioned photos of the day can be found here. Please feel free to upload more or even just link to other groups of photos for the day.


For those of you who like numbers I thought I'd list some of them from the day. We handed out:

  • Over 250 Ubuntu 10.10 CDs
  • Most of the 250 Ubuntu Sticker Sheets
  • Nearly 200 Ubuntu Pens
  • 50 Ubuntu Lanyards
  • 500 Team Business Cards (throughout the week and on the Open Day combined)

Wrap Up

One last thanks to all those who turned up and contributed, it was really good to see that we can have so many people willing to pitch in from Canonical, LCA attendees and Brisbane locals. To make sure the lessons learnt here are not lost there will be a wiki page created shortly dedicated to running stands within local communities. As a team this is something we should be doing more of and if you are thinking about it and want someone to bounce ideas off just shoot me a quick email or say hello on IRC and I'll do what I can to help you out. |

AustralianTeam/LCA2011Brisbane (last edited 2011-02-20 02:38:20 by CPE-121-208-64-131)