Focus Group: Wiki Launchpad: ubuntu-beginners-wiki Email: Ubuntu-beginners IRC: #ubuntu-beginners-wiki

About Us

The Wiki Focus Group is for Beginners Team Members and Padawans who want to help update and maintain the documentation for Ubuntu.

This focus group works as part of the Documentation Team contributing towards their efforts on both the Community Wiki and the System Documentation. This can get confusing, but shouldn't. To be clear, the Documentation Team isn't part of the Beginners Team, but we are a group that associates with them for convenience so that we can coordinate efforts and prevent duplication.

There are three main areas, the two main wikis and the system documentation:

Please see New Users section for a list of resources and steps to getting started.

Current Tasks

We are working on the Community Docs with the following goals:

  1. Keep track of your work on

  2. Use the Tag functionality throughout the community docs to mark pages that need attention.

    1. Work on improving the tagged pages, specifically for Needs Expansion, Content Cleanup, Style Cleanup, and Page Too Long.

    2. The Wiki Cleanup offers good advice on cleaning up common problems.

  3. Orphaned Pages - These are pages with nothing linking to them. Help them find friends! Tag and update as needed.

  4. Other Wiki tasks listed at DocumentationTeam/Wiki/Tasks

  5. As an aside for those interested, work on System Documentation bugs

    1. See DocumentationTeam/SystemDocumentation for more information on how.

  6. Bear in mind that we need to update/change all GeoCites links since they are now all deleted.

Summer of Documentation 2010
Summer of Documentation 2009
Summer of Documentation 2008


Meetings should be scheduled at least a week in advance, they will be announced to the Beginners Team mailing list, so make sure your signed up. They can also be found on the Team Meetings page.

Meetings are held in the Beginners Team IRC channel - #ubuntu-beginners-team - or the BT Wiki FG Team IRC channel - #ubuntu-beginners-wiki - both on

Meeting Agenda




Topic 1 - New member nominations if any...


Topic 2 - Summer of Documentation progress.


Topic 3 - Team concerns or questions


Topic 4 - Any suggestions, ideas, or other stuff....


Topic 5 -

New LP Team: Moderated, Members of BT team can apply. Paddy's/other collaborators will have to wait for approval on main team.

New Meeting Format: Meeting Format

Driver Explanation: Explanation Post

Driver Examples: Duandesign Sandbox

New Users

The focus groups leadership and membership is as follows:
Lead: UndiFineD
Co-Lead: TBD
Members: Team Members

Feel free to contact any of the above on IRC with questions regarding team related projects. Talk to the lead, ZachK_ if you would like to join the Wiki FG. Note that there are several steps to join, if you're confused or unsure at any step don't be shy. We are here to help.

Contact Us:
The best way to reach any one of us is to contact us via IRC. Join the server. You'll most likely find any one of us in our team channel #ubuntu-beginners-wiki but we also hang out either in the #ubuntu-beginners (Beginners Team main channel) or #ubuntu-doc (Official Doc Team) channels. Relevant stuff can also be brought up on either the BT or Doc mail list.

To get a good grasp of what we do, please CAREFULLY READ through the following documents in order and ask anyone on the team if you have any questions. Note, these link only to the top level page, there are numerous sub pages that you should also read and understand. These pages are:


  1. Doc Team Home

  2. Mentoring for New Members

  3. Team Organization

  4. Introduction to Wiki


  1. System Documentation

  2. Document Translation

Joining the Teams

To join this focus group, please talk to the lead/co-lead first. Once they have been notified, they will contact you and start the process of joining the Wiki FG. You should already be signed up to the BT mail list as part of joining the main Beginners team.

Joining the documentation team is also easy and done in two steps.

Hanging out in our two main IRC channels is strongly encouraged and will help you get to know the team, and get quick answers to question as you get started.

Editing the Wiki

Guidelines and Common Practices

Now that your set up to edit, it's important to know what to do. The wiki uses markup, to manipulate the text. Markup is a simple collection of special characters used to instruct the wiki system how to format pages. This allows for bold text or underlining to occur or something more complex like creating tables.

Required Reading:

Advanced Recommended Reading:

System Documentation

Members interested in contributing to the system documentation should review the following links that are of interest, in addition to the System Documentation page mentioned before.


BeginnersTeam/FocusGroups/Wiki (last edited 2011-04-27 11:04:20 by D9784B24)