The Mozilla Bugzilla is used for Mozilla projects such as Firefox and Thunderbird.


Using the bug tracker

Mozilla Bugs are tracked upstream at Click 'New Account' in the top right corner and enter your email address, a confirmation email is going to be send to you.


The advanced search page allows you to search the mozilla bug database in a quite sophisticated fashion. At Advanced Search page you can search by:

The Mozilla bug database has quite a large number of bugs; so always constraint your search to the proper mozilla product and component. If you don't find your bug on the first try, consider to search in a separate component. If you still cannot find your bug, remember to also search through already resolved bugs as the issue you are seeing might already be fixed in the current development tree.

Filing new bugs

For forwarding bugs to the Mozilla Bugtracker you should follow these steps:

Before submitting a new bug, you need to take care of a few things:

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

After this just submit the bug clicking on Submit Bug Report and follow the steps listed here for linking the report to Launchpad.

Example: TBD

Keywords and conventions

For the list of keywords please take a look to the Mozilla Keywords description.

Launchpad Bug Watch

After you have forwarded the bug to Mozilla's bugzilla you will want to create a "Bug Watch" in Launchpad that links the Ubuntu bug to the Mozilla bug. This bug watch will be updated regularly and reflect the status of the upstream bug report. Details on creating one are found at Bugs/Watches.

Other Notes; best practices

To ensure your bug gets upstream attention its important to file your complete bug against the right product/component. If you are unsure which one to use, please ask the ubuntu mozillateam.

Also, its important to get your bug into a confirmed state. If you don't have the "canconfirm" permission in bugzilla yet, ask the ubuntu mozillateam to confirm a bug for you.

Last but not least: Please be responsive and follow up to upstream questions.

Bugs/Upstream/Mozilla (last edited 2009-02-05 12:52:37 by port-213-160-23-156)