
The London Chapter of the Ubuntu Canada Team is another dedicated team who promote Ubuntu in South Western Ontario.

How to Join

The easiest way is to come out to one of our Ubuntu Canada events in London. These are held in tandem with LOLUG monthly meetings, so check the calendar on our website.

You can join the group on Lauchpad here:

Registration on is open, and new members are encouraged to register, and you can also join the LOLUG mailing list at You can also join us in IRC! We are located in #lolug on Freenode, and you can join in your own client, or use the web interface at

Ubuntu Hours

Ubuntu Hours will be held during our monthly LUG meetings, so there is another reason to join LOLUG

Ubuntu Hour London


Release Parties

Previous Parties

Ontario Linux Fest

Local Free Software Resources

CanadianTeam/London (last edited 2017-04-27 20:03:44 by liberal-animation)