More Ubuntu-ca logos in the Attachments page Our goal is to offer Canadian users a smaller and less intimidating support group, as well as promote the adoption of Ubuntu at home in Canada.

Reasons to Become a Member

Goals, Ambitions, Plans

If you have not already please join our growing mailing list, we would like to hear what you have to say and how you think Ubuntu can be better promoted and supported in Canada.

You can see some of our current projects

Members List

Please join us! Its fun, fast and easy. Just add your name to the growing list of our members.


Ubuntu Canada holds meetings in IRC, currently on the fourth Thursday of the month. Check the /Meetings page for actual dates, times and agendas.

Minutes from previous meetings can be found on the individual meeting pages.

Community Resources

Canadian Team Chapters

Why Does Ubuntu Canada exist?

Q: What is the point of a Local group for Canada? English and French are already very well supported.

A: This is actually a good thing, because while many teams need to struggle with translation issues we do not. Instead, we can focus our efforts on the next logical step which is promotion and community building on a local scale.

Q: Quel est le but d'un groupe local pour le Canada? L'anglais et le français sont déja très bien supportés.

A: À vrai dire, c'est une bonne chose, parce que plusieurs équipes doivent se battre avec des problèmes de traduction que nous n'avons pas. À la place, nous pouvons concentrer nos efforts sur la prochaine étape logique, laquelle est la promotion et la construction d'une communauté à l'échelle locale.

Q: Canada's too big for just one group. Shouldn't we focus on the city or town level?

A: Yes, your primary focus should be building the Ubuntu community where you live. But it's easier for people to join something than start something. Keeping the national LoCo as a meeting place for people in the cities and towns to share ideas and gain support makes it easier for people to start something in their town.

Translation Work

If you would like to make en_CA translations, a modified version of is available at

More details can be found at

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CanadianTeam (last edited 2014-04-12 01:09:54 by 206-248-137-186)