
Differences between revisions 36 and 56 (spanning 20 versions)
Revision 36 as of 2012-04-01 09:32:11
Size: 14376
Editor: 62
Comment: roadmap completed
Revision 56 as of 2014-05-20 18:45:45
Size: 19820
Editor: 62
Comment: added new speeches and presentation
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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## page was copied from CatalanTeam/ReapprovalApplication2012
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= Re-Approval Application for Catalan LoCo Team (ubuntu-cat) = = Re-Verification Application for Catalan LoCo Team (ubuntu-cat) =
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 * '''Date''' - ''April 5^th^, 2012''  * '''Date''' - ''May 20^th^, 2014''
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 * '''Membership''' - 317 members at the info list  * '''Membership''' - 296 members at the info list
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 * ''' group:''' [[|!ubuntaires]]
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 * '''Team Reports:'''
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 * May 26^th^, 2012 Barcelona. Presentation and Ubuntu install party. [to be confirmed]
 * November 2014 [[|Festa utòpica]] {*} at a place yet to consider.
 * September 19^th^: Ubuntu for users speech in La Palma de Cervelló, near Barcelona.
 * September 19^th^: Migration to Libreofice at Caldes City Hall speech.
 * More work, presentations and installations on Lubuntu for old computers switching from XP.
 * Document last party on [[|LoCo Planet]] and [[|Ubuntu Planet]].
 * May 24^th^: install party at Centre Ateneu democràtic i progressista in Caldes de Montbui (near Barcelona).

== Experience ==
 * May 17^th^, 2014 [[/TrustyTahr|Festa Trusty]] {*} at Torre Vicens school in Lleida. [[|Some photos,]] [[|and some more,]] [[|and still some more]] [[|A video of the party at the news on TV3, Catalan National TV]]
 * May 6^th^, 2014 LoCo receives an [[attachment:EscolaTreball.pdf|acknowledgment certificate]] for tasks made in the Escola del Treball de Barcelona.
 * April 5^th^, 2014 [[/UbuntuGlobalJam042014|Ubuntu Global Jam]] a [[|TEB]], Barcelona.
 * March 1st, 2014 [[/IEscolaAplicacionsUbuntu|First Ubuntu App Development]] ([[|App Dev School]]) at [[|MADE/MOB]]
 * December 13^th^, 2013 Ubuntu and Free Software speech in Molins de Rei.
 * November 15^th^, 2013, Ubuntu installations at Les cases dels mestres, Caldes de Montbui.
 * November 9^th^, 2013 [[/SaucySalamander|Festa Saucy]] {*} in Flix, Tarragona.
 * September 14^th^, 2013 [[/UbuntuGlobalJam092013|Ubuntu Global Jam in Granollers]].
 * June 15^th^, 2013 Mini-install party at Les Corts, Barcelona.
 * May 11^th^, 2013 [[/RaringRingtail|Festa Raring]] {*} at Les corts, Barcelona.
 * March 14^th^, 2013 Ubuntu presentation at the Escola del Treball of Barcelona.
 * March 6^th^, 2013 Ubuntu presentation in Sant Feliu de Guíxols.
 * March 2^th^, 2013 [[UbuntuGlobalJam]], at campus Nord de la UPC University in Barcelona.
 * February 16^th^, 2013 [[/JornadaCulturaLliure2013|Free Culture Day at Les Cases dels Mestres]], Caldes de Montbui.
 * January 25^th^, 2013 Install party at Les Cases dels Mestres, Caldes de Montbui.
 * November 10^th^, 2012 [[/QuantalQuetzal|Festa Quantal Quetzal]] {*} in Sant Adrià de Besòs.
 * September 8^th^, 2012 [[/UbuntuGlobalJam092012|Ubuntu Global Jam]] in Caldes de Montbui.
 * July 3^th^ to 10^th^, 2012 ''Ubuntu for trainers'', 10h course for adult trainers in Caldes de Montbui.
 * June 9^th^, 2012 Install party at Retirement home of Massalfassar (València).
 * May 26^th^, 2012 Barcelona. Presentation and Ubuntu install party.
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== Experience ==
 * 3 de març de 2012, d'11:00 a 19:00 h - [[|Ubuntu Global Jam]] al punt Òmnia Grupo Unión del carrer del Mar s/n de Sant Adrià de Besòs.
 * 1 de març de 2012 - Xerrada i festa d'instal·lació d'Ubuntu a la [[|Universitat Miguel Hernandez]] d'Elx.
 * 24 de novembre de 2011 - [[|Presentació d'Ubuntu 11.10 i festa d'instal·lació]] 17:30 a 20:30h Biblioteca de Caldes de Montbui, Santa Teresa, 3-5
 * 12 de novembre de 2011 - 10:00 h [[|Festa Onírica]] al centre El Puntet de Lloret de Mar.
 * 1 d'octubre de 2011 - 16 a 20 h Xerrada i instal·lacions dins de la [[|Lan Party Volcànica]] d'Olot.
 * 12 d'agost de 2011 - 19:00 h [[|Presentació de l'Ubuntu 11.04 i jornada d'instal·lació a Llimiana]].
 * 16 de juny de 2011 - 18:30 h Presentació Ubuntu 11.04 i demostració d'ordinadors amb Ubuntu de baix cost i baix consum, al Centre Democràtic i Progressista, Vallès Central, Corredosos de Baix, s/n, Caldes de Montbui.
 * 4 de juny de 2011 - [[ | Festa d'instal·lació a l'IES Sant Just Desvern]].
 * 7 de maig de 2011 - [[ | Festa de publicació de l'Ubuntu 11.04]] - Natty Narwhal a Les Borges Blanques
 * 2 de maig de 2011 - [[ | Festa d'instal·lació de l'Ubuntu a Les Corts, Barcelona]]
 * 2 d'abril de 2011 - [[ | Ubuntu Global Jam Natty Narwhal]] a Les Borges Blanques
 * 26 de febrer de 2011 - [[ | Festa d'instal·lació a la redacció de Vilaweb a Barcelona]]
 * Dijous 17 de febrer. 18.00 h Ubuntu Install Party a la biblioteca de Cardedeu
 * Dissabte, 12 de febrer · 10:00,Allibera el teu ordinador, vina a instalar UBUNTU a Caldes de Montbui,dinar comunitari i a les 17, 30 xerrada " El programari lliure:una qüestió de llibertat" per Josep Gallart,CENTRE DEMOCRÀTIC I PROGRESSISTA,Vallès Central C/ Corredosos de Baix s/n, organitza:CALDERINS pel PROGRAMARI LLIURE
 * Dissabte 29 de Gener,16.00h Ubuntu Install Party dins les II JORNADES ROBO.TIK
   Jornades entorn les noves tecnologies, programari lliure, pantalles, oci i educació.
 * March 3rd, 2012 [[|Ubuntu Global Jam]] at punt Òmnia Grupo Unión in Sant Adrià de Besòs. [[|Picture]] & [[|Picture]]
 * March 1st, 2012 Speech and install party at [[|Miguel Hernandez University]] in Elx.
 * November 24th, 2011 [[|Ubuntu 11.10 presentation and install party]] Caldes de Montbui Library.
 * November 12th, 2011 [[|Oneiric release party]] at center El Puntet in Lloret de Mar. [[|Pictures]], [[|Pictures]] & [[|Pictures]]
 * October 1st, 2011 Speech and install party at [[|Lan Party Volcànica]] in Olot.
 * August, 12th, 2011 [[|Ubuntu 11.04 Presentation and install party in Llimiana]].
 * June 16th, 2011 Ubuntu 11.04 presentation and Ubuntu low cost computer demos, at Caldes de Montbui.
 * June 4th, 2011 - [[ | Installa party in IES Sant Just Desvern]].
 * May 7th, 2011 - [[ | Natty Narwhal release party]] at Les Borges Blanques [[Group picture|]] [[Pictures|]] & [[|Pictures]] [[|Video]] [[|TV program "Ciberactivism" from National Television with images from the party and LoCo members' interviews]]
 * May 2nd, 2011 - [[ | Install party in Les Corts, Barcelona]]
 * April 2nd, 2011 - [[ | Ubuntu Global Jam Natty Narwhal]] in Les Borges Blanques
 * February 26th, 2011 - [[ | Install party at premises in Barcelona]]
 * February 17th, 2011 Ubuntu Install Party at Cardedeu Library.
 * February 12th, 2011 Free your computer, come install Ubuntu in Caldes de Montbui, speech "Free software: a question of freedom" by Josep Gallart.
 * January 29th, 2011 Ubuntu Install Party inside II JORNADES ROBO.TIK
   Journeys on new technologies, free software, screens, entertainment and education.
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   A càrrec de l'Àrea de tecnologia de l'Institut La Vall del Tenes i l'Equip UBUNTU.CAT.
 * 6 de novembre de 2010 - [[ | Festa de publicació de l'Ubuntu 10.10]] - Maverick Meerkat a Granollers
 * May 22nd and 23rd, 2010 - [[ | Ubuntu 10.04 Release Party]] - Lucid Lynx in València
   Àrea de tecnologia de l'Institut La Vall del Tenes and Ubuntu Catalan LoCo Team.
 * November 6th, 2010 - [[ | Ubuntu 10.10 release party]] - Maverick Meerkat in Granollers. [[|Pictures]] & [[|Pictures]]
 * May 22nd and 23rd, 2010 - [[ | Ubuntu 10.04 Release Party]] - Lucid Lynx in València. [[ | Summary with pictures from David Planella]]
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=== Fornightly Meetings ===

 * IRC : We have an online meeting the 1^st^ and 16^th^ of every month at 22:00h (local time) where we talk about our current projects and Team status. We maintain a wiki copy of all our [[CatalanTeam/IRC/Logs|meeting's logs]] for easy reading and consulting.

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== Fornightly Meetings ==

 * IRC : We have an online meeting the 1^st^ and 16^th^ of every month at 22:00h (local time) where we talk about our current projects and Team status. We maintain a wiki copy of all our [[CatalanTeam/IRC/Logs|meeting's logs]] for easy reading and consulting.

=== Next Meeting: Meeting 150 (2014-06-01) ===
Agenda: 1) Evaluation of Trusty Tahr Install Party. 2) Future plans of the team

=== Meeting 149 (2014-05-16) ===

=== Meeting 148 (2014-05-01) ===

=== Meeting 147 (2014-04-16) ===

=== Meeting 146 (2014-04-01) ===

=== Meeting 145 (2014-03-16) ===

=== Meeting 144 (2014-03-01) ===

=== Meeting 143 (2014-02-16) ===

=== Meeting 142 (2014-02-01) ===

=== Meeting 141 (2014-01-16) ===

=== Meeting 140 (2014-01-01) ===

=== Meeting 139 (2013-12-16) ===

=== Meeting 138 (2013-11-16) ===

=== Meeting 137 (2013-11-01) ===

=== Meeting 136 (2013-10-16) ===

=== Meeting 135 (2013-10-01) ===

=== All meetings: 1 (February 2007) - 149 (May 2014) ===
<<BR>>([[|Summaries and transcripts]])

Re-Verification Application for Catalan LoCo Team (ubuntu-cat)


The Ubuntu Catalan LoCo Team is a very active group of people that supports and spreads Ubuntu amongst the Catalan speaking community. It is the most important resource of information about Ubuntu in this language. We are a very heterogeneous and varied group of people focused on spreading the free software philosophy, specially Ubuntu. We are in a continuous improving process, and have several projects in mind that will be done by our different workgroups in the near (or not-so-near) future.

Key Details


  • November 2014 Festa utòpica Ubuntu at a place yet to consider.

  • September 19th: Ubuntu for users speech in La Palma de Cervelló, near Barcelona.

  • September 19th: Migration to Libreofice at Caldes City Hall speech.

  • More work, presentations and installations on Lubuntu for old computers switching from XP.
  • Document last party on LoCo Planet and Ubuntu Planet.

  • May 24th: install party at Centre Ateneu democràtic i progressista in Caldes de Montbui (near Barcelona).


Mailing Lists

We have two different mailing lists:

  • equip (team): this one is an, open to everybody, organizational purpose list, to help the team manage the daily tasks without messing in the info list.

  • info (technical help): as the description states, is where people ask for help with their Ubuntu problems.


  • With 2959 threads so far.



  • New Drupal-based website:

  • Main communication channel with the community.
  • Map with the community members location and another one with the events locations, linking to its information.

  • Points to forum, mailing lists, irc channel and wiki, to allow new people to know just one only reference point for all the Loco resources.

  • Catalan translation of the site from version 8.10 upwards. Not completed, but improving.

IRC Channel

Catalan Remix ISOs

Every release we present a set of ISOs including Catalan as default language complete with all language packages.


Active artwork team development: LoCo logo, desktop backgrounds, document templates, party announcements, t-shirt designs, sticker designs, pin designs, CD covers... Latest Lucid designs:

You can buy some items at cost price at Cafepress web shop

Fornightly Meetings

  • IRC : We have an online meeting the 1st and 16th of every month at 22:00h (local time) where we talk about our current projects and Team status. We maintain a wiki copy of all our meeting's logs for easy reading and consulting.

Next Meeting: Meeting 150 (2014-06-01)

Agenda: 1) Evaluation of Trusty Tahr Install Party. 2) Future plans of the team

Meeting 149 (2014-05-16)


Meeting 148 (2014-05-01)


Meeting 147 (2014-04-16)


Meeting 146 (2014-04-01)


Meeting 145 (2014-03-16)


Meeting 144 (2014-03-01)


Meeting 143 (2014-02-16)


Meeting 142 (2014-02-01)


Meeting 141 (2014-01-16)


Meeting 140 (2014-01-01)


Meeting 139 (2013-12-16)


Meeting 138 (2013-11-16)


Meeting 137 (2013-11-01)


Meeting 136 (2013-10-16)


Meeting 135 (2013-10-01)


All meetings: 1 (February 2007) - 149 (May 2014)

(Summaries and transcripts)

CatalanTeam/ReVerificationApplication2014 (last edited 2014-05-20 19:58:26 by alex.muntada)