
Differences between revisions 17 and 79 (spanning 62 versions)
Revision 17 as of 2010-04-17 16:28:12
Size: 10185
Editor: 52
Comment: ISO, cafepress, planets
Revision 79 as of 2016-11-07 16:00:34
Size: 20260
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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## page was copied from CatalanTeam/ReVerificationApplication2014
## page was copied from CatalanTeam/ReapprovalApplication2012
## page was copied from CatalanTeam/ReapprovalApplication2010
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= Re-Approval Application for Catalan LoCo Team (ubuntu-cat) = = Re-Verification Application for Catalan LoCo Team (ubuntu-cat) =

== To Do: verify the links, some are not working ==
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The Ubuntu Catalan LoCo Team is a very active, growing group of people that supports and spreads Ubuntu amongst the Catalan speaking community. It is the most important resource of information about Ubuntu in this language. We are a very heterogeneus and varied group of people focused on spreading the free software philosophy, specially Ubuntu. We are in a continuous improving process, and have several projects in mind that will be done by our different workgroups in the near (or not-so-near) future. The Ubuntu Catalan LoCo Team is an active group of people that supports and spreads Ubuntu amongst the Catalan speaking community. It is the most important resource of information about Ubuntu in this language. We are a very heterogeneous and varied group of people focused on spreading the free software philosophy, specially Ubuntu. We are in a continuous improving process, and have several projects in mind that will be done by our different workgroups in the near (or not-so-near) future.
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 * '''Date''' - ''April 20^th^, 2010''  * '''Date''' - ''October 11^th^, 2016''
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 * '''Membership''' - 222 members as of May 15th, 2007
 * '''Mailing Lists'''
  * '''info'''
 * '''Membership''' - 246 members at the mailing list
 * '''Mailing List:'''
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  * '''[[|Ubuntu Catalan Translators]]'''
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 * '''Planet:''' [[]]  * '''Planet:''' [[]]
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 * ''' group:''' [[|!ubuntaires]]
 * 4 Ubuntu members in our main team: [[|Rainct]], RafaelCarreras, JosepGallart and [[|Josep Sànchez]].
 * 3 Ubuntu members in our main team: WalterGarciaFontes, RafaelCarreras, and JosepGallart.
 * '''Team Reports:'''
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 * May 22^th^ and 23^th^, 2010 - [[ | Release party 10.04]] - Lucid Lynx Release Party in València.  * May 2017 Festa Z {*} in Nou Barris, Barcelona.
 * December 3^th^, 2016 [[|Install party in Sant Andreu]], Barcelona.
 * November 5^th^, 2016 [[|Festa xerrameca]] {*} in Ripoll.
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 * April 16^th^ and 17^th^, 2010 - Participation in [[CatalanTeam/JornadesGuifiNet | SAX 2010 Conference]] by [[ |]] in spite of their General Assembly, with a speech and install party.  * September 3rd, 2016 [[../../CatalanTeam/Activitats/JornadaTreball201609|Ubuntu No Jam]] in Ripoll.
 * June 13^th^, Participation in the book [[|Xarxa d'Innovació Pública]].
 * June 10^th^, 2016 Participation in "Festa d'unitat popular" of Sant Celoni, spreading Ubuntu and free software.
 * May 21st, 2016 [[../../CatalanTeam/Activitats/XenialXerus|Festa hospitalària]] {*} in Tortosa.
 * April 28^th^, 2016 Ubuntu speech at [[|Rotary Club Caldes De Montbui Cingles Del Bertí]].
 * April 19^th^, 2016 Ubuntu presentation at [[|Centre de Normalització Lingüística Penedès /Garraf]].
 * February 16^th^, 2016 Participation in [[|Mallorca en Xarxa]] talking about Ubuntu Phone.
 * December 5^th^, 2015 Ubuntu presentation at [[|El Figaró]].
 * November 28^th^, 2015 [[../../CatalanTeam/Activitats/WilyWerewolf|Festa astuta]] {*} in Olot during ''Volcànica Lan Party''.
 * May 9^th^, 2015 [[../../CatalanTeam/Activitats/VividVervet|Festa vívida]] {*} at the l'IES ''Nicolau Copèrnic'' in Terrassa.
 * February 23^th^, 2015 Gimp workshop at the ''Escola del Treball'' in Barcelona.
 * February 7^th^, 2015 [[../../CatalanTeam/Activitats/UbuntuGlobalJam022015|Ubuntu Global Jam]] at #ubuntu-cat channel in
 * November 25^th^, 2014 ''Ubuntu installation'' Seeing Ubuntu installation process and different versions, and the creation of an Ubuntu USB.
 * November 2014 [[|Festa utòpica]] {*} in Barcelona.
 *September 19^th^: Ubuntu for users speech in La Palma de Cervelló, near Barcelona.
 * September 19^th^: Migration to Libreofice at Caldes City Hall speech.
 * More work, presentations and installations on Lubuntu for old computers switching from XP.
 * Document last party on [[|LoCo Planet]] and [[|Ubuntu Planet]].
 * May 24^th^: install party at Centre Ateneu democràtic i progressista in Caldes de Montbui (near Barcelona).
 * May 17^th^, 2014 [[../../CatalanTeam/Activitats/TrustyTahr|Festa Trusty]] {*} at Torre Vicens school in Lleida. [[|Some photos,]] [[|and some more,]] [[|and still some more]] [[|A video of the party at the news on TV3, Catalan National TV]]
 * May 6^th^, 2014 LoCo receives an [[attachment:EscolaTreball.pdf|acknowledgment certificate]] for tasks made in the Escola del Treball de Barcelona.
 * April 5^th^, 2014 [[../../CatalanTeam/Activitats/UbuntuGlobalJam042014|Ubuntu Global Jam]] a [[|TEB]], Barcelona.
 * March 1st, 2014 [[../../CatalanTeam/Activitats/IEscolaAplicacionsUbuntu|First Ubuntu App Development]] ([[|App Dev School]]) at [[|MADE/MOB]]
 * December 13^th^, 2013 Ubuntu and Free Software speech in Molins de Rei.
 * November 15^th^, 2013, Ubuntu installations at Les cases dels mestres, Caldes de Montbui.
 * November 9^th^, 2013 [[../../CatalanTeam/Activitats/SaucySalamander|Festa Saucy]] {*} in Flix, Tarragona.
 * September 14^th^, 2013 [[../../CatalanTeam/Activitats/UbuntuGlobalJam092013|Ubuntu Global Jam in Granollers]].
 * June 15^th^, 2013 Mini-install party at Les Corts, Barcelona.
 * May 11^th^, 2013 [[../../CatalanTeam/Activitats/RaringRingtail|Festa Raring]] {*} at Les corts, Barcelona.
 * March 14^th^, 2013 Ubuntu presentation at the Escola del Treball of Barcelona.
 * March 6^th^, 2013 Ubuntu presentation in Sant Feliu de Guíxols.
 * March 2^th^, 2013 [[UbuntuGlobalJam]], at campus Nord de la UPC University in Barcelona.
 * February 16^th^, 2013 [[../../CatalanTeam/Activitats/JornadaCulturaLliure2013|Free Culture Day at Les Cases dels Mestres]], Caldes de Montbui.
 * January 25^th^, 2013 Install party at Les Cases dels Mestres, Caldes de Montbui.
 * November 10^th^, 2012 [[../../CatalanTeam/Activitats/QuantalQuetzal|Festa Quantal Quetzal]] {*} in Sant Adrià de Besòs.
 * September 8^th^, 2012 [[../../CatalanTeam/Activitats/UbuntuGlobalJam092012|Ubuntu Global Jam]] in Caldes de Montbui.
 * July 3^th^ to 10^th^, 2012 ''Ubuntu for trainers'', 10h course for adult trainers in Caldes de Montbui.
 * June 9^th^, 2012 Install party at Retirement home of Massalfassar (València).
 * May 26^th^, 2012 Barcelona. Presentation and Ubuntu install party.
 * May 19^th^ and 20^th^, 2012 ''Diada del Centre'' at Caldes de Montbui. Presentation and Ubuntu install party.
 * May 11^th^ and 12^th^, 2012 - [[ | Release party 12.04]] - Precise Pangolin Release Party in Terrassa.
 * May 10^th^, 2012 - 17:30 h Presentation and Ubuntu install party at Centre Cívic de Sant Feliu de Codines.
 * March 3rd, 2012 [[|Ubuntu Global Jam]] at punt Òmnia Grupo Unión in Sant Adrià de Besòs. [[|Picture]] & [[|Picture]]
 * March 1st, 2012 Speech and install party at [[|Miguel Hernandez University]] in Elx.
 * November 24th, 2011 [[../../CatalanTeam/Activitats/OneiricOcelot|Ubuntu 11.10 presentation and install party]] Caldes de Montbui Library.
 * November 12th, 2011 [[|Oneiric release party]] at center El Puntet in Lloret de Mar. [[|Pictures]], [[|Pictures]] & [[|Pictures]]
 * October 1st, 2011 Speech and install party at [[|Lan Party Volcànica]] in Olot.
 * August, 12th, 2011 [[|Ubuntu 11.04 Presentation and install party in Llimiana]].
 * June 16th, 2011 Ubuntu 11.04 presentation and Ubuntu low cost computer demos, at Caldes de Montbui.
 * June 4th, 2011 - [[ | Installa party in IES Sant Just Desvern]].
 * May 7th, 2011 - [[ | Natty Narwhal release party]] at Les Borges Blanques [[Group picture|]] [[Pictures|]] & [[|Pictures]] [[|Video]] [[|TV program "Ciberactivism" from National Television with images from the party and LoCo members' interviews]]
 * May 2nd, 2011 - [[ | Install party in Les Corts, Barcelona]]
 * April 2nd, 2011 - [[ | Ubuntu Global Jam Natty Narwhal]] in Les Borges Blanques
 * February 26th, 2011 - [[ | Install party at premises in Barcelona]]
 * February 17th, 2011 Ubuntu Install Party at Cardedeu Library.
 * February 12th, 2011 Free your computer, come install Ubuntu in Caldes de Montbui, speech "Free software: a question of freedom" by Josep Gallart.
 * January 29th, 2011 Ubuntu Install Party inside II JORNADES ROBO.TIK
   Journeys on new technologies, free software, screens, entertainment and education.
   Àrea de tecnologia de l'Institut La Vall del Tenes and Ubuntu Catalan LoCo Team.
 * November 6th, 2010 - [[ | Ubuntu 10.10 release party]] - Maverick Meerkat in Granollers. [[|Pictures]] & [[|Pictures]]
 * May 22nd and 23rd, 2010 - [[ | Ubuntu 10.04 Release Party]] - Lucid Lynx in València. [[ | Summary with pictures from David Planella]]
 * April 16^th^ and 17^th^, 2010 - Participation in [[CatalanTeam/JornadesGuifiNet | SAX 2010 Conference]] by [[ |]] in spite of their General Assembly, with a speech and install party. Speech video: [[|Part 1]] [[|Part2]]. Pictures: [[|1]], [[|2]]
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 * March 27^th^, 2010 - [[ | Ubuntu Global Jam]] at the "Campus Nord" (Northern Campus) from the UPC (Catalan Politechnical University) in Barcelona. Pictures: [[|1]], [[|2]].  * March 27^th^, 2010 - [[ | Ubuntu Global Jam]] at the "Campus Nord" (Northern Campus) from the UPC (Catalan Politechnical University) in Barcelona. Pictures: [[|1]], [[|2]], [[|3]].
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 * July 4^th^, 2009 - Install party and several mini-sessions at [[|Free Software Sessions 2009]] at [[|Universitat de Barcelona]]. Pictures: [[|1]], [[|2]].  * July 4^th^, 2009 - Install party and several mini-sessions at [[|Free Software Sessions 2009]] at [[|Universitat de Barcelona]]. Pictures: [[|1]].
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 * November 11^th^, 2008 : [[CatalanTeam/Intr%C3%A8pidHorta|Install-Intrèpid]] (8.10 Release Party) in València (L'Horta Nord).  * November 11^th^, 2008 : [[CatalanTeam/IntrèpidHorta|Install-Intrèpid]] (8.10 Release Party) in València (L'Horta Nord).
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 * April 26^th^, 2008 : [[CatalanTeam/HardyHorta|HortaHardy]] - Hardy Heron Welcome Party @Valencia! Pictures: [[|1]].
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 * January 26^th^, 2008 : [[CatalanTeam/Activitats/Gutsy/Valencia|FestaGutsy]] - Gutsy Gibbon Welcome Party @València! Pictures: [[|1]].  * January 26^th^, 2008 : [[CatalanTeam/Activitats/Gutsy/Valencia|FestaGutsy]] - Gutsy Gibbon Welcome Party @València! Pictures: [[|1]], [[|2]].
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 * October 18^th^, 2007 : [[CatalanTeam/GrescaGutsy|GrescaGutsy]] - Gutsy Gibbon Welcome Party @València!  * October 18^th^, 2007 : [[CatalanTeam/GrescaGutsy|GrescaGutsy]] - Gutsy Gibbon Welcome Party @València! [[|Pictures]]
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 * Previous work put in our original LoCo Aproval Application|]]

=== Mailing Lists ===

We have two different mailing lists:

 * [[|equip]] (team): this one is an, open to everybody, organizational purpose list, to help the team manage the daily tasks without messing in the info list.
 * [[|info]] (technical help): as the description states, is where people ask for help with their Ubuntu problems.
 * Previous work put in our original [[|LoCo Aproval Application]]

=== Mailing List ===

We recently joined our two different mailing lists on a single one in Ubuntu servers:
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D'on es poden treure???


  With 2959 threads so far.
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 * High activity planet with 4 weekly news and 24 blogging sources.  * Planet with 24 blogging sources.
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 * Not so high activity planet, youth ubuntaires, 13 blogging sources.

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 * New Drupal-based website:  * Drupal-based website:
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 * Maps with the community members location and another with the events locations, linking to its information.  * Map with the [[|community members location]] and [[|another one]] with the events locations, linking to its information.
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=== Fornightly Meetings ===

 * IRC : We have an online meeting the 1^st^ and 16^th^ of every month at 22:00h (local time) where we talk about our current projects and Team status. We maintain a wiki copy of all our [[CatalanTeam/IRC/Logs|meeting's logs]] for easy reading and consulting.

== Catalan Remix ISOs ==

Every release we present a set of ISOs including Catalan as default language complete with all language packages.


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You can buy some items at cost price at [[|Cafepress web shop]] == Fortnightly Meetings ==

 * IRC : We have an online meeting the first Wednesday of every month at 22:00h local time, where we talk about our current projects and Team status. We maintain a [[CatalanTeam/Reunions meetings wiki page]] with summaries and links to the complete transcripts for easy reading and consulting.

=== 2016-10-05 ===

=== 2016-09-07 ===

=== 2016-08-03 ===

=== 2016-07-06 ===

=== 2016-06-01 ===

=== 2016-05-04 ===

=== 2016-04-06 ===

=== 2016-03-02 ===

=== 2016-01-06 ===

== Other contributions and aspects ==
 * The Ubuntu Catalan Guide:
 * A repositories and installation server for release parties:
 * A Meetup group with more than 200 people:
 * The Telegram group "Ubuntuphonecat":

Re-Verification Application for Catalan LoCo Team (ubuntu-cat)

To Do: verify the links, some are not working


The Ubuntu Catalan LoCo Team is an active group of people that supports and spreads Ubuntu amongst the Catalan speaking community. It is the most important resource of information about Ubuntu in this language. We are a very heterogeneous and varied group of people focused on spreading the free software philosophy, specially Ubuntu. We are in a continuous improving process, and have several projects in mind that will be done by our different workgroups in the near (or not-so-near) future.

Key Details



Mailing List

We recently joined our two different mailing lists on a single one in Ubuntu servers:


  • With 2959 threads so far.



  • Drupal-based website:

  • Main communication channel with the community.
  • Map with the community members location and another one with the events locations, linking to its information.

  • Points to forum, mailing lists, irc channel and wiki, to allow new people to know just one only reference point for all the Loco resources.

  • Catalan translation of the site from version 8.10 upwards. Not completed, but improving.

IRC Channel


Active artwork team development: LoCo logo, desktop backgrounds, document templates, party announcements, t-shirt designs, sticker designs, pin designs, CD covers...

Fortnightly Meetings

  • IRC : We have an online meeting the first Wednesday of every month at 22:00h local time, where we talk about our current projects and Team status. We maintain a CatalanTeam/Reunions meetings wiki page with summaries and links to the complete transcripts for easy reading and consulting.










Other contributions and aspects

CatalanTeam/ReVerificationApplication2016 (last edited 2016-11-07 16:00:34 by walter-garcia)