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Ubuntu Next IRC Team Meeting Ubuntu


Our main goal of this meeting was to get the scheduling nailed down for our upcoming Ubuntu Global Jam. We took care of this issue, and covered a couple other topics as well. We had many more members attend this meeting than we did last month.

Agenda Items

The following agendas were proposed for this meeting:



Date Added

Which Meeting

Steve (swoody)

Ubuntu Global Jam Scheduling

Feb. 24, 2010

March 1, 2010

Draycen (ddecator)

Possible Team Projects/Goals

Feb. 24, 2010

March 1, 2010

Draycen (ddecator)

Wiki Page for Team Member Specializations

Feb. 26, 2010

March 1, 2010

Topic Details

Ubuntu Global Jam Scheduling - Steve Woodruff (swoody)


  • We need to get down to business and nail down a date and location for the upcoming Ubuntu Global Jam


  • The weekend of April 10th-11th seems to be best for most members to attend
  • OnShore Networks seems to be the favored location for the date/time we are looking for


  • Micah will double-check that we can hold this meeting at OnShore

  • If this location works out, it will be scheduled for the 11th of April - tentatively between noon and 5 PM

Possible Team Projects/Goals - Draycen (ddecator)


  • We as a team should get partner up with other projects and use our knowledge and experience to help how we can


  • There was much support from the team on this subject
  • BrainStorm

    • Ubuntu groups - Bugs, Docs, Triaging, etc.
    • Local, Chicago-based groups - FreeGeek Chicago

  • There was also a lot of support for seeing what we can do for FreeGeek Chicago

    • Ubuntu installs
    • Teaching users to use Ubuntu
    • Spreading flyers, internet posts, word of mouth
    • Joining with other local LUGs to work together on this project


  • Steve (swoody) will contact the FreeGeek Chicago group, and see how we can get involved as a group

  • This topic should also be brought to the mailing list to get more feedback and ideas

Wiki Page for Team Member Specializations - Draycen (ddecator)


  • There should be a wiki page to list various specializations for members - i.e. doc work, packaging, bug triaging, etc.


  • A list of this form may serve a purpose, but will most likely get outdated quickly
  • Personal wiki pages already exist with these types of information
  • Mailing lists and IRC are probably better channels for new users to ask for help on a particular subject
  • LP offers these searches in it's api


  • The wiki page won't be created


   1 21:01 < ddecator> ok, is everyone ready?
   2 21:01 <@nhandler> Yep
   3 21:01 < mnewton> Yea
   4 21:01 < ddecator> [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ChicagoTeam/Meetings
   5 21:01 < ddecator> [TOPIC] Recap from last meeting
   6 21:01 < ddecator> for those of you who were unable to make the last meeting, we discussed the team website which is in development
   7 21:02 < ddecator> any ideas for this site are still welcome on the wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ChicagoTeam/WebsiteIdeas
   8 21:02 < ddecator> we also discussed the Chi-Loco wallpaper PPA that has been setup by nhandler
   9 21:02 < ddecator> any wallpapers that you use can be added here: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-chicago/+junk/chiloco-wallpapers (so long as the licensing allows us to use it)
  10 21:03 < ddecator> any questions about those things?
  11 21:03 < ddecator> [TOPIC] Ubuntu Global Jam Scheduling
  12 21:04 < ddecator> swoody, you wanna discuss this one a little?
  13 21:05 <@nhandler> I can talk about it a little if swoody isn't around
  14 21:05 < ddecator> nhandler, go for it
  15 21:05 <@nhandler> Basically, we need 2 things. A date and a location
  16 21:06 <@nhandler> Once we have those things, the rest is easy
  17 21:06 < swoody> (sorry was afk a min, keep going nhandler)
  18 21:06 <@nhandler> nixternal expressed an interest in using Pumping Station One. But I am not sure if he ever followed up with it
  19 21:06 < mnewton> hiow about downtown again?
  20 21:06 < mnewton> how*
  21 21:07 <@nhandler> iirc we weren't able to get the institute of technology due to another event (or some other reason)
  22 21:07 <@nhandler> swoody: Want to take over discussing this?
  23 21:07 < mnewton> library?
  24 21:07 < ddecator> it would be nice if the location we choose is public transit accessible
  25 21:07 <@nhandler> I think the library was booked
  26 21:08 < swoody> nhandler: you can keep going if you'd like, I think you may know more details about locations at this point..
  27 21:08 < zz> nhandler, did you check all the rooms? ;)
  28 21:08 < swoody> I just wanted to make sure this topic came up for discussion is all
  29 21:08 <@nhandler> zz: I think we did, but I am not positive right now
  30 21:08 < ddecator> well, one problem with the date will be spring break for colleges
  31 21:09 <@nhandler> ddecator: Yep. I might not be around, and nixternal said he might be gone too
  32 21:09 < ddecator> i will be in michigan from the 19th - 28th
  33 21:09 < swoody> very true ddecator, which why I was thinking it may be a good idea to push this back to the 3rd or 4th of April
  34 21:09 < zz> i will be out of town from 16th to the 5th
  35 21:10 < swoody> it would also give us a bit longer to lock down a location
  36 21:10 <@nhandler> swoody: Either that, or the week after
  37 21:10 < ddecator> the week after would work for zz then too
  38 21:10 < swoody> nhandler: the 10th would work well too :)
  39 21:10 < ddecator> 10th and/or 11th ;)
  40 21:10 < swoody> yes ^
  41 21:11 < ddecator> (everyone, please feel free to voice your opinions, we want as many people to come as possible)
  42 21:11 <@nhandler> I think the library worked out fairly well. If it is open on any of those days, I think it would be great to try and book it
  43 21:11 < mnewton> I can't make the 10th - religious commitments
  44 21:11 < ddecator> where is the library located?
  45 21:11 < zz> schaumburg and roselle
  46 21:11 < zz> in schaumburg, stdl.org
  47 21:12 < ddecator> does cta go out that far?
  48 21:12 < ddecator> mnewton, how about the 11th?
  49 21:12 < mnewton> that works for me
  50 21:12 <@nhandler> ddecator: I believe there is a train station pretty close. And I think we had people offering to shuttle
  51 21:12 < zz> metra goes to roselle, schaumbueg, medinah
  52 21:12 < zz> all withen easy driving distance to the library
  53 21:13 < ddecator> nhandler, ok that would work for me then, as long as the metra station is close or someone can pick me up at the station
  54 21:13 < zz> someone would need to pick you  up ddecator
  55 21:13 < zz> rich or I could
  56 21:13 <@nhandler> rockfx01 said you might also be able to take a pace bus
  57 21:13 < ddecator> zz, good to know, we can figure that out later
  58 21:14 <@nhandler> This is all assuming the library is available. It tends to fill up fast
  59 21:14 < ddecator> nhandler, i'd prefer not to since i'd have to get a pass (they don't accept upass anymore)
  60 21:14 < ddecator> alright, well lets first figure out if that's the weekend we want
  61 21:14 < ddecator> does that weekend work for everyone? (the 10th and/or 11th of april)
  62 21:15 < swoody> +1 from me
  63 21:15 <@nhandler> I think it should work for me.
  64 21:15 < wvalters> ok by me
  65 21:15 < mnewton> 11th is good
  66 21:15 < zz> shouldn't be a problem here
  67 21:15 < ddecator> should work for me too
  68 21:16 < ddecator> now, do we want to do the 11th only, or both days and people can come to one or both?
  69 21:16 <@nhandler> I think 2 days would be pushing it
  70 21:16 < ddecator> it would be hard for people traveling
  71 21:16 < mnewton> depends on who can present what and when
  72 21:17 < swoody> I think it may work better as a one-day event
  73 21:17 < ddecator> should we just plan on the 11th then? if people want to meet on the 10th they can set something up themselves
  74 21:17 < mnewton> =)
  75 21:17 < mnewton> sounds good to me =)
  76 21:18 < zz> the library is booked part of the day
  77 21:18 < ddecator> zz, what part?
  78 21:18 < ddecator> that's the next thing we need to figure out...
  79 21:18 <@nhandler> zz: Yeah, I just pulled it up. It looks like we could only use it after 3 or 4
  80 21:18 < zz> 12:30 - 4:30
  81 21:19 < ddecator> hm, how long do we want? that's not too late for me, but i don't know about everyone else
  82 21:19 < zz> that would give us 5 hours, lemme check when they close
  83 21:19 < swoody> how does the 3rd/4th look?
  84 21:19 < ddecator> maybe nixternal could look at PS1 as well?
  85 21:19 < zz> sunday till 9
  86 21:19 < ddecator> so 4.5 hours...
  87 21:19 < zz> so gives up five hours
  88 21:20 < zz> yeah around five hours
  89 21:20 < swoody> I'm not sure how many people would be in favor of pushing it that late on a sunday though :/
  90 21:20 < ddecator> true...
  91 21:20 < wvalters> especially those of us who get up at 5
  92 21:20 < ddecator> other venue options?
  93 21:21 <@nhandler> specialKevin: You there?
  94 21:21 < ddecator> i would say depaul, but i'm guessing everyone will want internet for this
  95 21:22 < captivus> Good evening, all.  My apologies for the tardy join.
  96 21:22 <@nhandler> ddecator: Yeah, internet would be nice
  97 21:22 < swoody> welcome captivus :)
  98 21:22 < mnewton> 2 - 6pm?
  99 21:22 < ddecator> captivus, no problem! we're currently discussing the global jam and we're deciding date and location. right now we're looking at the 11th of april
 100 21:22 < swoody> captivus: how does the weekend of the 10th/11th look for you for Global Jam?
 101 21:24 < captivus> Well ... I expect that I'll still be departing on Sundays in April (as a continuation of my current travel schedule) so it will be tight.
 102 21:24 < ddecator> so the library probably won't work that day, someone would have to check PS1. any other possibilities?
 103 21:24 < captivus> That said, I'll not be the constraining factor in planning this.
 104 21:24 < ddecator> captivus, do you normally have to leave at night?
 105 21:25 < captivus> I'm happy, as I've done before, to reserve a spot for us if we choose STDL as the venue.
 106 21:25 <@nhandler> ddecator: If we go with a sunday, we might be able to hold it at onshore networks.
 107 21:25 < captivus> ddecator: Sunday afternoons, when I'm travelling to the west coast.
 108 21:25 <@nhandler> micahg: ^^^
 109 21:25 < micahg> nhandler: sure
 110 21:25 < zz> captivus, seems booked for the dates we want
 111 21:25 < swoody> captivus: that's where we're looking into atm :)
 112 21:25 < micahg> I would definitely prefer the city as I'm w/out a car right now
 113 21:26 < captivus> Who is on-point, talking to the fellow at the library?
 114 21:26 <@nhandler> captivus: They have their schedule online
 115 21:26 < ddecator> nhandler, does onshore networks have availability online?
 116 21:26 < micahg> ddecator: that's my company :)
 117 21:26 <@nhandler> :)
 118 21:26 < micahg> or rather the one I work for :/
 119 21:26 < ddecator> micahg, very nice =)
 120 21:27 < ddecator> haha, close enough
 121 21:27 < captivus> I hear onShore only employs handsome webdevs ...
 122 21:27 < ddecator> micahg, would that work on april 11th?
 123 21:27 < micahg> yep, passover's over, so should be fine, but I would have to double check
 124 21:28 < ddecator> great! what time of day are we thinking?
 125 21:28 < ddecator> micahg, where exactly is the office located? downtown?
 126 21:28 < zz> ddecator, they are on the wiki iirc :-P
 127 21:28 < micahg> ddecator: chicago and noble
 128 21:28 < captivus> nhandler: I read this schedule differently ...
 129 21:28 <@nhandler> ddecator: http://loco.ubuntu.com/venues/8/detail/
 130 21:28 < captivus> nhandler: The only room I see reserved on 4/11 is an Adult Classroom ...
 131 21:29 < zz> captivus, make sure they are all checked
 132 21:29 < ddecator> zz, nhandler , ah, thanks, haha
 133 21:29 < captivus> zz: I did
 134 21:29 < captivus> Sunday, 4/11 -- Adult Classroom reserved 1300 - 1500.
 135 21:29 <@nhandler> Well, I always misread that calendar, so don't take my work for anything
 136 21:29 < captivus> ... that's all I see.
 137 21:30 < captivus> nhandler: I didn't even know it was available until just now! ;)
 138 21:30 < captivus> They've seemingly redesigned the site since last I visited.
 139 21:30 < ddecator> well onShore would be easier for public transit travelers
 140 21:31 < swoody> +1, probably easier to get into the city via public transport than out to a suburb
 141 21:31 < micahg> +1
 142 21:31 < ddecator> any objections to onShore? (assuming it's open)
 143 21:31 < swoody> none here
 144 21:32 < zz> nhandler, how would you be getting to onshore?
 145 21:32 <@nhandler> At this point, we basically need to just get a location booked.
 146 21:32 < ddecator> alright, micahg you mind double checking that for us soon?
 147 21:32 <@nhandler> zz: I'll probably take the train in and find a ride from the train station with someone
 148 21:32 <@nhandler> Can someone also double check on the library just in case?
 149 21:32 < zz> union station?
 150 21:32 < wvalters> If ou do in the city earlier is better for the far suburban folks
 151 21:32 <@nhandler> zz: Western
 152 21:32 < ddecator> nhandler, depending on the station i can help you out with cta
 153 21:32 < micahg> ddecator: I can ask, but I don't know if I can get that guaranteed so far in advance...
 154 21:32 < zz> nhandler, i see it booked but captivus doesn't see it booked, i don't understand
 155 21:33 < micahg> I'll only be able to do 12-5ish
 156 21:33  * micahg has to catch a bus
 157 21:33 < ddecator> micahg, that's fine, as long as we have an idea of whether or not it's a possibility
 158 21:33 < captivus> zz: Oh, I forgot to mention that I'm kind of a big deal at the Schaumburg Library, so they're probably showing me a different schedule.
 159 21:33 < captivus> </LIES>
 160 21:33 < swoody> lol
 161 21:33 < zz> http://programs.stdl.org/v6/lib/roomrequest.asp?mode= that the link?
 162 21:34 < mnewton> lol
 163 21:34 <@nhandler> I forgot to mention, I added an event for this on the LoCo Directory. We can try and use this to track people who are planning on coming: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/10/detail/
 164 21:35 < ddecator> on the library site, the adult classroom is the only one i see open
 165 21:36 < captivus> I've just confirmed that Adult Classroom is available starting at 1530, Rasmussen North and South at 1630 and 1700, respectively.
 166 21:36 < captivus> ... but that only leaves 4 hours or so
 167 21:36 < ddecator> alright, so onShore sounds like the most likely venue
 168 21:36 < captivus> (I'm searching using a now-reduced-from-6-to-4-hour window.)
 169 21:36 < ddecator> 12-5, yes micahg ?
 170 21:36  * micahg should check the bus schedules
 171 21:37 < ddecator> especially now that they aren't running as much...
 172 21:37 < swoody> those hours sound much better, too :)
 173 21:37 <@nhandler> We can always modify the times to match up with the trains/buses if needed
 174 21:37 < ddecator> true
 175 21:37 <@nhandler> A date/place are the important pieces of info right now
 176 21:37 < captivus> micahg: Nah, don't worry about it -- swoody and nixternal have both, kindly, volunteered to operate as shuttles to and from the venue during the Jam.
 177 21:37 <@nhandler> And since we decided to push our jam back a bit, we have some more time ;)
 178 21:37 < ddecator> alright, so as of right now, April 11, onShore, 12-5
 179 21:38 < captivus> Was ... was I the only person who saw that email thread they sent out on the mailing list?
 180 21:38 < ddecator> captivus, which one?
 181 21:38 < captivus> . . .
 182 21:38 < swoody> captivus: hey, I said we could work it out, I didn't say I can drive ;)
 183 21:38 < captivus> LOL -- sorry, I forgot to add </CONTRIVED RUBBISH>
 184 21:38 < micahg> ddecator: wfm
 185 21:38 < swoody> :)
 186 21:39 < ddecator> alright, good deal! any more questions about global jam at this point?
 187 21:39 < ddecator> [TOPIC] Possible Team Projects/Goals
 188 21:39 < ddecator> alright, i'm gonna be honest. i'm not sure how this would work out
 189 21:40 < ddecator> but i thought i'd bring up the possibility of the team collaborating on a certain project of some kind (open to ideas)
 190 21:40 <@nhandler> The website and chiloco-wallpapers were both attempts at this
 191 21:40 <@nhandler> Neither has really gotten off of the ground so far
 192 21:41 < ddecator> that's what i was afraid of
 193 21:41 < ddecator> i feel like we have so much going on individually that it's hard to bring everyone together except for things like global jam
 194 21:41 < zz> now why aren't these getting off?
 195 21:41 < musikgoat|main> yey, hi all
 196 21:41 < micahg> we could adopt one of the top 100 packages w/bugs: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+upstreamreport
 197 21:41 < swoody> welcome musikgoat|main :)
 198 21:42 < ddecator> for me, wallpapers: i don't have any to upload because i'm unsure about licensing, website: i don't know more than basic html scripting
 199 21:42 <@nhandler> zz: For the wallpapers, nobody besides Jim submitted anything. For the site, we didn't have any designs submitted and nixternal got busy
 200 21:42 < ddecator> micahg, +1
 201 21:42 < musikgoat|main> is there a live log?
 202 21:42 < captivus> I post an idea that I've seen successfully implemented elsewhere:  Create a sub-group within the LoCo for the projects -- e.g. a SIG for Ubuntu development -- and use that to drive the projects.
 203 21:42 < zz> why aren't people submitting ideas is what i mean
 204 21:42 <@nhandler> musikgoat|main: We just started discussing Possible Team Projects/Goals
 205 21:43 < musikgoat|main> nhandler: thanks!
 206 21:43 <@nhandler> musikgoat|main: Logs of the first part of the meeting will be posted on the wiki later
 207 21:43 < captivus> I tend to agree with ddecator's assessment of one of the contributing factors to the failure-to-launch we've observed.
 208 21:43 < captivus> Gah -- s/post/posit in my earlier line
 209 21:43 < ddecator> i was thinking working on a project like helping with a package would allow everyone with all different skills to contribute in some way
 210 21:43 < ddecator> whether it be packaging, triage, docs, testing, etc.
 211 21:44 <@nhandler> rockfx01: If they are licensed fine, go ahead and submit them (and please identify with nickserv: /msg nickserv help identify)
 212 21:44 < ddecator> whether or not this would work, i don't know, but i thought it might have more appeal since it's something most of us are familiar with. we could just focus the group together instead of being spread out
 213 21:45 <@nhandler> I'm not sure it will work, but I have no objections to trying it
 214 21:45 < ddecator> nhandler, won't know till we try =)
 215 21:45 < swoody> musikgoat|main: if you want to catch up a bit: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/z1as17SV
 216 21:45 < ddecator> is there a package or project people are interested in?
 217 21:45 < musikgoat|main> tanks swoody
 218 21:45 < swoody> np :)
 219 21:46 < micahg> ddecator: +1 for pidgin :)
 220 21:46 < ddecator> maybe one of the ones on the wiki that "really should be adopted"? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/AdoptPackage
 221 21:46 < ddecator> haha, why am i not surprised micahg ? =p
 222 21:46 < swoody> while there has been a lot of Ubuntu-specific work, I don't think there has really been much focus lately on doing things to help our local community...
 223 21:47 < ddecator> swoody, such as?
 224 21:47 < swoody> maybe something like helping FreeGeek, or another local group
 225 21:47 < swoody> a way to do good, and spread Ubuntu at the same time
 226 21:47 < ddecator> hm, is that something we could do from our homes?
 227 21:47 <@nhandler> I guess our biggest issue is a lack of contact with such groups, which makes it hard to get involved.
 228 21:47 < swoody> ( www.freegeek.org )
 229 21:48 < swoody> ddecator: we probably could for the most part. We can have people go about contacting places, trying to find donations of old computers for the group, etc.
 230 21:48 < rockfx01> freecycle would be a good place to find old computers
 231 21:49 < ddecator> that's not a bad idea...i'm just worried how many people would actually get around to contacting a lot of people
 232 21:49 < musikgoat|main> ddecator: contact who?
 233 21:50 < ddecator> musikgoat|main, places that might donate older computers, or individuals
 234 21:50 < musikgoat|main> couldn't someone contact freegeek to see if they could use volunteers for their current services?
 235 21:50 < captivus> swoody: That's not a bad idea at all.  We could partner with other local LUGs (or the like) to do some proverbial "good" while compensating for our, apparently, tepid interest as a group.
 236 21:50 < swoody> well a good part of it could be spreading flyers, posting on the interwebs, etc.
 237 21:50 < swoody> spreading the word for the group 
 238 21:50 < ddecator> that idea i like
 239 21:50 < ddecator> swoody, you want to contact them? ;)
 240 21:50 <@nhandler> I think if we were to organize some event where we help install and setup Ubuntu on some computers or do something similar, people would show up. They just don't like helping with the planning stage
 241 21:50 < musikgoat|main> heh
 242 21:50 < ddecator> oh, i like that idea too...
 243 21:51 < swoody> we're all spread out throughout the Chicagoland area, think of how much ground we could cover ;)
 244 21:51 < captivus> Yah, that's another good one.
 245 21:51 < ddecator> nhandler, as long as we have a few of us willing to plan, that shouldn't be a problem ;)
 246 21:51 < swoody> ddecator: I wouldn't mind getting in touch with them, if we had enough interest and support from the Loco that it would make it worthwhile
 247 21:52 < ddecator> well, i'm interested. we could also send out an email about it. who else here is interested?
 248 21:52 < ddecator> (i could even try to contact the odd lug at my school to see if they would help...)
 249 21:53 < musikgoat|main> so if we were to do this, nhandler's idea, we would need to collect hardware, build systems, get systems working well, then find the people that need them,  right?
 250 21:53 < captivus> ddecator: Please clarify which of the propositions you are soliciting votes of interest in.
 251 21:53 < ddecator> captivus, ah, sorry
 252 21:53 < wvalters> Instead of a Bug Jam should we not have a meeting to discuss all of this?  It is a lot easier to go back and forth face to face, and getting someone to commit to doing soething over IRC is not all that easy
 253 21:53 <@nhandler> musikgoat|main: It would depend on the place. Some places might have some old computers that they received, but are unusable with windows. Installing ubuntu on them might be all it takes to get them working well
 254 21:54 < ddecator> we could maybe combine the two
 255 21:54 < ddecator> depending on what freegeek is looking for
 256 21:54 < zz> agreed ddecator and wvalters
 257 21:54 < musikgoat|main> right, freegeek has all of the work down... thats what they do
 258 21:55 < ddecator> swoody, i think we have enough interest to at least see what we would be doing exactly =)
 259 21:55 < musikgoat|main> so we could collectively offer our volunteer services
 260 21:55 < swoody> sorry, this is FreeGeek Chicago: http://www.freegeekchicago.org/
 261 21:55 < swoody> other link was to Oregon :P
 262 21:55 < ddecator> they look for people to teach about computers...
 263 21:56 < swoody> that too :)
 264 21:56 < mnewton_afk> i like that
 265 21:56 < ddecator> so we could see if they're interested in having us put ubuntu on some of their older systems, then maybe show people how to use it?
 266 21:56 < mnewton_afk> how doi sign up?
 267 21:57 < musikgoat|main> http://www.freegeekchicago.org/volunteer/  :  Check out our calendar  for volunteer opportunities or contact us to learn  more.
 268 21:57 < musikgoat|main> mnewton_afk:^^
 269 21:57 < ddecator> that sounds like something a lug should be doing ;)
 270 21:57 < mnewton_afk> it seems inactive
 271 21:57 < mnewton_afk> only activity was in january
 272 21:57 < musikgoat|main> heh
 273 21:57 < ddecator> mnewton_afk, maybe they just don't have many people helping out right now
 274 21:58 < mnewton_afk> i see.
 275 21:58 < swoody> maybe they'd welcome an entire loco's help, and it would get things kicked off again :)
 276 21:58 < ddecator> that's the kind of thing i like to hear ;)
 277 21:58 < swoody> either way, I can shoot them a message, and see what we can do for them
 278 21:58 < ddecator> swoody, mind trying to get in contact with them then?
 279 21:59 < ddecator> there we go!
 280 21:59 < ddecator> alright, any more questions or comments about this topic?
 281 21:59 < musikgoat|main> swoody: I think thats great... imho, offer our time as a group, our services from a ubuntu training perspective, and our services from a building and labor perspective.   anyone agree?
 282 21:59 < swoody> I think we'll need to move this to the mailing list to get more people's input, too :)
 283 22:00 < wvalters> Guys i gotta roll, make sure minutes end up on the wiki.
 284 22:00 < ddecator> swoody, agreed, since you love the ML so much ;)
 285 22:00 < musikgoat|main> see ya wvalters
 286 22:00 < swoody> musikgoat|main: that sounds good to me :)
 287 22:00 < swoody> ddecator: it's useful ;)
 288 22:00 < ddecator> haha, alright, sounds good
 289 22:00 < ddecator> ok
 290 22:00 < ddecator> [TOPIC] Wiki Page for Team Member Specializations
 291 22:01 < ddecator> here is my thought on the subject
 292 22:01 < ddecator> i think it would be nice if we had an extension of the members page where members could, voluntarily, put their specializations up for others to see
 293 22:01 < ddecator> that way, any new members who have questions but don't know where to turn, can see who they should talk to
 294 22:02 <@nhandler> ddecator: Didn't we get rid of the member list wiki page?
 295 22:02 < zz> yes the page is gone
 296 22:02 < mnewton> where?
 297 22:02 < ddecator> nhandler, is it completely gone? i thought it just linked to lp
 298 22:02 < swoody> ddecator: it's gone ;)
 299 22:02 < musikgoat|main> it does
 300 22:02 < musikgoat|main> i saw a link somewhere on the wiki that points to our group page
 301 22:02 < musikgoat|main> on LP
 302 22:03 < musikgoat|main> was that removed?
 303 22:03 < swoody> how about on the 'Contact Us' page?
 304 22:03 <@nhandler> ddecator: Instead, people should update their own wiki pages to mention that sort of info
 305 22:03 < swoody> maybe just list one or two people per subject?
 306 22:03 < ddecator> nhandler, that could work if we just mentioned somewhere to check for our wiki pages since new members may not know about them
 307 22:03 < swoody> musikgoat|main: no, that's still there, but there was an actual wiki page with nothing but a long list of members and their info
 308 22:04 < musikgoat|main> swoody: that would be fine, but can someone explain the point of this?
 309 22:04 < swoody> that list was removed
 310 22:04 < musikgoat|main> ahh
 311 22:04 < ddecator> but i was thinking it'd be nice for new members to be able to see "Bug Triaging: ddecator, micahg, etc."
 312 22:05 < musikgoat|main> sorry, that seemed kind of rude
 313 22:05 < musikgoat|main> hmm
 314 22:05 < ddecator> i know i still have no idea what a lot of you guys are involved in...
 315 22:05 <@nhandler> ddecator: Look at our wiki pages to find out ;)
 316 22:05 < swoody> but I do see your point ddecator...
 317 22:06 < swoody> surfing through 20 wiki pages to find someone to talk to about bug triaging seems a bit much
 318 22:06 < ddecator> nhandler, but why go through everyone's if i just want to find someone involved in packaging?
 319 22:06 < ddecator> maybe not a members page, but an addition to "contact us" like swoody suggested
 320 22:06 < ddecator> people can just add themselves
 321 22:06 < musikgoat|main> so lets make some logic out of it :)
 322 22:07 <@nhandler> ddecator: Because these types of pages tend to become outdated very fast
 323 22:07 < musikgoat|main> scrape personal wiki pages for triage and other fine words :P
 324 22:07 < swoody> nhandler: that is true, too ;)
 325 22:07 < musikgoat|main> does launchpad have an api that makes the user information accessible?
 326 22:07 < ddecator> that'd be nice...
 327 22:07 <@nhandler> musikgoat|main: I believe that info is available via the api. If not, file a bug
 328 22:08 < ddecator> something that shows who is in bugsquad, bugcontrol, devs, etc.
 329 22:09 < ddecator> hm...
 330 22:09 < zz> or they could request help on the ML as that is pretty active
 331 22:09 < swoody> would that work for multiple groups? Like if you wanted to find someone in Ubuntu-Chicago and bug squad?
 332 22:09 < musikgoat|main> as ddecator did, iirc
 333 22:09 < ddecator> musikgoat|main, hm? the ML?
 334 22:10 <@nhandler> There is also a greasemonkey script that you might like
 335 22:10 <@nhandler> It shows icons next to everyone's name on LP to show what teams they are on
 336 22:10 < ddecator> nhandler, i have it ;)
 337 22:10 < musikgoat|main> ddecator: i think you sent out an email to the ML saying hi and who you could talk to about what you wanted to get involved in
 338 22:11 < ddecator> musikgoat|main, yah i probably did...i guess that works, i just forget about the mailing list since it hasn't been very active lately =p
 339 22:11 < ddecator> alright, good enough for me
 340 22:11 < ddecator> any final thoughts, concerns, questions, comments, etc?
 341 22:11 < musikgoat|main> I think that the list is a nice idea, but nhandler is right about the upkeep issue
 342 22:12 < ddecator> yah, maybe it's something we could work into the team website with the api later on or something
 343 22:12 < zz> ddecator, add that to the wiki site idea page then
 344 22:13 < ddecator> zz, i'm going to =)
 345 22:13 < ddecator> alright, anything else anybody wants to discuss?
 346 22:13 < zz> good, it's nice to get activity on a wiki page you created besides yourself ;)
 347 22:13 < swoody> nothing here
 348 22:13 <@nhandler> Nope. I think the global jam item was the important thing.
 349 22:14 < ddecator> [END MEETING]

ChicagoTeam/Meetings/Minutes/2010-03-01 (last edited 2010-03-02 05:00:53 by adsl-75-57-135-176)